View Full Version : Preliminary Membership Signup
09-18-2007, 10:23 AM
We're at the stage at which major things can not go forward unless people can share potentially confidential information.
There needs to be a protective agreement in place for anyone/everyone who wishes to move this thing forward.
I would appreciate anyone who is wishing to participate in that effort signing on here so that when the proper document is in place, I can quickly send it out.
Please append an email address and, if you wouldn't mind, a little background on yourself and/or any companies you represent.
I'll go first.
Steve Davidson
[email protected]
Been in paintball going on 25 years now. Representing only myself. Numerous designs to my credit, both original and contributory.
Decent background in intellectual property matters.
Much 'corporate world' experience.
Resume available upon request lol
09-18-2007, 11:37 AM
We're at the stage at which major things can not go forward unless people can share potentially confidential information.
There needs to be a protective agreement in place for anyone/everyone who wishes to move this thing forward.
I would appreciate anyone who is wishing to participate in that effort signing on here so that when the proper document is in place, I can quickly send it out.
Please append an email address and, if you wouldn't mind, a little background on yourself and/or any companies you represent.
I'll go first.
Steve Davidson
[email protected]
Been in paintball going on 25 years now. Representing only myself. Numerous designs to my credit, both original and contributory.
Decent background in intellectual property matters.
Much 'corporate world' experience.
Resume available upon request lol
Jonathan Lustenader
[email protected]
Mechanical engineer, representing only myself. A number of designs (mostly unreleased) and assistance with others designs.
mechanical engineering and design background (BSME)
Design assistance:
Assistance and hints of originals (some of them simple drawings done in a rush to not forget an idea)
Lots more that nobody has seen but me.
09-18-2007, 12:09 PM
Adam Bedore
[email protected]
Video game artist, freelance concept art, illustration for the last 11 years.
Representing myself alone.
Background in marketing,advertising,graphic design, 3d modeling, concept design, video games.
Im an "idea" kind of skill in machining things.
Currently an artist for Incredible Technologies ...makers of Golden Tee Golf, Silver Strike Bowling and Target Toss Pro.
09-18-2007, 05:47 PM
Diego Hemken
[email protected]
I'm just a highschool student that wants to be an engineer when he grows up. :)
I have a few ideas, mainly valve systems aimed at beating the RT's recharge speed. I'm also good at art (graphic design and pencil drawing).
I plan on learning some CAD stuff soon.
09-18-2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks for signing up.
Nothing against you guys, but if we don't get a few more folks on board, this thing is dead in the water.
09-18-2007, 06:31 PM
Larry De La Briandais
[email protected]
I'm a software engineer
I'm always thinking of ways to improve things but never have the resources to do anything about it.
I probably have nothing to contribute, but I find this whole idea fascinating. So, here I am...
P.S. This needs time. I think it may take longer that at first it appeared to get people interested.
09-18-2007, 06:50 PM
Oh I know. That was just a little goad.
09-18-2007, 11:25 PM
Rob Nix
Former Chef, now an IT Systems Engineer.
Proponent for Open Standards in computer systems and where ever else they may apply.
I have no machining or design experience, but I'm a pretty decent tinkerer.
I've, been playing paintball for about 10 years now. I love this game, and would love to be part of something that could improve it.
09-19-2007, 03:31 PM
Steve Warshaw
Software Desgin Eningeer - Microsoft Xbox 360
Background in operating systems development, internet marketing, and two way communication
Most of my ideas are for using lighter and stronger materials, and new ammo (paintball) design concepts.
09-19-2007, 09:42 PM
Trevor Sexsmith
angrysasquatch1 @ gmail . com
Better PM me as well
Paintballed for 5 (?) years, have owned just about all operations of paintball gun and love to rip em apart as soon as I get em to see how they work (and as a result they don't always work :( ) Representing only myself, no designs to my credit (this means I havent made a design so far right?)
In college to get a degree in mechanical engineering technology (1st year)
5 semesters of high school machine shop (lathes, vertical knee mills, CNC mills, MIG welding) can possibly make very small part runs at school (depending on if I'm allowed to make my own stuff)
Extensive experience with Autocad, learning Inventor right now. Can use Mastercam, machine language (in Red/cam I think). Currently have access to Autocad and Inventor 11 pro. Could possibly get permission to use rapid prototype machine.
No ideas so far (someone give me some parameters and I'll come up with something :) )
09-20-2007, 05:28 AM
Brandon Burdette
I am an artist and writer (mostly poetry and short stories).
I have no real mechanical skills outside of stage set building.
I represent only myself.
I have been playing paintball for almost 10yrs. now.
I have no sciences or machine skills to offer. What I bring to the table is my creativity. Being an artist, creative and out of the box thinking is common and fun for me.
I also know some people at McMaster-Carr in OH, and my dad has some contacts at Granger. ;)
09-20-2007, 07:15 AM
10 Individuals so far:
Artist & Writer
ME Degree Candidate
Software Designer
IT Systems Engineer
Student & Health Services Worker
Software Engineer
HS Student
Mechanical Engineer
Writer, Jackleg IP guy and Game Designer
Gee - maybe we should be designing games rather than paintball gear...
speaking of which, I've got about 4 games that are dying to go online...
09-20-2007, 11:39 AM
Perhaps you should also open a new one for shops, so people willing to make a run of parts/annodizing/whatever (key word "willing", lets not get too far ahed of ourselves)for this little endeavour can post up. Obviously, they wouldn't be the same as members as they are being paid for the parts.
09-20-2007, 02:46 PM
Christopher Biegel
[email protected]
- Currently work at NOAA Fisheries Service (obviously I wouldn’t represent the Federal government in this ;) )
- 10 years as an investigative paralegal
- While I’m certainly not an engineer or even an “air smith” I do have working experience with many different markers and have done several alterations such as using different frames etc.
- Strong advocate for creating a venue for creativity with access to help from other like minded people and protection from someone claiming the IP for themselves and then trying to charge me to even make my the thing in my own home for my own use.
09-20-2007, 04:14 PM
well if you need my help i can tinker quiet well with a dremmel :) LOL and i have a few good ideas from time to time ill keep my eye on this Corey own a .com made a few pumpmags for a fair price i have sold over 100 guns locally and on the net in the last few years
09-20-2007, 06:58 PM
Josh Baker
[email protected]
I have been playing paintball for about five years, and I represent only myself. I am a U.S. Navy Cryptologist by profession, and about a hundred things by hobby. I'm a hobbyist in computer programming, embedded software design, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, real-time simulation, 3D modeling, college-level physics, and more.
I have several of my own designs, one or two ready for prototyping, and would be more than willing to assist with others' ideas.
09-20-2007, 07:22 PM
speaking of which, I've got about 4 games that are dying to go online...
Ha ha. True. I'm actually working on a completely hand-drawn RPG. Think cell-shaded, but more TV cartoonish. And a buddy of mine knows Delphi and some other codes. It'll take a few years for to finish it, but it should be cool.
09-20-2007, 07:42 PM
Alex Pineda
Reprisenting me, myself and I
[email protected]
College Degree in Political Science from SUNY Purchase
Corrently in Manufacturing as:
Lead Senior Aircraft Asssembler at the Worlds Largest Defence Contractor
I Specialize in fabricating large aircraft parts out of titanium, stainless steel and aluminum. :headbang:
09-27-2007, 02:33 PM
Cmon guys lets get some people onboard or I suspect this whole idea will be dead in the water.
09-29-2007, 02:37 PM
I'm kind of on hiatus right now as I finish packing, do the closing and move; I expect to be back up to full operational capability sometime around October 15th or so.
I'll have a series of legal documents for folks to go over, comment on and etc. - most dealing with the open source aspects and non-disclosure aspects.
I'd also like to focus everyone's attention on the concept of 'modularity' and the concept of a self-contained feed system (eg, one built into the marker itself).
Bryce Braden ,
[email protected]:
I have working prototypes, 15yrs as a small business owner, love to tinker,obsessed by PB
And have lots of IDEAS. some verry cool as well as usefull.
Also very adaptable to most Markers.
Playing paintball and making usefull mods since 1982
10-18-2007, 03:48 AM
I'm very interested.
[email protected]
HS Grad, working on getting into college for ME.
I've got some ideas I can bring to the table.
10-18-2007, 06:22 AM
I'm very interested.
Taylor Dinsmore
[email protected]
HS Grad, working on getting into college for ME.
I've got some ideas I can bring to the table.
Wondered when you would show up. :)
10-18-2007, 12:17 PM
Alan Gliniak
mechanical designer / machinist
currently representing only myself (although I have in the past and may again run a paintball related manufacturing business)
I have solidworks, a bridgeport, and a lathe and many ties to local machine shops
for prototyping or production purposes.
[email protected]
10-18-2007, 12:50 PM
Ty McNeer
PM me here
Software analyst/programmer
Protoype machinist
I have a 4 axis Sherline CNC mill, a Light Machines CNC Lathe, a manual lathe and a maunal mill. I have Solidworks and access to SolidCAM.
I have been playing and modifying markers since 1987... Collecting "interesting" markers for the last 5 years. I have some ideas that might prove useful.
11-16-2007, 03:48 PM
My name is David Miedema I am a medical student and in the USAR. I recently given up hope of making big bucks with my marker design and I would like to turn it into an open source project. Even though I am a biology nerd I was raised by an EE and have picked up parametric modeling recently.
Who is cooordinating enrollment?
Chris Nearchos
12-04-2007, 03:20 PM
Christopher Nearchos II
[email protected]
Been playing paintball for 11 years now.
I will be representing only myself.
Currently a college student in the feild of the Astro portion of Aerospace Engineering.
As far what i can bring to the table are the following:
- Computer Aided Design mainly on the Catia platform , but can autocad if required.
- Machanical designing
- part improvement
- idea implament
- marketing/selling
- website/basic programing design
- and of course a big time tinker
side notes
- will be getting into prototyping/production with cnc mills and lathes soon
- I use a HUGE factor in all my designing with human factoring
12-06-2007, 03:45 AM
Brenden Gansner aka Spitlebug
Representing myself and the general paintball community.
Administrator - - ICD Owner's Group
Administrator - - Home of the BushViper Project
Draftsman - Civil, Survey, Mechanical
Programs available: AutoCAD, Solidworks, Inventor
Co-Designer (Along with Greg Schutte of ICD infamy) - BushViper marker
Co-Designer (Along with Greg Schutte of ICD infamy) - GBR Bushmaster Anti-Chop Rammer (
Designer - ProMaster Rammer Limited Source Drawings, freely distributable. (
I do a lot of Pro Bono Publico work for the ICD community and the general paintball community as a whole. I have extensive experience. I am able to design an entire marker from the ground up. I specialize primarily in the operation of markers which includes (but not limited to) rams, hammers, valves, bolts, electronics design, feednecks and a plethora of other various parts.
I do have some NDA's and agreements with a few paintball companies. I cannot divulge some technical information, but I do have designs and can do work so long as it doesn't come into conflict with my existing agreements.
I can sign NDA's and can provide NDA's if required.
Oh, and I am a Pirate. :argh: :)
12-06-2007, 08:52 AM
Mike Gugar
[email protected]
best way to contact me is PM on PBN
username: Jonotwist
I represent myself
Ive been in Paintball since 98, love it.
I see many products and notice in many places where products can be made better.
Ive seen some of the best, and alot of the worst the sport has to offer.
My background, Im currently enrolled in a community college Working on my Degree in Electronic Engineering. I have had a 3 year course taken to immerse myself within the field,
(still hating semi-conductors) I plan on majoring with at least a masters degree.
I am well versed with Basic electrical theory, (ohms law) Digital electronics and its theory (logic gates) , and Cad design and drafting. (autocad)
I am handy with a dremmel, especially with a cutting wheel and grinding head.
my basic toos right now are access to an old bridgeport. dremmel and files.
I have a small business on the side of my usual sales person, I fix marker for cheap.
I have a few designs I would like to implement, but for some reason none of my drafting programs work for me.
I know what makes guns work, and I learn their basic theory of operation. I understand what works, and what doesn't. the biggest thing I lack right now is experience.
I am currently involved in 3 projects, UL ion, EP wrath, And a merlin Extrusion thats going to be my private gun. much like an aedes, but with a completely different bolt setup.(access to a cnc mill baby!) (and lathe)
12-09-2007, 12:47 PM
gordon kuhnley AKA cockerpunk email -
[email protected]
senior mechanical engineering student. been playing paint ball now for almost 7 years, 5 with a pump gun. currently working hard on my schools FSAE program to design, build and race formula 1 style race car. also, engineer and machinist for cockerpunk customs. also have a fair background in electrical systems.
i own solidworks, and have experience on CATIA. i also have access to all manner of machines, mills, lathes and such. unfortunately, no CNC stuff yet.
currently working on a fully pneumatic nelson style gun.
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