View Full Version : I have no clue about cockers and parts, but have a ton of them, help me please

09-25-2007, 12:58 PM
some stuff i have no clue what it is or what its worth....
if anyone can help me out id apreciate it

i basiclly have no clue about cockers, and found a couple markers and a parts box at a yard sale. bought it because i knew that the stuff is worth somthing.

i think its an orracle cocker, with an e1 grip, a bad solenoid, but i have another grip with a working solenoid.??? has a cover for eyes, and a ball detent, some minor scratches, derlin bolt. fancy reg.

another mech cocker almost complete. missing some things it looks like, but i have not a clue what it takes to complete a cocker.

an old right feed cocker body black

a blue cocker body

an ANS reg

some sort of fancy electric thing, chrome, has an "e" on it comes off of the front block

a tickler LPR

a palmers lpr

various 3 ways

another trigger frame

some more stuff ill add as i find it
will also add pictures tonight
but if you can help me out id really apreciate it
im looking to sell this stuff when i find out what its worth.

09-25-2007, 01:42 PM
your best bet is to take group photos of all of the stuff. it'll be much easier for everyone to help you when we can see the parts.

Also, since you don't know if any of the parts are functional, you probably won't get top dollar for them

09-25-2007, 05:24 PM
Pics are most critical for this....
Dunno where you live, but since I have nothing but time right now I would be glad to repair and rebuild anything that is possible to work with if you feel like shipping the parts to me. I will be layed up for the next 2-3 months, it would be a welcome challenge.

09-25-2007, 06:20 PM
I would be up to picking up some of your gear, shoot me some pics.

09-25-2007, 09:53 PM
pictures are uploading,
i dont want to turn this into a B/s/t thread,
i am going to start one once i get a good idea on what to price some of this stuff

or ill just start one anyway, yea move it on over to the b/s/t section ill have a thread