View Full Version : Andrew's AGD Chronicles 19 August 2007

08-27-2007, 04:17 PM
This took place at OA Rosedale, on a day with light to heavy rain. Not many players were out there, due to the poor weather and the difficulties it causes. Before heading out, I made sure that my goggles were cleaned with anti-fog spray, my Vlocity was wrapped with plastic wrap (with one flap over the flip lid, still easy to pop it open), and with several spare rags available. I always carry a rag in my pocket to wipe off hits or my goggles after a game. With the rain, I tend to wipe the water off of my goggles and the rag quickly gets soaked.

Another trick you can do in the rain is to wrap the ported section of your barrel with plastic wrap. That will keep heavy rain from getting into it. However, the downside is if you get any breaks down the barrel the darn thing never wants to shoot clean. I opted not to wrap the barrel. One downfall of the Powerlyte Scepter is that you must keep the barrel front on to retain the insert. If I had the choice, in heavy rain like we were experiencing, I probably would have just removed the front and played with the back and insert only (if that would work). I wonder how hard it would be to get someone to cut down a Scepter front, just to make it little more than a retainer for the back. An unported, 8" Scepter barrel would be nice.

There were only a handful of players due to the rain. I think that the most we ever had was seven on five (more on that in a bit) and most games were three or four on each team.

I was shooting Inferno again, this time through Heckle (a MiniTac Pro). The .686 insert for the Scepter was a perfect fit. My chrono was good, with all of the shots between 276 and 285. I had a good bit of paint to shoot off from the last time I played, so I was going to unload a more than normal. All told, I fired 2300 balls in 8 games, meaning just under 300 balls per game average.

Dave was out there, with his Spyder as usual. I always like seeing Dave and he is a great player to partner up with. Sometimes I play and, moving up aggressively, I find myself all alone and with no support because my teammates hang back too much. With Dave, I always know that he is right behind me (when he can keep up with my running - I am not blazing fast, but I have good endurance).

My first three games, in the heavy rain, I had serious problems with double feeding balls. I couldn't imagine that the rain was causing what I was experiencing. After we went back in to reload and re-air, I checked the marker. My left RPG retent (ball detent) was stuck in, so far that balls could catch on the hole and tear inside the breech. After the last time we played, I had my nephews clean the markers. Daniel had unscrewed it some. At the time, I just screwed it back on. Turns out that he had managed to goof up the retent. I completely disassembled it, cleaned it, put a single drop of oil in, and reassembled the retent. That seemed to fix the problem. If I'd continued having issues, I do keep spare AGD detents, along with the spare springs and plastic bearings needed to rebuild a retent.

One game, with just Dave and myself against three opponents, was great. I met the three other guys in the center of the field and got into a hideous short range firefight with all three at about 15-20 yards. The rain was hammering down on us, which is the only way I can explain not being taken out by three experienced players with decent markers. I was also throwing a lot of paint to keep them from taking well-aimed shots. Finally, one guy and I both popped out and traded a sustained volley at about 12 yards. Neither of us was ducking back in until the other was eliminated. The rain was pouring down! My burst finally hit him in the hand and marker. I ducked back, yelling for Dave, and continued the firefight. The other two guys were trying to catch me in a V, so I was moving a lot. Finally, I had to make a long dash to breakout and get breathing room to reload. I made it, after sliding behind a few small logs, and looked up to see Dave charge from behind the two opposing players and shoot each one once. They had lost track of Dave in the rain and with the firefight between them and me. At first, I mistook Dave for one of them. A downpour plays heck on your sense of where everyone is at. I shot a burst at Dave. Didn't hit him, but he wasn't amused.

Thank you for the save, Dave. Sorry about the friendly fire incident.

During the middle group of games, we had seven players (two were first time newbies who only played those two games) and the other team had five. However, one of the other team's players had issues with his marker. To balance things, we made him a medic.

One problem with the medic. I ran the left side of the field. I mean ran it, charging, sliding, engaging enemy and generally racing through hails of paintballs and taking out the guys I was after. That darn medic kept "healing" every one! We hadn't put a limit on how many he could wipe and return to the fight! Arrgggghhh! I was only completely eliminating people by ripping them and moving forward fast enough that the medic couldn't come to help. The medic healed one guy three times! Finally, it was just the medic and that guy left. I charged at an angle, shooting at the medic and forcing him to dive into the bunker with the last enemy shooter. The enemy shooter was unloading paint at me. I reached a point where the medic couldn't hide behind the shooter, skidded to a stop, and unloaded paintballs into the bunker. I took a hit on the stomach, but both enemy had been hit. My team had one player left, one of the newbies who was hanging way back.

That was probably some of the best, aggressive move and shoot that I have ever done. However, I am going to have nightmares about chasing that medic. The next game, he had a limit of two "heals" and that worked out better. I managed to make him use both (and bounced a ball off of him, as he ran away and I chased after him - lucky guy) before being eliminated.

The last game of the day was my best overall. We were playing the hill field, which has three approaches: right side of the hill, left side of the hill, and directly over the hill. Another guy went left (and just sat in the back corner), Dave went to the right, and I went up the center with our fourth player. He and I ran into two enemy coming up the center. We unloaded on them. One immediately ran away, the other ducked in behind a bunker and was not coming out. I moved up and helped Dave to engage the sole enemy on his side of the hill. Doing this, I was giving complete trust to my wingman. If he let the other guy out of that bunker, the enemy had a full open shot at me from the side. My teammate never let me down. However, our left teammate, by staying all the way in the back corner, did. Suddenly, Mike (I've played against Mike many times, he hates me - in a jovial way) unloaded on my wingman from the left. Seeing he was in trouble. I turned 180, stood up, and walked across the top of the hill, shooting bursts at Mike in his position (in a patch of heavy thicket) and to my right to keep the enemy in the bunker off me. The guy in the bunker ran away, heading back and swinging around to the left side!

I took out Mike, but he had gotten my wingman. I suddenly saw the last enemy player, the only one I had not known his position, on the left side of the hill. Now I knew where all of them were. I jogged forward, unloading bursts at the two guys on the bottom left of the hill. One tried to run forward and was caught in a crossfire from me and the teammate camped out in the back left corner. The other tried to run away, but didn't make it and I caught him with a burst that penetrated the brush. During this, I was counting on Dave to handle the guy on his side of the hill. By the time the guys on the left were eliminated, probably less than 90 seconds, Dave had nailed his enemy. The field was ours.

After playing in the rain and getting mud and water everywhere, I completely disassembled the marker, cleaned everything, oiled everything, replaced my bolt bumper, and put Heckle back together. Fired about fifty test shots to work the oil through and she was good to go. I did note that my red bolt spring will need replacing in the near future, say within a few cases. I have a spare right now, but the next time I order from Rogue or Tuna, I will get a couple of red bolt springs and bolt bumpers.

Unfortunately, my JT Proflex mask did not do well in the heavy rain. Three trails of water ran down between (inside) the dual panes of the goggles. From my experience, once you get water in there you are done. I will buy a replacement set of panes this week. On the other hand, I did take one glancing hit that bounced off the side of my Proflex without breaking. It was at a shallow angle, the kind of hit that feels like a glance and rarely breaks on your arm or leg, but I think my regular old JT mask would have caused the ball to break and gotten me out.


Shot count is now 21,000

(This does not show the new Micro Razor drop, the larger Razor drop is in the pic.)

Current setup:

X-Valve with Lvl 10 (3 shims, 1.5 carrier)
Mini-Tac Pro Mainbody w/dual RPG detents and RPG clamping feedneck
Tac Rail
RPG Intelliframe with Splinter Pro Trigger
ULT (6 ULT shims)
Hogue .45 Grips
Viewloader Vlocity
CP Micro Razor Drop
RT Pro Front Grip
Shrink-wrapped Hose w/Quick Disconnect
68/4500 Tank with AGD 4500 Flatline Regulator and Dye Rhino cover
12" Powerlyte 2007 Scepter kit (.684, .686, .688, .690, and .692 inserts)
Pelican 1600 Case

Previous entries in the Chronicles here:

12 August 2007

22 July 2007

21 July 2007

1 July 2007

9 June 2007:

26 May 2007:

12 May 2007:

28 April 2007

22 April 2007

14 April 2007:

5 April 2007:

25 March 2007:

24 February 2007: