View Full Version : What is up with the EU?

08-21-2007, 06:40 PM

Now what in the hell does European Union get off at telling Texas what they should do?!

08-21-2007, 06:41 PM
Only 400?

Why the hell is Texas so slow?
Maybe we can get China to tell the Gov. to speed it up.

08-21-2007, 06:43 PM
You know I saw that article as well a bit ago.... I felt pretty much the same way you do from the looks of it....

My thoughts are.... When the EU get's their collective head outta their collective arse and gets all their ducks in a row and their side of the globe into a state of Utopia.... THEN and ONLY THEN.... should they even START THINKING ABOUT TELLIN US HOW TO DO THINGS!!!!

*Rant Off*


08-21-2007, 06:52 PM
Gov. Perry ought to speed this one up and have a couple of more lined up to spite the EU.

08-21-2007, 08:07 PM
personally I don't think I should have to pay the upkeep for " life in prison "

08-21-2007, 08:12 PM
There is a debate whether it costs more to keep them locked up or to kill them by lethal injection.

I think we chould take a tea leaf out of China's book and send the families of the excuted a bill....for the 1 bullet it takes to kill them.

08-21-2007, 10:38 PM
There is a debate whether it costs more to keep them locked up or to kill them by lethal injection.

It typically is more expensive to execute someone. The trial, appeals, actual execution, etc cost a ton of money. Building and maintaining the facility costs a bit more. Then their are the costs of the battles to keep executions legal, and the research that goes into it. It costs taxpayers well over a million dollars to execute someone.
If someone is forty years old and is going to live to seventy it's cheaper to incarcerate them. If someone is twenty and is going to live to ninety it would be cheaper to execute them. I'd bet the average age of people executed close to fifty though.

Killer V
08-21-2007, 10:55 PM
All Americans are cruel and unjust according to the EU. Thay can my my Texan #$%!

08-21-2007, 11:37 PM
The US tells the rest of the world how they should live,act, run their country. We even invade to "make" them live the way we want to, so why not the EU?

Or should we have the exclusive right on how to tell/make others live?

We are a joke, we tell other countries to have fair elections, and when the people of that country do, and vote in someone WE don't want to be in charge, we don't accept it. Such hypocrits.

Oh and before you say it, I am PRO death penalty.

08-21-2007, 11:41 PM
Or should we have the exclusive right on how to tell/make others live?


the EU is cruel and inhumane

08-22-2007, 12:01 AM
We ain't talking about the EU telling the US. Their trying to tell Texas. The US isn't going to listen to them, what makes you think those rednecks in Austin are going to listen?

As for everything else you said...well we have the guns, the military, the money. Hell yes we'll enforce our will. We'll on top and the crap rolls down hill. Its time go in there get all the oil and scorch the rest. So I say its about time we started carpet bombing problem areas and make a statement. Impose our will dammit! :cuss:

08-22-2007, 12:07 AM
We ain't talking about the EU telling the US. Their trying to tell Texas. The US isn't going to listen to them, what makes you think those rednecks in Austin are going to listen?

As for everything else you said...well we have the guns, the military, the money. Hell yes we'll enforce our will. We'll on top and the crap rolls down hill. Its time go in there get all the oil and scorch the rest. So I say its about time we started carpet bombing problem areas and make a statement. Impose our will dammit! :cuss:

Man I sure hope you are joking. So what happens when a country decides WE need to change the way we run OUR country. Or several countries? By what you said they would have every right to do so, because might makes right. So according to your theory, Germany did nothing wrong with the Jews in WW2, they where stronger so screw the jews. Sadam did nothing wrong either, he had the power to kill his own people so screw them. WoW, I really do hope you're joking.

Well lets take it further, my gun is bigger than yours so I should be able to walk on in, take your house, car, dog, kids and wife. After all my gun is bigger.

08-22-2007, 12:35 AM
We ain't talking about the EU telling the US. Their trying to tell Texas. The US isn't going to listen to them, what makes you think those rednecks in Austin are going to listen?

As for everything else you said...well we have the guns, the military, the money. Hell yes we'll enforce our will. We'll on top and the crap rolls down hill. Its time go in there get all the oil and scorch the rest. So I say its about time we started carpet bombing problem areas and make a statement. Impose our will dammit! :cuss:

whats our national debt? 3 trillion now?

08-22-2007, 12:44 AM
The EU telling the US is one thing.

But they are telling Texas.
And we will never listen.

The rest of the US can worry about gay marriage, we just want to kill people.
Nuff said.

08-22-2007, 12:49 AM
whats our national debt? 3 trillion now?

don't matter we'll just keep piling it on.
edit--I really don't think the boys on capital hill care.

08-22-2007, 12:50 AM
The EU telling the US is one thing.

But they are telling Texas.
And we will never listen.

The rest of the US can worry about gay marriage, we just want to kill people.
Nuff said.

You don't think they are all connected?

As I said I am pro death penalty but how many black people compared to white have been killed using the death penalty in Texas? How many black people compared to white have been convicted of a crime that carries the dp? Sorry, but I have spent a lot of time in Tx over the years, not exactly the most racial equality minded people.

Sence you brought it up, why does anybody need to "worry" about gay marriage. Give every American the same rights, enough said.

08-22-2007, 12:53 AM
You don't think they are all connected?

As I said I am pro death penalty but how many black people compared to white have been killed using the death penalty in Texas? How many black people compared to white have been convicted of a crime that carries the dp? Sorry, but I have spent a lot of time in Tx over the years, not exactly the most racial equality minded people.

Sence you brought it up, why does anybody need to "worry" about gay marriage. Give every American the same rights, enought said.

because this is a government and country highly based on religion. Homosexuality means you are going straight to hell... there for in a political stand point, its wrong :tard:

08-22-2007, 12:55 AM
Sorry, but I have spent a lot of time in Tx over the years, not exactly the most racial equality minded people.

Sence you brought it up, why does anybody need to "worry" about gay marriage.

Most feel the same about gays here in the South.

08-22-2007, 12:58 AM
because this is a government and country highly based on religion. Homosexuality means you are going straight to hell... there for in a political stand point, its wrong :tard:

The founding fathers would strongly disagree with you on this statement, but sad to say you're right. Which is also the major problem with this country. Poeple need to worry about their own morality, and not what their neighbor is doing. I find it funny that some of the biggest bible thumpers end up with male prostitutes, didling little kids or in some other kind of "evil" acts. Of course they have a built in excuse thanks to religion, the devil made them do it.

08-22-2007, 01:04 AM
You don't think they are all connected?

As I said I am pro death penalty but how many black people compared to white have been killed using the death penalty in Texas? How many black people compared to white have been convicted of a crime that carries the dp? Sorry, but I have spent a lot of time in Tx over the years, not exactly the most racial equality minded people.

Sence you brought it up, why does anybody need to "worry" about gay marriage. Give every American the same rights, enough said.

Hey nub,
look up a word in the dictionary-sarcasm.

You obviously have spent time in the wrong areas sir.
Because there are almost as many Latinos in Texas as there are whites.
So until you know what the hell you are talking about, don't play the race card.

Oh, and this website here:

Around 198 Whites have been executed since 12/07/1982.
out of the remaining 200, 2 were asian.

So 198 Lations AND blacks have been executed....oh....


Oh, and my best friend is gay.
My girlfriend is Bi.
I don't worry.

08-22-2007, 01:08 AM
And if you care AirAssault, to look at the people currently on death row, you will see the 5 longest residents are all Black.

We must be really racsit for keeping 5 African Americans alive for 30+ years.

08-22-2007, 01:13 AM
Hmmm, wasn't arguing with you, was agreeing with you, yeah I saw the :tard: face.

The fact that I said the founding fathers would disagree with your statment had no bearing on anything you said.

Yes, I am aware there are a lot of Latinos in Tx.

As far as the numbers, it was a question not a challenge.

I used to wear my underwear to tight too, made me go nuts when people tried to have a grown up discussion. Switch to boxers or go camando, it may help.

Hey nub,
look up a word in the dictionary-sarcasm.

You obviously have spent time in the wrong areas sir.
Because there are almost as many Latinos in Texas as there are whites.
So until you know what the hell you are talking about, don't play the race card.

Oh, and this website here:

Around 198 Whites have been executed since 12/07/1982.
out of the remaining 200, 2 were asian.

So 198 Lations AND blacks have been executed....oh....


Oh, and my best friend is gay.
My girlfriend is Bi.
I don't worry.

08-22-2007, 01:17 AM
Ai I am simply letting you know, although we are on the same page, that Texas exectutions are NOT based upon race what-so-ever, as your claim was directed towards Texas as a racially unfriendly state.

Hence the :tard:
Glad you saw it, so you get the :wow: Eye Acheivement Award.

08-22-2007, 01:18 AM
i could tell her saw the sarcasm :D

08-22-2007, 01:22 AM
The fact that I said the founding fathers would disagree with your statment had no bearing on anything you said.

And you said all of this to Trevor, not me.

Grown ups tend to have our facts straight, good sir.

08-22-2007, 01:25 AM
Most feel the same about gays here in the South.

Yeah, their called bigots.

War, you can't honestly without laughing say Tx. isn't a racial state for the most part. Sure, maybe not where you live but come one, if you believe it isn't I have a bridge to sell you.

Nub huh.

08-22-2007, 01:26 AM
And you said all of this to Trevor, not me.

Grown ups tend to have our facts straight, good sir.

LoL, I was simply stateing what I said and why, so take the facts straight statement and apply it to yourself.

I spaced them all out, better?

Love it when people feel the need to justify themselves. I have a gay friend, my best friend is black, that kind of thing. Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not me.

08-22-2007, 01:30 AM
Ever part of this Earth has some sort of racial tension division. Texas is no where close nor near the worst of them. You can't honestly say that Texas is the only guilty party in the wrong doingd towards the minority population.

Yes I called you a nub.
Deal with that.

I have all facts in order.
If I don't, I research them.

Unlike someone, who just points fingers. :ninja:

08-22-2007, 01:33 AM
Love it when people feel the need to justify themselves. I have a gay friend, my best friend is black, that kind of thing. Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not me.

Um....why would I try to convince myself of having a gay friend.
He's pretty open about it :rolleyes:

08-22-2007, 01:36 AM
Ever part of this Earth has some sort of racial tension division. Texas is no where close nor near the worst of them. You can't honestly say that Texas is the only guilty party in the wrong doing towards the minority population.

Yes I called you a nub.
Deal with that.

I have all facts in order.
If I don't, I research them.

Unlike someone, who just points fingers. :ninja:

LoL, you see that bendy thing at the end of a statement? Yeah that one????

Its called a question mark. That means a question is asked, maybe you should research that.

As far as Tx. being a bastion of civil rights, how about we ask the minorities living there. When I was stationed there, I heard more racially motivated speech than any other state I have lived in. So, if you want to change MY history and experience with Texas I guess you can try.

As far as the Nub thing goes, little boys do what they must.

08-22-2007, 01:41 AM
What were you stationed here for?
And let me guess...East Texas?

Im just saying, military isn't the most racially civil bunch of guys...if that is indeed why you were here.

And as for asking the minorities....Alot of people don't like it here period.
We get trapped up in the heat, let alone politcal and social reasons. :p

Trust me, our Gov. Rick Perry would have been thrown out long ago if someone better than Kinky Friedman had run.

08-22-2007, 01:44 AM
And I don't want to change your "experience"....but let's put it this way.

You not being a long term resident give your opinion some bias.

You werent here for a very long amount of time.
The people you met, probably few in number, gave you the wrong outllook.
The places you were limited to probably gave you the wrong outlook.

Im just saying, think what you will, we are all entitled to our own opinion.

Just don't go givin AO the wrong impression of us Texans.

Just because we don't take kindly to your type here boy :rolleyes:

08-22-2007, 01:51 AM
And I don't want to change your "experience"....but let's put it this way.

You not being a long term resident give your opinion some bias.

You werent here for a very long amount of time.
The people you met, probably few in number, gave you the wrong outllook.
The places you were limited to probably gave you the wrong outlook.

Im just saying, think what you will, we are all entitled to our own opinion.

Just don't go givin AO the wrong impression of us Texans.

Just because we don't take kindly to your type here boy :rolleyes:

Sure Austin was very cool, had a "friend" there and spent mucho time there. Lived in Dallas for a few months, was stationed in San Antonio for about a year.

As far as the military being diverse or tolerant :spit_take Don't ask don't tell remember.

Im sure my kind is NOT welcome in Tx. I am able to think for myself and come up with my own opinion. (not intended as a snipe at you) I think we are in the same boat, but you're buying into that "Don't mess with Texas" thing a little to much. It's just a state, its not your identity. :cheers:

08-22-2007, 01:56 AM
Sure Austin was very cool, had a "friend" there and spent mucho time there. Lived in Dallas for a few months, was stationed in San Antonio for about a year.

As far as the military being diverse or tolerant :spit_take Don't ask don't tell remember.

Im sure my kind is NOT welcome in Tx. I am able to think for myself and come up with my own opinion. (not intended as a snipe at you) I think we are in the same boat, but you're buying into that "Don't mess with Texas" thing a little to much. It's just a state, its not your identity. :cheers:

No, im buying the "Don't make us all look like redneck racsit klan members: thing.

Many things can be changed about Texas.

Just......don't.....make....death...penalty.....go .....bye-bye :cry:

San antonio....I take by the name you are Air force?
Randolph or Kelly AFB?

Or were you on Fort Sam, the Ao name being a clever ruse?

08-22-2007, 06:08 AM
So what happens when a country decides WE need to change the way we run OUR country.

08-22-2007, 06:08 AM
whats our national debt? 3 trillion now?
I say we declare bankruptcy.

08-22-2007, 06:11 AM
You don't think they are all connected?

As I said I am pro death penalty but how many black people compared to white have been killed using the death penalty in Texas? How many black people compared to white have been convicted of a crime that carries the dp? Sorry, but I have spent a lot of time in Tx over the years, not exactly the most racial equality minded people.

Sence you brought it up, why does anybody need to "worry" about gay marriage. Give every American the same rights, enough said.
Quite the opposite. More blacks then whites are convicted of crimes that could carry the death penalty yet in an affirmative action effort the numbers of blacks and whites executed are about equal. That means that some blacks get out of the death penalty to keep it from gaining a racist connotation. Look at prison populations blacks are the majority, and hispanics are fast catching up to the whites. Is it racism?

08-22-2007, 09:06 AM
My girlfriend is Bi.

Pics or shens! :ninja:

08-22-2007, 09:20 AM
you guyz all mad about the EU, Bush has been recomending things to them for years. And you don't see them burning down the internets.

08-22-2007, 12:15 PM
Pics or shens! :ninja:

I don't want teh banstickz :D

08-22-2007, 01:04 PM
Go Texas! Maybe we in the UK can export some of our murderers, rapists and child molesters to you. Might help you get to the 500 mark faster. In our news recently our courts ruled against deporting and ITALIAN murderer from UK to ITALY as it was against his human rights!!! Our justice is shot to pieces with P.Cness and until we sort ourselves out we should not even think of interfering with another nation's penal system. You get a :hail: from Niox.

Much love.

08-22-2007, 01:32 PM
Warpig... I want to move to Texas - even applied for a Lockheed Martin transfer to mission control Houston. My fiance is always like, "No, it's too hot".

Any words of wisdom on what I can do to convince her to come to TX?
And if you have any extra time, words of advice on how I can make her Bi would be cool too.

(Actually, if you only responded to that second request that would suffice just fine too)

08-22-2007, 02:18 PM
Warpig... I want to move to Texas - even applied for a Lockheed Martin transfer to mission control Houston. My fiance is always like, "No, it's too hot".

Any words of wisdom on what I can do to convince her to come to TX?
And if you have any extra time, words of advice on how I can make her Bi would be cool too.

(Actually, if you only responded to that second request that would suffice just fine too)

HAHA :cheers:

to answer number 1... Air Conditioning and a swimming pool

... cant help you on number 2 :(

08-22-2007, 02:26 PM
Warpig... I want to move to Texas - even applied for a Lockheed Martin transfer to mission control Houston. My fiance is always like, "No, it's too hot".

Any words of wisdom on what I can do to convince her to come to TX?
And if you have any extra time, words of advice on how I can make her Bi would be cool too.

(Actually, if you only responded to that second request that would suffice just fine too)

You might try convincing her during the winter (for whichever). A friend from Geneseo new york married a girl from a 'b-town' (Baytown or Beaumont) here in Texas. They moved to Geneseo and back twice because it was too cold and dark and she missed home. During the summer she was ready to go back to Geneseo, but I think they have been down here for the last three years. She wasn't Bi though.

Also, pick your area to sell. It's as bad as northern and southern california, but it varies east to west as well as north and south. After years near the coast, people have a hard time moving out to west Texas. East Texas is a very distinct region too. Even the people between Dallas and Fort Worth tend to have different attitudes. Same with Midland and Odessa.

The TI missle group is still around somewhere too, I think. The damn Osprey at Bell Textron refuses to quit. I had a friend that worked on the controls for the shuttle robotic arm at Lockheed (Clearlake), but he packed off to another company in california a few years ago. There's plenty of tech industries. But if you want to wear a tie, make sure it comes with air conditioning.

In the early 80's, people used to complain about all the new yorkers that came down (a lot with IBM). A lot of it was from hearing "we don't do it that way up north". You don't have to worry about that anymore. As long as you speak English, we will be happy to argue with you.

08-22-2007, 02:51 PM
Houston is also very very big.

The winter here is the best bet.
Plus, this summer it rained here ALOT around San Antonio.

Houston you get a little bit more of a humid heat, seeing as it's closer to the cost, but San Antonio tends to have more of a dry heat.

Plus, my dad's a realtor here, he'll get you a place in no time :D

08-22-2007, 03:00 PM
I'm not sure where the rest of this thread is going, but I'll add something..

I think only those that are or have been married should argue about whether it is 'proper' to condone gay marriage; otherwise, you don't see the infrigement on the religious aspects. The fact that the issue is entangled in the legal system is a whole other cluster.

[edit] As for the EU, no one likes to be told their wrong, especially by someone that has no vested interest in your matters. If they need some of our death row inmates they can trade for them.

08-22-2007, 03:09 PM
I'm not sure where the rest of this thread is going, but I'll add something..

I think only those that are or have been married should argue about whether it is 'proper' to condone gay marriage; otherwise, you don't see the infrigement on the religious aspects. The fact that the issue is entangled in the legal system is a whole other cluster.

Although this is a valid point, the religious aspects should not be a factor in a nation where there is a seperation between church and state. I find that one saying gay marriage shouldn't be legal becasue one's God says so isn't fair, as your God may not be the same as someone elses (this is not directed towrds you, Spider, but I used "your" as a figure of speech)

08-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Although this is a valid point, the religious aspects should not be a factor in a nation where there is a seperation between church and state. I find that one saying gay marriage shouldn't be legal becasue one's God says so isn't fair, as your God may not be the same as someone elses (this is not directed towrds you, Spider, but I used "your" as a figure of speech)

Exactly. But after being married for a long time, I can see the religious angle that a lot of married people see, which is significant because many of your upper politicians are married (and old). And that bunch is not going to help separate 'church and state'.

08-22-2007, 03:44 PM
I am all for it, but I don't think marriage is the correct term to use.

08-22-2007, 03:57 PM
Go Texas! Maybe we in the UK can export some of our murderers, rapists and child molesters to you. Might help you get to the 500 mark faster. In our news recently our courts ruled against deporting and ITALIAN murderer from UK to ITALY as it was against his human rights!!! Our justice is shot to pieces with P.Cness and until we sort ourselves out we should not even think of interfering with another nation's penal system. You get a :hail: from Niox.

Much love.

LOL out of all this all I got was a chuckle at the word Penal... :rofl:

08-22-2007, 04:04 PM
LOL out of all this all I got was a chuckle at the word Penal... :rofl:

Ok, beavis, if it is a penal system, why do women go to prison too? :confused:

08-22-2007, 06:00 PM
Ok, beavis, if it is a penal system, why do women go to prison too? :confused:
To get penalized, duh. I'ev been campaigning that they should just come to my house for that though :rofl:

08-22-2007, 06:10 PM
To get penalized, duh. I'ev been campaigning that they should just come to my house for that though :rofl:
Any luck?

08-22-2007, 08:28 PM
No way guys, I work in a jail. You don't want 99.4% of these ladies (used loosley) near you. Now the other 0.6% not bad.

No, im buying the "Don't make us all look like redneck racsit klan members: thing.

Many things can be changed about Texas.

Just......don't.....make....death...penalty.....go .....bye-bye :cry:

San antonio....I take by the name you are Air force?
Randolph or Kelly AFB?

Or were you on Fort Sam, the Ao name being a clever ruse?

No ruse here. I am speaking of the one the only "real" Sabalauski Air Assault School at Ft. Campbell Ky. http://www.campbell.army.mil/aas/

Rondezvous-Air Assault!!

08-22-2007, 08:34 PM
Hahaha you said loosely and were referring to women! :rofl:

08-22-2007, 08:43 PM
Warpig... I want to move to Texas - even applied for a Lockheed Martin transfer to mission control Houston. My fiance is always like, "No, it's too hot".

Any words of wisdom on what I can do to convince her to come to TX?
And if you have any extra time, words of advice on how I can make her Bi would be cool too.

(Actually, if you only responded to that second request that would suffice just fine too)

You see the trick is not to live in Houston but the surrounding cities like Katy, Conroe, Sugarland. Those are actually some of the best places to live.

08-22-2007, 08:49 PM
I'm not sure where the rest of this thread is going, but I'll add something..

I think only those that are or have been married should argue about whether it is 'proper' to condone gay marriage; otherwise, you don't see the infrigement on the religious aspects. The fact that the issue is entangled in the legal system is a whole other cluster.

[edit] As for the EU, no one likes to be told their wrong, especially by someone that has no vested interest in your matters. If they need some of our death row inmates they can trade for them.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Think we can start sellin our death row inmates to the EU countries for like hmmmmmm........ 5 million a piece?????

It'll reduce our debt, clean up death row, save us money, and make the EU happy!!!!

Hell yeah!!!!


08-22-2007, 10:50 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Think we can start sellin our death row inmates to the EU countries for like hmmmmmm........ 5 million a piece?????

It'll reduce our debt, clean up death row, save us money, and make the EU happy!!!!

Hell yeah!!!!


I like the way you think!

/DM for prez!
//no not Don Miguel!

08-22-2007, 10:51 PM
Quite the opposite. More blacks then whites are convicted of crimes that could carry the death penalty yet in an affirmative action effort the numbers of blacks and whites executed are about equal. That means that some blacks get out of the death penalty to keep it from gaining a racist connotation. Look at prison populations blacks are the majority, and hispanics are fast catching up to the whites. Is it racism?

Just because you make racism illegal doesn't change the fact that racism exist. A law can't change the way people think.

08-23-2007, 02:18 AM

That's how we roll down here in Texas

08-23-2007, 02:59 AM

How is this, an attack by 19 hijackers (so our government says), the same as another country trying to tell us how to run ours?

08-23-2007, 08:58 AM
How is this, an attack by 19 hijackers (so our government says), the same as another country trying to tell us how to run ours?
It's a stretch, but I am SURE that if we did everything the Taliban wanted, then Al Qaeda would have left us alone. They would have moved on to the next evil. :tard:

Now if I want to use a 'tard' with a beard and a ghutra, does that make me racist? With such an iconic image, I think it would accurately convey my sarcasm in the direction of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, while not at the idea of the hi-jackers trying to influence my country. Emoticons must be server based. bah.

08-23-2007, 06:22 PM
It's a stretch, but I am SURE that if we did everything the Taliban wanted, then Al Qaeda would have left us alone. They would have moved on to the next evil. :tard:

Now if I want to use a 'tard' with a beard and a ghutra, does that make me racist? With such an iconic image, I think it would accurately convey my sarcasm in the direction of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, while not at the idea of the hi-jackers trying to influence my country. Emoticons must be server based. bah.

Or do you mean what the Taliban DIDN'T do for us. Good ol bush had the Taliban AT the white house trying to make a deal for an oil pipeline through Afghanistan, they said no. Do you think things would of been different if they had said yes?

As far as Al Qaeda, how are their tactics any different than those the US has employed either directly or indirectly (by means of $$$) in the past? Don't forget, the Mujahideen was well trained, well armed and had lots of money (thanks to the US) when fighting the Soviets. Now, that being a known fact, how is it we call them "freedom fighters" and group that is a direct descendant of that group Al Qaeda, terrorists?

Fry on Texas!!

08-24-2007, 08:15 AM
We call them freedom fighters as long as they are in their own country. When they come over here to fight with the civilians, they are terrorists.

I consider the oil pipeline issue an indication, not a cause. As a whole, the Afghans you see in the U.S. are not representative of the country. Their country is like Mexico with less. Aside from handing over $$$ to them or buying heroin, a pipeline right of way is about the easiest deal that makes sense on a national scale.

I would be happy for the EU to take over the whole thing. :)

08-31-2007, 12:00 PM
The rampant idiocy in this thread is a prime example of why 12 random morons shouldnt be allowed to decide whether someone should get executed. Especially 12 random Texans, those people are scum.

08-31-2007, 02:11 PM
Don't forget, the Mujahideen was well trained, well armed and had lots of money (thanks to the US) when fighting the Soviets. Now, that being a known fact, how is it we call them "freedom fighters" and group that is a direct descendant of that group Al Qaeda, terrorists?

We gave tremendous support and assistance to the Mujahideen in their fight for autonomy against the Soviet Union. As repayment they harbored and assisted the perpetrators of the Cole, 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. When it comes to radical Islam you cannot trust the buggers. That is the simple lesson we should have learned.