View Full Version : Tag Sportz

08-21-2007, 08:08 PM
What is up with TAG SPORTZ? I purchased a board for my sons marker. From the time I placed the order the whole deal went south. They were in the process of moving so I really couldn't do anything about how soon I would receive it. After receiving the board I found that it wouldn't fit. The dip switch housing was too large for the board to be installed.

I contacted TAG and finally got hold of them. They couldn't answer the questions I had regarding the board and what its power requirements were. After deliberating, I decided to return the board to TAG for a credit to my account. TAG has had the board for nearly 2 weeks and no refund. Dee said they are building walls at their new place. I don't particularly think this is a good reason for not having the board tested so I can have my refund. Good companies do a better job of taking care of their customer.

I have made numerous attempts to contact TAG to find out where my credit is without any success. All I know is, I have invested $17.00 in shipping charges sending the booard back and forth. i have no board, nor my money.

I can see that customer service is obviously not one of TAG's better traits.

Don't let his happen to you. :cuss:

08-21-2007, 08:13 PM
Hold on, I'll go get rudz :p

08-21-2007, 08:32 PM
Hold on, I'll go get rudz :p

My thoughts exactly. He'll get you your refund. :headbang:

08-21-2007, 08:33 PM
Hold on, I'll go get rudz :p

Cant we all just be nice ?


08-21-2007, 08:46 PM
Cant we all just be nice ?


Nah, that just might work. :cool:

08-21-2007, 08:47 PM
Cant we all just be nice ?


Rudz is nice. He's nice to me any how.. and he has also been known to be nice to most bartenders... and Atachone.. and a few others..

(I guess its a select group)

Gotta be in the family. :ninja:

08-21-2007, 08:58 PM
LOL, this is a brotha from the PBN Alien Forum. Maybe I should go get A-Tach-One....... ;)

08-21-2007, 09:00 PM
Gotta be in the familia. :ninja:


08-21-2007, 09:01 PM

08-21-2007, 09:20 PM
Maybe I should go get A-Tach-One....... ;)
What a lousy 2 years that was....And those damn post office Boogeymen. :p

08-21-2007, 09:33 PM
What a lousy 2 years that was....And those damn post office Boogeymen. :p

YA, but look on the bright side. We got our money back. :cheers:

08-21-2007, 09:35 PM
YA, but look on the bright side. We got our money back. :cheers:
And one hellava T-Shirt! :eek:

08-21-2007, 09:37 PM
is anyone gonna clue this guy in on what happened or has someone already ?

08-22-2007, 07:27 AM
is anyone gonna clue this guy in on what happened or has someone already ?

That might take all day, and since the threads here and on PBN have been deleted there is really no place I can link to for the info..

08-22-2007, 08:41 AM
is anyone gonna clue this guy in on what happened or has someone already ?

Hello everyone!
Hey, not sure what happened but somebody put a fire under Dee's rear and she
e-mailed me to let me know she was sending me a refund. I would have preferred to have it charged back to my card, but hey it's a refund.

Thanks to all for your help, and thanks to "MINDS EYE" for your help and suggestions as well.


08-22-2007, 08:47 AM
Threatening to use the "Rudz Option" usually get them moving :D

08-22-2007, 11:52 AM
wow, just mentioning me gets things done with TAG now? awesome... :rolleyes:

08-22-2007, 12:04 PM
wow, just mentioning me gets things done with TAG now? awesome... :rolleyes:

One would think that would result in a 10% associates fee or something. :hail:

08-22-2007, 01:00 PM
i only ask that i am granted one favor in return, i will only ask once and i expect not to be denied. :cool:

Dark Side
08-22-2007, 01:13 PM
i only ask that i am granted one favor in return, i will only ask once and i expect not to be denied. :cool:

You have a list of preselected favors that we could look at? Or is it open to interpretation?

08-22-2007, 01:43 PM
Remember the "Rudz Option" is often followed by "I'm sorry, please don't sue me".

08-22-2007, 02:05 PM
i only ask that i am granted one favor in return, i will only ask once and i expect not to be denied. :cool:

To not get the ban stick?

08-22-2007, 02:06 PM
Remember the "Rudz Option" is often followed by "I'm sorry, please don't sue me".

Which is usually followed by people getting their Devil mags ;)

08-22-2007, 02:07 PM
Which is usually followed by people getting their Devil mags ;)

Oh, I never did deny it was effective, and very very amusing. I especially appreciated TAGs reply... was surprised anyone didn't call that bluff myself.

And no, it had nothing to do with the banstick... it was please dont sue me

08-22-2007, 02:20 PM
Oh, I never did deny it was effective, and very very amusing. I especially appreciated TAGs reply... was surprised anyone didn't call that bluff myself.

And no, it had nothing to do with the banstick... it was please dont sue me

We contemplated getting Rudz a shirt that said that :-)

08-22-2007, 02:24 PM
Wow, I consider myself a frequent AO-er and must've missed what made Rudz into a hero. Damn. Would've been interesting.

[aka a plea to amuse me while I'm at work summarizing tax news..]

08-22-2007, 04:00 PM
Summarized version of alleged events If I recall it transpired mostly on PBN and spilled over to AO

1) Rudz made a few comments that were demeaning about TAG and allegedly untrue. Some of said comments allegedly attempted to link TAG to GADevil and the DevilMag fiasco

2) TAG said "did not"

3) Rudz said "did to"

4) More squabbling, new accusations, etc.

5) TAG used the words defamation of character in what looked to be an attempt to make a cease and desist order and threatened a lawyer if not apoligized to by noon the next day. (personally I think this was kind of laughable, apparently Rudz did not)

6) Rudz apologized and ran away with his tail between his legs.

7) Devilmags started appearing, long awaited boards were available...

08-22-2007, 04:35 PM
Corrected Summarized version of alleged events If I recall it transpired mostly on PBN and spilled over to AO

1) Rudz made a few comments about TAG and their business prectices. Some of said comments allegedly attempted to link TAG to GADevil and the DevilMag fiasco. Rudz also called TAG out about broken promises regarding the whole Emag Predator board abortion.

2) TAG said "did not"

3) Rudz said "did to"

4) More squabbling, new accusations, etc.

5)Rudz crosses the line when he threatens to "Go down there",

6) TAG used the words defamation of character in what looked to be an attempt at damage control and threatened a lawyer if not apoligized to by noon the next day. (personally I also this was kind of laughable)

7) People come out of the woodwork to bash TAG at just about every turn on PBN. (And werent getting much love over here too IIRC)

8) Rudz (At my insisting) apologized for crossing the line and ended up looking like the hero for being the only one with the balls to speak up on a couple of issues that were simmering for a long time.

9)Someone knocks over the rock GADEVIL was hiding under.

10) A limited number Devilmags started appearing, long awaited boards (Which were discontinued) were available...

11) Emag Pre-order folks who were awaiting refunds finally received them after weeks of BS.

12)TAG publicly blames Rudz on their site for adding further delay to the already 2+ year wait for the promised emag predator boards.

Hope that clears things up for everyone.

08-22-2007, 04:47 PM
Corrected Summarized version of alleged events If I recall it transpired mostly on PBN and spilled over to AO

1) Rudz made a few comments about TAG and their business prectices. Some of said comments allegedly attempted to link TAG to GADevil and the DevilMag fiasco. Rudz also called TAG out about broken promises regarding the whole Emag Predator board abortion.

2) TAG said "did not"

3) Rudz said "did to"

4) More squabbling, new accusations, etc.

5)Rudz crosses the line when he threatens to "Go down there",

6) TAG used the words defamation of character in what looked to be an attempt at damage control and threatened a lawyer if not apoligized to by noon the next day. (personally I also this was kind of laughable)

7) People come out of the woodwork to bash TAG at just about every turn on PBN. (And werent getting much love over here too IIRC)

8) Rudz (At my insisting) apologized for crossing the line and ended up looking like the hero for being the only one with the balls to speak up on a couple of issues that were simmering for a long time.

9)Someone knocks over the rock GADEVIL was hiding under.

10) A limited number Devilmags started appearing, long awaited boards (Which were discontinued) were available...

11) Emag Pre-order folks who were awaiting refunds finally received them after weeks of BS.

12)TAG publicly blames Rudz on their site for adding further delay to the already 2+ year wait for the promised emag predator boards.

Hope that clears things up for everyone.

13) After the AO mutiny, Bob Sandifer claims on the TAG forum that he will have plans on his desk for the Emag board by the end of the week and if he approves, Emag boards will go into production and be available in two weeks. The few who did not ask for refunds say that they are happy that they are still "in". (Don't know if they are still happy 5 months later.)

14) The TAG forum database is purged for the upteenth time. All posts and promises are erased. The Emag Predator board never existed. THE END

08-22-2007, 09:13 PM
well if he really wants to see it isnt it on BEO ?

08-23-2007, 12:47 AM
Shush, Sandifer could hire someone to haxorz teh database. :ninja:

08-23-2007, 12:45 PM
wow, just mentioning me gets things done with TAG now? awesome... :rolleyes:

You're a celebrity!!!!

Thanks for your assistance!!!!

I heard a little about some things in the past. Kind of sad if you ask me....

08-23-2007, 12:50 PM
13) After the AO mutiny, Bob Sandifer claims on the TAG forum that he will have plans on his desk for the Emag board by the end of the week and if he approves, Emag boards will go into production and be available in two weeks. The few who did not ask for refunds say that they are happy that they are still "in". (Don't know if they are still happy 5 months later.)

14) The TAG forum database is purged for the upteenth time. All posts and promises are erased. The Emag Predator board never existed. THE END

And POOF! There goes this thread!!!! lol :rofl:

08-23-2007, 07:48 PM
You might be interested in reading this (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2255599) thread as well. Namely this one (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=38261991#post38261991), this one (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=38282215#post38282215), and this one (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=38381334#post38381334)

08-23-2007, 10:45 PM
I hate to say it, but this has been TAG's MO for two or three YEARS now.

There is plenty of precedent out there for folks to see how they do business, but for some reason, people still fog in to get screwed with. I dunno, but sometimes it seems to me like PB folks ain't the brightest bulbs on the ol' Christmas tree. Either that, or they turn over so often that anything that's happened more than about four months ago predates them.

Either way, I'm long done with them, I got bit hard once. Never again for me.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


08-24-2007, 09:01 AM
I hate to say it, but this has been TAG's MO for two or three YEARS now.

There is plenty of precedent out there for folks to see how they do business, but for some reason, people still fog in to get screwed with. I dunno, but sometimes it seems to me like PB folks ain't the brightest bulbs on the ol' Christmas tree. Either that, or they turn over so often that anything that's happened more than about four months ago predates them.

Either way, I'm long done with them, I got bit hard once. Never again for me.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


I don't think people are stupid or fools. I think they try to get a good deal, and Predator boards have (or had) a good rep at some point so knowing that the people made purchases. Since TAG has decided that they'll take advantage of thosepoor unfortunate souls who won't say anything, they take their cash and give them the run around. They go back and forth until you grow weary of chasing them for your product or your money. Here's a kicker. TAG is a company, and I am waiting for a refund in the form of a Money Order. Now what does that say. They probably can't even get backing from a bank.

I'll never make another purchase from them, nor will I suggest that any of my friends use their product.

08-24-2007, 09:10 AM
I'll never make another purchase from them, nor will I suggest that any of my friends use their product.
QFT. And like said before in the thread, this has become their common business practice. I hope you get your refund soon, just be prepared if it doesn't come quick. Mind'sEye and I both waited a month for a refund (2 year preorder Emag board wait) that they claimed got lost twice by the Post Office before we actually recieved it. I guess the third time was a charm. :rolleyes: haha. Good luck and keep us informed. :cheers:

08-24-2007, 09:12 AM
Look at the generally gullibility of paintball players in what they buy. Does it surprise you TAG gets away with this. The only thing they seem to do in a timely manner is purge any records of their failures from their database.

08-24-2007, 09:28 AM
Great........ we wait for YEARS to get a board for our mags and still nothing!
I was just figuring out the interest my money would have earned in my bank... instead of thiers :cry: !
Then I asked about trading to the new Cheeta board instead.... :rofl:.... same story. It's being built. Please wait!

At this point I think I will make a trip down to thier place of "buisness" :rofl: and get my refund in person.
This seems to be the only way to get any satisfaction!!!!!

Quite frankly these poeple are a joke!

And I for one will spead this news to all who ask, or mention the company. :cuss:

Signed ; another pissed off customer

08-24-2007, 09:29 AM
Look at the generally gullibility of paintball players in what they buy. Does it surprise you TAG gets away with this. The only thing they seem to do in a timely manner is purge any records of their failures from their database.

The starter of this thread had no idea that there have been problems in the past. Not knowing him, you cannot really judge how conscientious he is as a consumer. My guess is that he is pretty discriminating and will, over time, create a short list of vendors that he will do business with. It's true that many of the warning signs seem to be systematically removed, making it harder to determine who's word to trust. Shortly after this thread went up dhosinski received notice that he is getting his refund. These forums do serve more of a purpose than shooting the bull, arguing fine points and posting silly photos. :)

08-24-2007, 09:43 AM
There is plenty of precedent out there for folks to see how they do business, but for some reason, people still fog in to get screwed with.

Sometimes when this happens, TAG will give out stuff free to compensate people for the long wait. For instance, I believe when the V3 board was released, TAG gave away some TAG DM4 boards free with orders. That's all good and dandy, and at the time they were going for what... $60-75? Problem is, by then, the DM6 was already out and no one *wanted* the DM4 boards. It'd be great if you could finagle it into another gun, but things being as they are, you can generally only use it on a DM4/5/C gun.... which everyone was getting rid of. It still served it's purpose and people forgave them. In fact, some people are saying "Oh, I wonder what I'll get this time" Watch, it'll be something completely useless like the NME boards :rolleyes:

08-24-2007, 09:44 AM
Sometimes when this happens, TAG will give out stuff free to compensate people for the long wait. For instance, I believe when the V3 board was released, TAG gave away some TAG DM4 boards free with orders. That's all good and dandy, and at the time they were going for what... $60-75? Problem is, by then, the DM6 was already out and no one *wanted* the DM4 boards. It'd be great if you could finagle it into another gun, but things being as they are, you can generally only use it on a DM4/5/C gun.... which everyone was getting rid of. It still served it's purpose and people forgave them. In fact, some people are saying "Oh, I wonder what I'll get this time" Watch, it'll be something completely useless like the NME boards :rolleyes:

LOL, ;)

08-24-2007, 03:41 PM
I know of at least one person that received a very nifty t shirt as compensation. :rolleyes:

08-24-2007, 03:47 PM

Thats racist.

08-24-2007, 05:26 PM
I know of at least one person that received a very nifty t shirt as compensation. :rolleyes:
Your sarcasm is just full of jealousy. :p

08-24-2007, 05:40 PM
Your sarcasm is just full of jealousy. :p

It's true. :-(

08-24-2007, 08:03 PM
It's true. :-(

make that twice...

08-29-2007, 05:57 PM
Hey guys. I think I spoke way too soon.

Dee from TAG told me she sent the money order on Thursday but never did. I'm still waiting, with no replies from her.

I am clearly convinced that TAG needs the money more than I do. I am so "PI$$ED OFF" right now it's not even funny. :mad:

What a bunch of scam artists. They must be related to Spudnukl/PBbolts too..

Well RUDZ think you might be able to stir the pot again???

08-29-2007, 07:32 PM
Hey guys. I think I spoke way too soon.

Dee from TAG told me she sent the money order on Thursday but never did. I'm still waiting, with no replies from her.

I am clearly convinced that TAG needs the money more than I do. I am so "PI$$ED OFF" right now it's not even funny. :mad:

What a bunch of scam artists. They must be related to Spudnukl/PBbolts too..

Well RUDZ think you might be able to stir the pot again???

it could have gotten lost in the post office haha
well thats what they are going to say

08-29-2007, 07:40 PM
it could have gotten lost in the post office haha
well thats what they are going to say

No, she replied tonight after a long letter. I'm not sure what she is going to do at this point.

I knew she didn't send it. I just told her why can't she tell the truth and give me a day and time she plans on sending it.

09-08-2007, 07:15 PM
No, she replied tonight after a long letter. I'm not sure what she is going to do at this point.

I knew she didn't send it. I just told her why can't she tell the truth and give me a day and time she plans on sending it.

Hey guys... Just an FYI. Deana finally reimbursed me at my Paypal account.

I never understood why she wanted to send a money order?

In any event, I appreciate everyones help.


09-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Hey guys... Just an FYI. Deana finally reimbursed me at my Paypal account.

I never understood why she wanted to send a money order?

In any event, I appreciate everyones help.


Yeah I dont know.. must not look good to Paypal to see one of their clients issuing so many refunds.

09-08-2007, 10:39 PM
Deana finally reimbursed me at my Paypal account.

I never understood why she wanted to send a money order?

The only explanation I can think of is...

If they refund you within 60 days, they get their fees back. If its beyond 60 days, they have to send you a refund as a payment. To cover the fees your account docks, they have to pay more out of their pocket than the original amount you paid.

Ultimately, this means they paid double the fees. 3% from the payment you made, and 3% extra they had to add to their payment so that you received your original full amount after the fees.