View Full Version : NPPL KC Event

09-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Hey guys,
You can watch the NPPL KC event at http://www.nppllive.com/
In case you guys didn't know, the center stage is inside the stadium and I believe its a first for professional paintball to be inside the stadium instead of out on the parking lot.

Edit: Wasn't Skyball in a "real" stadium?

09-24-2007, 04:24 PM
A national event in a staduim was pretty cool, but the outcome of the pro division was not so cool...

did anyone else see this? Ironmen and Impact shared first place...wack

Oh and I'm not sure about skyball, but they have ultimate arena paintball which is 3 man in arenas obviously..

09-24-2007, 04:40 PM
Yeah, I was kinda disappointed with the outcome. I felt that they should have gone to a best of three 1 on 1. I really don't know how they're going to do points, because Impact will be in first overall regardless, but Ironmen were in 3rd before the KC event. Are they going to give them 1st place points too? What about Image and 'Canes? Do they get 2nd and 3rd place points? It just seemed like it wasn't very well thought out before the final decision was made. It is paintball history in the making, but so far the reactions from the fans has been universally angry with the decision. This really isn't good for the NPPL. Truthfully, they're doing the most to legitimize paintball as an actual sport to the outside world with their new TV show and the professionalism they have shown in the past. But, they are alienating their fanbase even more with this decision. Earlier in the year there was the controversy with them not allowing MWAG to be on the center stage field because Fox was filming for their new show. PBNation even pulled their listing of the NPPL off the main page in protest. But, NPPL is doing a great job of legitimizing our sport to the rest of the world. I just think they are getting a little ahead of themselves at times in their fight to legitimize our sport.

Let me pose this question as well: What format (7 man or X-Ball) do you think will win the battle of being the accepted format of tournament paintball? Or do you think a hybrid will arise that takes the best aspects of each and makes the "perfect" layout?

09-25-2007, 05:19 PM
Yeah, I was kinda disappointed with the outcome. I felt that they should have gone to a best of three 1 on 1. I really don't know how they're going to do points, because Impact will be in first overall regardless, but Ironmen were in 3rd before the KC event. Are they going to give them 1st place points too? What about Image and 'Canes? Do they get 2nd and 3rd place points? It just seemed like it wasn't very well thought out before the final decision was made. It is paintball history in the making, but so far the reactions from the fans has been universally angry with the decision. This really isn't good for the NPPL. Truthfully, they're doing the most to legitimize paintball as an actual sport to the outside world with their new TV show and the professionalism they have shown in the past. But, they are alienating their fanbase even more with this decision. Earlier in the year there was the controversy with them not allowing MWAG to be on the center stage field because Fox was filming for their new show. PBNation even pulled their listing of the NPPL off the main page in protest. But, NPPL is doing a great job of legitimizing our sport to the rest of the world. I just think they are getting a little ahead of themselves at times in their fight to legitimize our sport.

Let me pose this question as well: What format (7 man or X-Ball) do you think will win the battle of being the accepted format of tournament paintball? Or do you think a hybrid will arise that takes the best aspects of each and makes the "perfect" layout?

Well when I first heard the news, I was dissapointed. After reading a blog type article on one of the Iromen's own web page the decision made by the two teams made more sense.

The reason they made the decision is 1: the Nppl pretty much told them they where the refs and allowed the teams to decide the game, ok this should never happen. If that is how a game is going to end then why have officials and rules at all?

2nd reason was because they where angry towards all of the bad calls, it was their way of protesting the undecisive and bad reffing. Atleast in my mind and I come to these conclusions after reading one of the Ironmans article and listening to Mike Paxton on some radio show.

I don't know that Nppl is so much liegitimizing the sport as they are just getting it coverage. Which I guess could in turn open peoples eyes to the game and allow them to view it as a professional sport.

Between the two Professional formats available now, I believe the general public would except Xball better. Mainly because it was made for just that. It is similar to other sports such as hockey with it's penalties and it is much more in your face and aggresive there for more entertaining ( in my mind). I also personally prefer Xball, much more entertaining.

But xball is so fast that it can be hard to keep up with what is going on, while nppl is more mellow and you can follow players and moves easier.

Really though Im not sure paintball is something for outsiders to view. Most people who are flipping through channels and stumble across paintball will stop and watch to figure what the craziness is. Then they are like "oh hey paintall, we played that at Fred's bachelor party" or "Oh ye I've heard of this". The ones that will watch, will mainly watch it in awe that there are grown men running around shooting people and that it is on television, not because they think it is a sport that they would follow.

Make sense? I don't know that is how I feel and mainly because I have witnessed it myself from my parents, who very well know what paintball is. If Im watching paintball on tv then they may sit there and tolerate it, but the whole time they are "geesh I can't belive you guys do this, that's insane"

09-25-2007, 06:20 PM
Let me pose this question as well: What format (7 man or X-Ball) do you think will win the battle of being the accepted format of tournament paintball? Or do you think a hybrid will arise that takes the best aspects of each and makes the "perfect" layout?

*cough* SPPL *cough*

Not that I'm biased..

On a serious note, Tournament paintball is becoming more and more ridiculous... almost WWA like. I'll be happy to continue snapping up deals when items "go out of style", and even play a couple local tourneys (Pump tourney.. gotta love it!).. but I don't think I'll ever travel for something like that.


09-25-2007, 08:27 PM
*cough* SPPL *cough*

Not that I'm biased..

On a serious note, Tournament paintball is becoming more and more ridiculous... almost WWA like. I'll be happy to continue snapping up deals when items "go out of style", and even play a couple local tourneys (Pump tourney.. gotta love it!).. but I don't think I'll ever travel for something like that.


To each his own, to me paintball is tournaments. Now that I'm not competing I almost see no point to play. It is still fun,but tournaments bring out a whole nother level of play in my mind and it was always a blast playin with my friends and winning.

Then again if there where a field close by then I would still enjoy playing, but when you have to drive at the least and hour and twenty minutes one way to play and then drive back after grindin it out all day (especially in the SC heat) it becomes somewhat of a hassle, then add gas prices on top of paint and field fee it generally doubles your price to play in a day.

09-26-2007, 08:08 PM
But, NPPL is doing a great job of legitimizing our sport to the rest of the world. I just think they are getting a little ahead of themselves at times in their fight to legitimize our sport.

now I don't follow speedball much ,but i've read numerous threads about this match , including , I was there threads ( on other forums )
It seems to me like what the NPPL did here was to legitimize game fixing ( they had this problem before , so they made a rule against it ) & the use of the big screens for yet another form of cheating , some say ; man that was a smart thing for him (ollie ) to do , but after NPPL saw it was happening they shut down the side screens that he was using
I hate putting down any kind of paintball because I love the game , but when ANY type of cheating is condoned or promoted is does nothing but drop the level of the game

09-26-2007, 11:03 PM
now I don't follow speedball much ,but i've read numerous threads about this match , including , I was there threads ( on other forums )
It seems to me like what the NPPL did here was to legitimize game fixing ( they had this problem before , so they made a rule against it ) & the use of the big screens for yet another form of cheating , some say ; man that was a smart thing for him (ollie ) to do , but after NPPL saw it was happening they shut down the side screens that he was using
I hate putting down any kind of paintball because I love the game , but when ANY type of cheating is condoned or promoted is does nothing but drop the level of the game

Actually it wasn't jus Ollie looking at the screens, people where doing it all weekend. Mike Paxon(Sp?) said on a radio show that it wasn't a big deal because the other team had the same opportunity, but if they where smart they (nppl) would have put a little bit of a delay on it.

I don't believe they shut down the screens because in the finals (ironmen v. impact) one of the ironmen was at the carwash and looks up at the jumbotron. Unless like you said they shut down the two sides facing home and some postions on the field still had a view of the other sides.

I wouldn't consider it cheating, it's just smart on the players part. If it's there then use it to your advantage, especially when it is somethign that's not in the rule book.

09-26-2007, 11:20 PM
I wouldn't consider it cheating, it's just smart on the players part. If it's there then use it to your advantage, especially when it is somethign that's not in the rule book.

And that right there is exactly why "rules that didn't exist last year, do exist this year" in sports. Thinking like that takes all the fun out of things. Not always because "Why didn't I think of that?" But because ppl must resort to that kinda crap to win. Not be better, just to win.

Yeah, it might have been smart, and it may not be against the rules, and hell it could of gotten Ironmen the win. At least until everything ground to a halt due to the BS going down on the field.

But then what the hell do I know, I don't even play pro. Mainly 'cus I love the game, not want to make a quick buck out of it. And one day when my sons want to play, they'll see that I play for fun; with dignity, honor and respect, not because I can skirt the rules and look up on a big screen of the game and call plays out to my team based on where the opposition is standing.

09-27-2007, 12:19 AM
And that right there is exactly why "rules that didn't exist last year, do exist this year" in sports. Thinking like that takes all the fun out of things. Not always because "Why didn't I think of that?" But because ppl must resort to that kinda crap to win. Not be better, just to win.

Yeah, it might have been smart, and it may not be against the rules, and hell it could of gotten Ironmen the win. At least until everything ground to a halt due to the BS going down on the field.

But then what the hell do I know, I don't even play pro. Mainly 'cus I love the game, not want to make a quick buck out of it. And one day when my sons want to play, they'll see that I play for fun; with dignity, honor and respect, not because I can skirt the rules and look up on a big screen of the game and call plays out to my team based on where the opposition is standing.

Well if Nppl is at another location that has a jumbotron and they have a problem with it, then I guess they will fix the problem.

They (Nppl) where fully aware of players looking at the screen, so once again they should have fixed it, but the Nppl seems somewhat spineless and incapable of making decisions.
Don't present competitive players a legal way to have an edge on the opposition and expect them not to take full advantage of it.

"mainly 'cus I love the game, not want to make a quick buck out of it."

There are very few pro players that make money off the game, most of them get to play for free and that is satisfactory enough for them because, like yourself, they love the game. Now there are exceptions to the rules like Lang and Cuba, but I'm pretty sure they play because they also love the game and what's wrong with making money doing something you love? Wouldn't most people love to achieve that?I know I would.

If you where playing the event and you wouldn't look at the screen because you; "...play for fun; with dignity, honor and respect...". Well actually, I don't believe that for a second. I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't take advantage of it, especially when all the other teams where doing so.

meh whatever.

09-27-2007, 08:59 AM
I don't doubt that they (Nppl) are spineless and incapable of making decisions. And again, yes I am sure there are tons of pro players that play purely for the fun of the game. And make next to nothing or nothing outside of the rush and experience of paintball. However, if any of them, get anything else out of it. Even a free game, then they are getting paid. It just means that they are spending said "credit" right at the event they are getting it for playing. And yes, there is nothing wrong with doing something you love and getting paid for it, I currently enjoy that PRIVILEGE in my career field. But paintball does not have to go the way of most other sports. Huge amounts of money and then strike if the don't get it.
I'm not dogging pro players. If a player is good or not even but wants to go pro, by all means do. I'm dogging those who sully the sport ever further in their attempt at whatever you what to call it, money, fame, ego. Because it's not the stand-up players who get the media, it's those who skirt or cross that gray line of cheating/legal time and time again. They wipe, they play on, they stare at jumbotrons. And yes, I'll aquiess. I know ppl play on, and I know that they wipe at times, hell I know plenty of ppl shoot hot because they want to. Doesn't make it right.

If you where playing the event and you wouldn't look at the screen because you; "...play for fun; with dignity, honor and respect...". Well actually, I don't believe that for a second. I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't take advantage of it, especially when all the other teams where doing so.

meh whatever.

Well, ppl believe what they want to believe. And well, that's ok for you to have that oppinion of me, because you don't know me; and as you said, you don't know anyone who wouldn't...

09-27-2007, 12:14 PM
What disappointed me most about last weekend's NPPL event was the lack of professionalism that I saw, on both the league and player's parts.

First of all the Ironmen were not wearing their own jerseys. I have heard several reasons for this, from refs picking on Ollie Lang to the other teams using the jumbotron to target him first. Grow up. That is a part of sports. You don't see an NFL team switch jerseys because they want to confuse the defense. It would never be allowed. So if we want to make paintball a 'legitimate' sport, then why is it allowed in a national tournament?

I have no problem with the players looking at the jumbotron. It was there for both sides, so neither side had an unfair advantage. Oh well. The NPPL saw it on Friday and Saturday and didn't like it, so they turned off two of the sides on Sunday. It might not be traditional, but unfortunately, as the rules stand it isn't cheating. Maybe it will be changed later.

But what really got me was the total lack of respect and competitive spirit shown by agreeing to share first place. Would you ever see two NFL teams agree to split the Superbowl rings? NO! Why should it be ok for paintball to do? If we ever want to grow this sport and market it to people that are not die hard fans, it has to become more like other professional sports.

I read on PBN that Ollie Lang was approached by the Impact coach about sharing first place. If that is true, then I am severely disappointed in Ollie Lang to agreeing to that, but so much more disappointed in the Impact coach for even suggesting it. I'm sorry if they were tired from a long weekend of paintball. Boo hoo, that sure has to be rough. If you cannot have the energy and drive to finish off the weekend with some one on one games to decide first place, then I don't think you should be playing at the professional level.
I will gladly take your place.

09-27-2007, 01:33 PM
This just in!!

From the NPPL newletter:

An otherwise stellar event finished with controversy at NPPL event #4 in Kansas City this past weekend. In the Professional division, Edmonton Impact and the Ironmen battled through three games vying for first place. Impact won the first game, the second ended in a draw and the third went to Ironmen. By NPPL rules the match should have ended with a shootout to break the tie, each team picking 3 players to play a best-of-three series of “one on one”.

Emotions and tension ran high and instead of playing the shootout, both teams requested to settle for a tie. Although at the time this seemed like an acceptable resolution, upon further review by the league’s Rules Committee, it has been decided to finish what should have been completed Sunday night in Kansas City.

Therefore in the San Diego NPPL Commander’s Cup this November, before the Professional games begin, the tie-breaker will be played between the Ironmen and Edmonton Impact. The winner will be crowned the Kansas City Professional Champion and awarded the 26 ranking points that go along with first place while the other team will be awarded 2nd place and 23 ranking points.

The NPPL Rules Committee consists of current and former players along with league officials who make up the 9 voting members and one moderator. The role of the Rules Committee is to address issues between events concerning rules and regulation. When actions occur that aren’t within the rule book, the Rules Committee is called upon to determine what steps need to be taken to achieve resolution while upholding the intentions and integrity of the league for current and future play.