View Full Version : Frustrating...both good and bad

09-29-2007, 09:35 AM
I had purchased a Palmers Stab. right before my accident. It came in the second week I was in the hospital. My wife set it in its little box on my computer desk and "forgot" about it. According to her and the kids its sat there the whole time.
I get home and its gone. No trace of where it went. There were a great deal of people over that helped clean up around the house. None of them remember moving it, save one who said he thought it was in my gear bag. It has yet to show up, although I am in no shape to go looking for it.
Well my wife frustrated with me asking for it told me just to find another one, knowing the one I have will magically appear as soon as I do.....lol

Back to the classifieds.

09-29-2007, 10:02 AM
Foul play is afoot!

Hope you have a good recovery btw.