View Full Version : Calling all refs, calling all refs...

Empyreal Rogue
09-27-2007, 01:21 AM
.. in the Virginia area...

The weekend of October 13th, 14th, and 15th Splatbrothers is hosting an event led by the scenario company MXS. MXS is one of the larger scenario companies around, we expect to see well over 500 people that weekend.

However, we (The ref staff of Splatbrothers) might be understaffed that weekend for such a large event. Would anyone be interested in coming to Splatbrothers to help us that weekend? Even if you're not a ref but an experienced player you're still more than welcome to come by. There will be some perks so if you're interested at all and live in the RVA area then PM me and we'll work out the necessary details.