View Full Version : Eratic Behavior?

08-23-2007, 02:08 AM
With your help, I got my old mag working great with a lvl10. I took a month off and just went back to play last Sunday. When I chronoed everything was cool and consistant.

Half way through the day it went nuts. 280, 276, 248?

There was also a small leak. My hearing is terrible so I'm not sure where it comes from. I still have to really old school asa that bolts right under the valve. If I pull the tank up or down this has some effect on the leak. By the end of the day, the leak was gone (it was very humid). But, the velocity was still inconsistent.

Any advice is welcome.

Thanks, Gabe

08-23-2007, 07:39 AM
macro line? or braided line? as far as shoot down is this on a string or spaced out a lil bit? also CO2 or HPA im guessing its HPA what reg? give a touch more info on your setup i looked but didnt see the original thread.

08-29-2007, 09:26 AM
If the leak is affected by you moving your tank up and down, then it is most likely ralated to a loose or poorly fitted joint.

Erratic velocity on a humid day is most likely caused by heat and moisture affecting the paintballs.