View Full Version : Dont mean to cry about it, but is anyone else feeling the same?

mr doo doo
09-28-2007, 11:40 PM
Eh, being a teenager struggling to obtain money and doing good in school really sucks :mad: . Im sure there are plenty of you guys out there in my position, and many of you guys who were in my position. but with soooooooo many irresistible pre-orders going on, i feel i should try and get as many as i can for which they wont come up in the future ever again.

I nearly missed the AO jersey pre-order, i miss out on those cool Airwalk frames, didnt have enough money at the time, so i missed out on the sluggos pre-order, and just recently, i had to give up my spot in the UMF frame line since my plans have changed for my current mag. Now after giving up my position for it and missing out on all the other pre-orders, i feel like poop, regretting every moment :( .

And now, here comes the pump pre-order, and coincidently, i was in the market for a pump marker. Was about to pick up a cheap sniper over on ansgear for HALF the cost of a pump mag, but i i thought to myself, "a pump mag will sure catch some eyes, even though i may suck at stock class...and if i ever still have this in the future, i'd probably be glad i got the pump kit since they arent made anymore..." I have this mysterious addiction for mags only ( i own 3, and 4th s under construction), i dont know why :confused: In addition, i have to get another body + rail ++ milling them both = $$$. Total price for a pump mag is quite a number.

Ay yi yi, everything just results in me spending more and more money i should probably save for college, and later on regret that i didnt get so and so. Am i making any sense, or is my mouth just blabbering a bunch of nonsense? dont mean to cry about all this, but some opinions or whatnot would be nice for me to ponder upon. :cry:

09-28-2007, 11:49 PM
i was in the same position but, my views changed after i quit my job and got rid of monthly bills. now i spend any money i want, without regret that ill need it in the future.

plus if you ever need money, your sure to get it back by reselling your mag. ive done this a few times and is actually what i enjoy doing.

plus, there lots of grants and scholarship money available for the taking.

09-29-2007, 02:23 AM
Hey dude,

this is all part of life. It doesn't matter how much you make, there is always something that you would like that is just out of reach.

Buy what you can and enjoy what you have. Don't over extend yourself financially. Once you get down the road a bit you will begin to learn that there isn't really anything that you cannot do without.

As for the toys here, save yourself a slush fund. Instead of picking up everything that catches your eye, only get what you need and will use now. That will help you get a small slush fund going so that when the next thing comes along that you would really die to have, you can pick it up.

Start with the pump kit. You say that the stock game isn't really your thing. Then think to your self "would I rather have this or the pneu frame that someone else is putting out in a few months?" Make your decision and then don't look back.

There are always things that you can look back on and say "I wish I had done that different". That is life. Growing up involves realizing that you won't always handle everything right but if you try and make the best decisions with the current info you have then you will never have a reason to regret your decision.

I have been out of paintball for a number of years and just got back into things this year. There are many items that I wish I could have picked up. But with a site like this, eventually they will be back (even if as a used item) and if you have that slush fund you will be able to get them.

09-29-2007, 08:51 AM
Get a credit card.

09-29-2007, 09:00 AM
Get a credit card.

Bad plan...not free money


09-29-2007, 09:01 AM
my first 2 pb guns came from walmart, back maybe 5 years ago, then after i broke both, i realized they were crap, so i went to a local pb store and got a spyder e99 with revvy and 20 oz tank, which satisfied me untill abt 2 1/2 years ago when i started my current job, ironically i signed up to AO the same month i was hired, and bought a karta emag with my 2nd paycheck, lol, and it all went downhill from there :rofl:

09-29-2007, 09:14 AM
hey man,
same position here
i have a rule i try to stick by
no more than 3 Working guns alowed in my house

good thing im not any good at math

btw, roofing is a really good way to pick up $300 in a weekend

09-29-2007, 11:49 AM
Some fatherly advice, take it or leave it if you please.

Avoid debt if at all possible - Paying someone else for money is the pits. Credit cards are fine as long as you pay them off completely each and every month .

Today you are in high school and worry about $50, in a few years you'll be in collage and will worry about $500 and then after that you'll be an old fogey and will worry about $5,000. If you are lucky you will worry about $50,000 and even luckier $500,000. The bottom line is you will always worry, learn to live with it.

Get your education now! It may not make sense that the school work you are doing now will really help you in the future but trust me, they will. Do well now for each class you take now is a building block that will form the road to prosperity when you are older. (or for the less inclined, a sacrifice now will net you more cash and better looking women in the future and you want more cash and better looking women don't you?).

Hopefully there will be one little nugget of usable information in there for you.

09-29-2007, 11:52 AM
pssssst heres a secret, youll have less money and less time in college so enjoy your paintball time now because your playing amount will drop off a lot

try to get a job reffing at a field, i ddi that for almost 2 years and it worked out pretty well, got to play for free, didnt pay for air for 2 years, and got store credit for paint and gear


09-29-2007, 12:10 PM
Bad plan...not free money


In that case, get a credit card, then max it out, transfer the balance to another card, max it out, continue ad infinitum.

09-29-2007, 12:16 PM
In that case, get a credit card, then max it out, transfer the balance to another card, max it out, continue ad infinitum.

all this "money" you speak of will have to be paid back.... how do you survive?? this is the dumbest thing ive read in a while..... :eek:

09-29-2007, 12:33 PM
naw naw u build up insane amounts of debt here then leave the country, rise, repeat

~note sarcasm~

09-29-2007, 12:46 PM
tl;dr - get a job.

09-29-2007, 03:47 PM
Hey man, its not always easy.
Im 27 and still have to deal with financial strains. Ive funded my paintball addiction this year by playing pump, and shooting the mag only when i know i have some disposable cash for paint. Or, ill just set limits on myself. IE: if i have 1000 rounds, i'll shoot 500 with the mag, then switch to pump. Finish out the day.
I also help out around my local field whenever i can. Doesnt get me much, but it DOES get me a waived field fee or a free swab or something. Nothing big, just picking up excess trash at the end of the day, helping new players, reffing a game or two if they are short. Nothing major, but field owners really take notice.

Either way, avoid credit card debt like the plague. AVOID IT! I had to sell my emag to get me out of a slight bind a few months back. Credit cards mess everything up if you take it too far. Just be responsible and watch it.

As far as all your project mags...well....i hear ya. There seems to be alot of good stuff coming out lately. Its hard to choose just one. My advice? Find a build you really want, and make that ONE build happen. That way, you get a sense of accomplishment, and then a few months down the road when something new catches your eyes, you can sell the "old project" to fund your new one. Wash,rinse,repeat.

Other than that, just be careful. Debt sucks. Period.

And when you DO buy, buy quality. Like a mag. But just make sure you buy quality everytime, for all bits of your equipment. You may save a few bucks now buy buying "cheap" but you end up spending what you saved to replace it a few months down the road.

Anyway, good luck man.

09-29-2007, 04:42 PM
credit card...

Yeah, great advice! You could also get a 1% home loan for $500k! And I've got this email from some polite fellow in Nigeria that seems to have some high value potential!

/morans :rolleyes:

09-29-2007, 04:47 PM
And I've got this email from some polite fellow in Nigeria that seems to have some high value potential!

Man you are so lucky. If he needs other people to send the money to please lmk. I would love to help him out. I can send my ss# and DOB to verify my bank acct number.

Stuff cost money. Either work to make it so you can have it, or dont complain.

09-29-2007, 05:26 PM
:clap: :clap: Ya man dont worrie about it. play with what you have now and get all up in those books. Trust me when i say that 30 something will be upon you before you know it. Then you'll look back and say "where did the last 14 or 15 years go??" The older you get the more money the toys cost. Im sure you dont want to drive a truck like me, it sucks the life right out of you. hang in their. :cheers:

09-29-2007, 05:56 PM
Just get what you can and be happy with it. I had to sell my E-mag(Alot of people in this thread seem to have that problem) and just settle for a classic RT, but as long as you can still play have fun and get what you can. Like was said earlier once you hit higher education your disposable income decreases greatly.

mr doo doo
09-29-2007, 09:44 PM
thanks guys, i appreciate your opinions.

tl;dr - get a job.

a job? just like every respectable asian, my family owns a business, and THAT is my job. payment? i live under a roof with plenty of food and needs ;) . Other than that, my parents pay for my field + paint cost since i work on the weekdays for around 4 hours total, before and after school, and 12 hours on the weekends. They dont really mind unless i do good in school, but i have been taking advantage of that, and i feel like a spoiled kid at the moment.

Get a credit card.

yea, good luck mr! :rolleyes: i have a debit card, but i only use to to order stuff only or pay for my SAT's.

Get your education now!

yea, i have taken that point into cosideration, but still, that pump kit is all i can think of... yes, o, yes, no, yes, no... :confused:

Either work to make it so you can have it, or dont complain.

exactly! that is what i live by in my life: not to cry about anything unimportant, but i just felt maybe other people were to be in my position and see what they did/are doing about it.

Well, i guess all i can say is i'll just have to see what happens. Still dont have a decision down; yes, school first, but then again, a pump kit, especially on a mag, is a mighty cool thing to have 10 years from now.

09-29-2007, 10:39 PM
Get a pump, it will pay for itself. I used a pod and a half a day. Which beat me using a case a day.

mr doo doo
09-29-2007, 10:41 PM
WOW, a pod and a half all day? geez, that sounds like great! but you see, my fear is will i have fun playing stock class when im so used to semi? i mean, im down to play stock, but i dont know if ill do good against OTHER semis...

see, now that makes me want to get a pump kit. :)

09-29-2007, 11:27 PM
Well I used to play semi all the time. Thats what I first started on, but I decided to give pump a try and got me a phantom. Never looked back at that day and love it. Ill recomend it to anyone. It made me feel like I was playing paintball for the first time again and the plus side is I can play every week if i choose. Not once a month but anyways its up to you.

09-30-2007, 01:13 AM
WOW, a pod and a half all day? geez, that sounds like great! but you see, my fear is will i have fun playing stock class when im so used to semi? i mean, im down to play stock, but i dont know if ill do good against OTHER semis...

see, now that makes me want to get a pump kit. :)

I was worried about the transition also. Ive been playing semi for YEARS. But my roomate plays pump exclusively, and he has developed one wicked snap shot. So, combined with the lower paint cost i decided to give it a try.

It WILL make you a better player (playing pump) and it teaches you NOT to rely on your firepower, but your skills at shooting, moving, thinking, pacing, etc. So when you DO go back to semi for a game or two you will see a noted improvement on your game. At least, i have

09-30-2007, 01:15 AM
Wow, you guys are all extra dumb today if you couldn't see the sarcasm if not in my first post, then certainly the second...

Not that I'd expect any of you to have checked, but my about me does list my occupation as one who works in financial services... [obviously, it doesn't guarantee intelligence, but it puts me a leg up on someone who paints murals for a living, money wise.]

09-30-2007, 02:18 AM
:clap: :clap: Ya man dont worrie about it. play with what you have now and get all up in those books. Trust me when i say that 30 something will be upon you before you know it. Then you'll look back and say "where did the last 14 or 15 years go??" The older you get the more money the toys cost. Im sure you dont want to drive a truck like me, it sucks the life right out of you. hang in their. :cheers:
ya im only 18 and i already am saying "dang i did what ever 4 years ago? wow" or "wow i was in this place 8 years ago and now im here, dang"

about pump, heck ya, its so much fun and you get much better, i still can draw and shoot better with my mag (which i got well after my pump) but the pump has helped me a lot and not only is it a blast to play with but it gets some great comments and looks, especially "your using co2, you need to upgrade to hpa" with a response of "i have 3 hpa tanks but i get more shots out of my co2 for the size/weight and i have +/-2 fps when its jumpy


09-30-2007, 10:24 AM
/morans :rolleyes:

Who is Morans?

And now to help you out for the next time, read below.

Moron was originally a scientific term, coined by psychologist Henry H. Goddard from the Greek word moros meaning "dull" (as opposed to sharp) and used to describe a person with a mental age between 8 and 12 on the Binet scale. It was also once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70 and was a step up from "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and two steps up from "idiot" (IQ of 0-25). The word moron, along with "retarded" and "feeble-minded" (among others), was once considered a valid descriptor in the psychological community, though these words have all now passed into common slang use, exclusively in a detrimental context.

09-30-2007, 04:24 PM
Who is Morans?

PM'd. :)

/Hi Beemer!

mr doo doo
09-30-2007, 07:06 PM
^^ haha.

I was worried about the transition also. Ive been playing semi for YEARS. But my roomate plays pump exclusively, and he has developed one wicked snap shot. So, combined with the lower paint cost i decided to give it a try.

It WILL make you a better player (playing pump) and it teaches you NOT to rely on your firepower, but your skills at shooting, moving, thinking, pacing, etc. So when you DO go back to semi for a game or two you will see a noted improvement on your game. At least, i have

yea, that was a pretty convincing statement there, and since i have a friend who is really thinking about picking up a sniper, i have made (actually, begged) some extra money for a pump kit...that is if mr jay will let me back in :)

and yes, i hear it will make ya a better player and all, which is one of the main reasons why i considered it, second to paint. i wish it will be fun!

09-30-2007, 09:56 PM
I've been in your situation and here's my humble advice...

You don't need any of this stuff.

You described all the pre-orders available as "irresistible". Why? It's just stuff. It's nice stuff, but just stuff. You know what's really irresistible? When you're hungry, flat broke, it's 2 days until your next paycheck, and all you have to eat in your apartment is a couple of slices of bologna, and a box of popsicles.

Once you reach the zen of knowing deep down inside that you can actually resist this stuff, then you're in control. You can just chill out and let the universe come to you...

...I've noticed something interesting that's happened to me time and time again over the years; when I've wanted something, and couldn't really afford it at the moment I just waited and eventually I would run across a deal or something and would get it for free, or almost nothing. You can get stuff on sale, at flea markets, from other guys who were stupid and got themselves into trouble and need to sell their paintball guns like right now...there are lots of ways to get what you want without spending a ton of money. All you have to do is have some self control and be patient.

turbo chicken
10-01-2007, 02:17 PM
there was a pump preorder???

dangit ... and i just decided to try out a sniper ....

*searches or pump preorder*

10-01-2007, 03:37 PM
Problem = Money

Answer = Gigalo

Taking this serious = :nono:

mr doo doo
10-01-2007, 04:14 PM
I've been in your situation and here's my humble advice...

You don't need any of this stuff.

You described all the pre-orders available as "irresistible". Why? It's just stuff. It's nice stuff, but just stuff. You know what's really irresistible? When you're hungry, flat broke, it's 2 days until your next paycheck, and all you have to eat in your apartment is a couple of slices of bologna, and a box of popsicles.

Once you reach the zen of knowing deep down inside that you can actually resist this stuff, then you're in control. You can just chill out and let the universe come to you...

...I've noticed something interesting that's happened to me time and time again over the years; when I've wanted something, and couldn't really afford it at the moment I just waited and eventually I would run across a deal or something and would get it for free, or almost nothing. You can get stuff on sale, at flea markets, from other guys who were stupid and got themselves into trouble and need to sell their paintball guns like right now...there are lots of ways to get what you want without spending a ton of money. All you have to do is have some self control and be patient.

^^ ah, yes, i knew something like this was going to come up, and Jaan, you said it nicely. i have became lucky sometimes just like you said: ill turn down an offer, and soon after, ill come across the same item but for SUCH better deal. But in this case, its a pre-order of something that i'll never come across soon.

Yes, being in the situation of living paycheck by paycheck may have its down side, and i totally understand that point of view because i live by making money from my own business (actually, my parents, but same thing) oppose to paychecks. When i do grow up and move out and live that life-style, i will certainly take that advice into mind. Thank you Jaan.

other than that, im off to pay jay for a pre-order since i managed to accumulate some money. :cheers: