View Full Version : Visor or no visor?

01-10-2002, 09:42 PM
I am bored so I figured I would see which people prefer using visors on their masks as opposed to not. Also tell why you use a visor.

I used to but have realized many ball breaks happen on my visor but when I am not wearing one they seem to bounce. So I am sticking with no visor for the time being except on very sunny days.

01-10-2002, 09:45 PM
yea i have about the same view as u..... no need for it unless its a really sunny day... say thing with tinted lenses.. :D

01-10-2002, 10:11 PM
I used to never wear a visor, I thought they were dumb. But I love mine! 2 bounces off it in one game :D. Its <B>VERY</B> good at getting bounces! Another reason why you should buy a V-Force mask! And I love the shade it gives me.


01-10-2002, 10:15 PM
i hate visors, they get in my way and limit your visin abit. but they do come in handy when u can't see where the guys that are shooting at you are because of the sun in your eyes.

01-10-2002, 10:20 PM
gotta be visor! you look goofie without it, and i figure it cant hurt, only help in the sun. getting hit in the your visor beats getting hit in the forehead too...need some crazy top angle though...

oh well, just rambling, im tired

01-10-2002, 10:25 PM
sunny days yes ,shady days no, Looks cool

01-10-2002, 10:28 PM
On my old mask didnt have one, got hit right in the forehead like 3 games in a row in one day. I'm going to stick with the visor from now on if they bounce or not.

01-10-2002, 10:42 PM
There's another reason that the visor is on your mask boys. Ever notice that when the visor is on no matter how you set the mask down the lens doesn't touch the surface you're setting it on? Try saying that without the visor. That's right, built in scratch protection.

01-10-2002, 10:51 PM
visor...or no visor but hat ...

01-11-2002, 01:17 AM
I have a JT ize mask and i leave the visor on it. I have many bounces off the visor atleast 10 or so and getting hit in the head doesn't feel so good. I also think the visor makes the mask look sweet. Just my opinion

01-11-2002, 10:02 AM
Both. I leave it on for rec play and definitely on sunny days. But for speedball and tourney it comes off. I can get in closer to the bunker with out the visor in the way.

01-11-2002, 10:39 AM
The only time I use a visor is when it rains, othwerwise it's a Spectra tint lens or a clear lens for Hyperball, Speedball, et al.

01-11-2002, 11:19 AM
I've been using a thermal nVader mask lately, and if you take the visor off, there is still a big piece of plastic where the visor was. So usually I keep the visor on.

But I lost the powerfeed tube adapter that works with the warp, so for a day or two I'm going to be playing w/out the warp. The visor comes into contact with the revvy way too much when the revvy is on top of the gun, at least with my setup it does.

I have gotten some bounces off of the visor before, but I don't really like bounces. I feel that if they shoot me in the head, they deserve the kill, so I don't wear the visor for bounce protection, the mask just looks silly w/out it.

01-11-2002, 11:40 AM
I've never taken a hit in the visor (really). It is always on my mask since it is what the fans are attached to (glasses are a pain when playing pb). It also looks better with the visor on.