View Full Version : Anyone see the SL74 yet?

09-25-2007, 02:06 PM
I'm not usually one to hype up guns or do the ZOMG GUN ES TEH LEET thing, but I thought some might appreciate it here. This is solely because of the finish... Aurora is just a hot finish IMHO. Not all are in Aurora, but they are available from the factory.

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/5873/0101790048fd3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Also I know alot of you old schoolers are fans of Aurora, so I figured I'd share:D
I would totally buy one if I were a fan of Egos, but this is not the case. I am partial to Mags, Angels, and my (but nobody else's :cool: ) SFT Shocker.

09-25-2007, 02:17 PM
aurora finishes are the new Agg

09-25-2007, 02:37 PM
[smacks forehead and buries face in hands, then shakes head :( ] Really? That kinda sucks... :confused:

09-25-2007, 02:40 PM
[smacks forehead and buries face in hands, then shakes head :( ] Really? That kinda sucks... :confused:

yeah people can get aurora finishes for far far less then what it use to cost.

bawithaba i think is his AO name, was offering it for a while. infact he could get the gold, green, blue, and purple finishes. heh

09-25-2007, 02:46 PM
yeah people can get aurora finishes for far far less then what it use to cost.
Well that's a plus at least.

09-25-2007, 03:20 PM
aurora finishes are the new Agg

The new "agg"? I think you are the first person I have seen use that word in several months...

Elitist AO wrong yet again.

09-25-2007, 03:33 PM
Eh, Id buy an aurora finish marker. Then Id grab my video camera and get a shot of me throwing it out into I-75 traffic :argh: I know Im the only person on the planet that is sick of hearing the aurora hype. Im not impressed. If all the ano guys could do it we would see a flood of makers hit the streets with that finish but the phase would last as long as the "neon under my car" or "Oakley truck window sticker." Its just a classic case of "I want what I cant have." I mean, its a frigging rainbow? If I want rainbows Ill get myself a bowl of Lucky Charms :p I flush bigger piles of agg down my tiolet.

09-25-2007, 03:44 PM
Eh, Id buy an aurora finish marker. Then Id grab my video camera and get a shot of me throwing it out into I-75 traffic :argh: I know Im the only person on the planet that is sick of hearing the aurora hype. Im not impressed. If all the ano guys could do it we would see a flood of makers hit the streets with that finish but the phase would last as long as the "neon under my car" or "Oakley truck window sticker." Its just a classic case of "I want what I cant have." I mean, its a frigging rainbow? If I want rainbows Ill get myself a bowl of Lucky Charms :p I flush bigger piles of agg down my tiolet.
Like I implied above, did not know it was the new trend. That is unfortunate. Back in the day, Aurora used to be super pricey (I could never afford it). I think Aurora is pretty sharp looking, have for years. The kiddies making it a fad is somewhat unfortunate, but it really is a sharp color scheme IMO.

09-25-2007, 03:46 PM
I'm kinda gettin' the impression that you dont particularly care for the Aurora finish Warwitch.

But, I do agree with you. And, the biggest draw about the aurora finish today is because of the hype about the original aurora and it being so hard to do and costly. It will run its course for a coupla months, then dye out when the next "gotta have" thing shows up. Like Faux Mink lined Halo feed necks

09-25-2007, 03:56 PM
pfft.. mink has to be great for bounces, right?

09-25-2007, 04:18 PM
weren't they saying some douchebag dropped 5k on one of these at HB this year?

wow is he going to be ticked off they made more :)


09-25-2007, 04:42 PM
a friend if mine pre-ordered one a few months back. i think he gets it in the enxt week or two. price was around 2kish (not sure exactly).

09-25-2007, 04:57 PM
weren't they saying some douchebag dropped 5k on one of these at HB this year?

wow is he going to be ticked off they made more :)


That one was a nexus ( I believe there where two and I am pretty sure they where both nexus) and it was ALL aurora.

Deff paid way too much either way. In person it does look pretty good, would I pay extra to have it? Nope.

The guy who Aurora'd his dark explained how he did it and if you have the right equipment it doesn't seem too hard. Just time consuming.

09-25-2007, 05:30 PM
That one was a nexus ( I believe there where two and I am pretty sure they where both nexus) and it was ALL aurora.

Deff paid way too much either way. In person it does look pretty good, would I pay extra to have it? Nope.

The guy who Aurora'd his dark explained how he did it and if you have the right equipment it doesn't seem too hard. Just time consuming.

Where is that description, please?

09-25-2007, 05:36 PM
PM7 Oil Slick edition = same ole stuff.


And its been out long enough for a decent price drop.


Alas, I'm not a Matrix or Ego fan.

And I like my markers black.

Zone Drifter
09-25-2007, 08:02 PM
Nice marker, but i would much rather have the tan/olive one than that finish.

09-25-2007, 08:18 PM
$2000.00 for a marker......ok maybe I am cheap....but there is no marker I have ever seen that I personally would pay that much for.....unless someone made a really good mod of the Aliens pulse rifle....then Id sell my wife, dogs, and Id throw Warwitch in for good measure!

09-25-2007, 08:20 PM
Where is that description, please?

The guy got tired of people PM'n him about it so he took everything down pictures and all.

I do remeber it having to do with a sealed vaccum chamber in which you placed the parts and they had to spin I believe...I read it, but barley remeber seeing how I have like no desire to attempt it...oh and it won't ruin the gun if done wrong,it'll jus ruin the finish.

09-25-2007, 09:04 PM
Would be more impressive if it was the whole gun, not just some parts.

Could always just get the Aurora CCU kit:


09-25-2007, 11:22 PM
Like Faux Mink lined Halo feed necks

Now that is agg. :rofl:

I personally like the infamous SL's. Im a Cash fan myself.
