View Full Version : I'm done buying markers... for now anyways =)

09-15-2007, 12:57 AM
I think I'm done... bought a Tiberius 8 tonight... its the limited edition one from usmilitarygear.com :clap:
Very cool anno, they call it a earth/bronze. Talked to the owner and he said he's thinking about doing a dust olive drab... that'd be great too but I'm really excited about this one, and sadly (well sort of) I think it will be my last marker that I buy for a while. I'm gonna downsize a few that I don't need as well. I haven't spent a ton of money really but I've enjoyed the hunt all the while... my collection consists of guns I think represent quality, an understated clean look, and above all: solid performance. I'll do the gratuitous marker collection shot later once I get the new piece, may or not may not use the bed. Now I need to get another girlfriend... That'll help motivate me to sell a few I'm sure.

For now here's the emag I put together recently:
Can't wait til AO south :cheers:

09-15-2007, 01:16 AM
are you carpooling up?

Im in DB

09-15-2007, 04:53 PM
Yeah man I'd be down, I'd say 3 heads would be the maximum for my car to ride comfortably... and I'll be hauling quite a bit if I bring my photo gear. It's not like its a micro roller skate car (97 honda accord 2dr), but I'd certainly be up for a carpool of sorts... what were you thinkin? You lookin to drive or ride? If you've got a van or something I'll gladly throw down on gas. My backseat sucks so that's why I'd say riding 4/5 deep would be hell. Well I wouldn't care so much cuz my seat would still be comfy but the backseat... not so much. My a/c kinda sucks too but it does get me by here in the mandatory a/c capitol of the lower 48... seems to work best when you don't need it. Although on the highway it does just fine on recirc. Let me know. Pm me or something and I'll get you my cell.

Can't wait to get this tib... gotta order a few mags though... lol just cut a few 10 round tubes down to be 8 round tubes for on field loading... figured I'd waste less paint that way while reloading. Gonna get a few more and cut em down. My cuts were clean for the most part but my pocket knife is now pretty dulled out.

09-15-2007, 07:02 PM

09-15-2007, 08:12 PM
I generally like markers to be black, but I like the Tac-8! The OD would be sweet as well.