View Full Version : lets c if it worked

01-11-2002, 07:32 AM
<head><title>1 Cool Button Tool</title></head>
<applet name="airgun1" code="BtnPlayer.class" codebase="." alt="airgun1 Navigation" archive="BtnPlayer.jar" width="376" height="48">
<param name="cabbase" value="BtnPlayer.cab">
<param name="p" value="3,0,1,808080,-1,.,0,0,0,.,.,.">
<param name="b0" value="4,4,120,40,1,0,0,2,4,4,5,^4,^192,0,2,2,^12,^1,^1,^ 40,^25,^1,^0,^40,^25,^.,.,.,madgigl.au,^My Site,^.,http://www.geocities.com/coffey_114,.,site,.,ff,80ff00,ff0000,ffffff,ff,80f f00,^ff0000,^.">
<param name="b1" value="128,4,120,40,1,0,0,2,4,4,5,^4,^192,0,2,2,^12,^1,^1 ,^40,^25,^1,^0,^40,^25,^.,.,.,laugh.au,^Automags.O rg,^.,http://www.automags.org,.,AO,.,ff,80ff00,ff0000,ffffff,ff ,ff00,^ff0000,^.">
<param name="b2" value="252,4,120,40,1,0,0,2,4,4,5,^4,^192,0,2,2,^12,^1,^1 ,^40,^25,^1,^0,^40,^25,^.,.,.,fart.au,^AirgunDesig ns Home,.,Fade site: 3,.,http://www.airgun.com,.,AGD,.,ff,80ff00,ff0000,ffffff,ff, ff00,^ff0000,.,.,Fade AO: 50;">
<param name="r" value="426a4c74">
<param name="c" value="426a002c">

01-11-2002, 07:59 AM

01-11-2002, 04:10 PM
LOL! It wont work. It is my first bar thingy.....

01-12-2002, 12:07 PM
Coffey--its not working for me. On the very bottom of my browser it says "Applet BtnPlayer class BtnPlayer could not be loaded". Are you using Internet Explorer? I'm using Netscape Navigator, do u think there could be a conflict? I just tried opening IE on my comp but there is something wrong with it. I will try again later.

01-12-2002, 12:11 PM
LOL, i am a moron, i didn't read your 2nd post correctly. I guess it won't work in either, haha, sorry about that