View Full Version : need a powerful Airsoft gun

10-02-2007, 12:17 PM
My inlaws are having problems with deer eating thier flowers on their property and wanted me to get them a cheap paintball gun that they could shoot the deer with to get them to leave ( darned tree huggers - mmmm Venison )

I was thinking airsoft might be a better option, the rounds are cheaper, they keep longer, the guns are cheaper, blah blah blah

Could anyone recommend a airsoft gun that has great range and doesnt cost a fortune?

I would prefer a battery powered one if they shoot far enough over the green gas ones.

I know very little about airsoft guns, and figure someone here mght be able to help, or have one sittign around they dont use anymore.



10-02-2007, 12:39 PM
My inlaws are having problems with deer eating thier flowers on their property and wanted me to get them a cheap paintball gun that they could shoot the deer with to get them to leave ( darned tree huggers - mmmm Venison )

I was thinking airsoft might be a better option, the rounds are cheaper, they keep longer, the guns are cheaper, blah blah blah

Could anyone recommend a airsoft gun that has great range and doesnt cost a fortune?

I would prefer a battery powered one if they shoot far enough over the green gas ones.

I know very little about airsoft guns, and figure someone here mght be able to help, or have one sittign around they dont use anymore.



I would just get a pump-up BB gun, when fully pumped they can shoot with the power of a 22. (or one of those bigger guns..Idk guns)

10-02-2007, 12:41 PM
I would do a google search for AirSoft forums and go there as you'll get better info from those that use em....

I'd also suggest airsoft but I'm not sure the little balls will be felt by the deer that much... they are quite resilient to those things...

One thing you can do is get hair clippings.... :D When ya get a hair cut... and put it in a small basket or in some "leederhosen" and hang it out around the area.... The scent usually keeps em away.... just a few options...

If ya shoot em they may just get used to it then you'll have to upgrade to somethin more threatening....

Let me know when ya do... I'll help ya skin em...



10-02-2007, 12:51 PM
Maybe a spyder and some reballs?

10-02-2007, 12:56 PM
I would just get a pump-up BB gun, when fully pumped they can shoot with the power of a 22. (or one of those bigger guns..Idk guns)

Agreed... A decent pump BB gun with some nice, fat wadcutter pellets will do better than an airsoft gun, and it may be cheaper anyway.

10-02-2007, 01:01 PM
A JG or echo1 AEG will do it for around 100$.

Contact rick at Kastwayairsoft.com, great guy. I have a JG m16......the thing will spray 200 .20 gram BB's at about 17rps @350fps on the stock mag/guts.

10-02-2007, 01:01 PM
Do not be shooting deer with high powered BB/Pellet guns or even paintball or air soft.

Shoot them dead or leave them a lone.

Find out if the township has an antlerless bow season (though most likely over by now).

10-02-2007, 01:12 PM
Do not be shooting deer with high powered BB/Pellet guns or even paintball or air soft.

Shoot them dead or leave them a lone.

Find out if the township has an antlerless bow season (though most likely over by now).

The reason they want to shoot them with a paintball gun ( NOT PELLET ) is to scare them off the property - My Mother-in-law has huge gardens set up throughout the property and the deer have come off the hillsides and onto their property to eat from the gardens - their property is fenced, but its not hard for a deer to clear a 6 foot fence.

As far as hunting season.... it's in rural South Dakota, they could walk out and blast them with a high powered rifle pretty much year round if they really wanted too. They are not big meat eaters, and dont want to kill the deer, just keep them out of the gardens.


10-02-2007, 01:29 PM
I would just get a pump-up BB gun, when fully pumped they can shoot with the power of a 22. (or one of those bigger guns..Idk guns)

What he said. You can get a cheap air rifle from Walmart for $40. It will do the trick.

When I was a kid (and I'm ashamed to admit this) I regulary shot at my neighbor's horses (because she was NOT a nice neighbor). To my knowledge, the horses were never seriously hurt, but man did they run, even from a cheap 300 fps BB gun.

10-02-2007, 01:33 PM
Paintball gun is not going to keep a deer away.

There are quite a few different deer repelants out there. I would try one of them.

Another thing to do is change what they grow. Seer will only eat things they like.

A third thing, get a salt lick. Place it way out in the corner of the property. Deer will flock to it instead of the garden (as long as there is other things in the area to actually eat).

10-02-2007, 01:51 PM
Yea listen to Muzik. Shooting deer with a pb or bb gun is just cruel. It's not going to keep them away either.

10-02-2007, 02:13 PM
Yea listen to Muzik. Shooting deer with a pb or bb gun is just cruel. It's not going to keep them away either.
It's definitely true that if you want to keep them away by using some sort of projectile, you have to be around almost 24 hrs a day to apply force. Feeding them might work for a while, but if you keep providing a garden and feed blocks, your deer problem will get worse.

Stinky stuff like egg sprays, hair, coyote scent, etc. works for a while too. It's all a form of pressure on their habits. If you push long enough, they will stay at the neighbor's house :ninja: . There's plenty of suburban areas overrun by whitetails. High fences and dogs (that dig gardens) are about the only thing to keep them away with any results. DO NOT get a fence with decorative iron spikes on top. :nono:

Are we talking mere gratification in chasing them off or remediation?


Styg, what's the weight of the varmints we're talking about here? Are these the 100-150 lb or 200-300+ variety?

10-02-2007, 02:22 PM
nope, simply remidiation - trying to give my mother in-law a way to chase the deer off so they

A: aren't eating her gardens
B: aren't eating the horses food
c: aren't drawing coyotes onto the property

Coyote problem started about 5 days after the deer problem. Coyotes get the real gun - We were wonderring if the new property owner behind them has been putting bait piles out on some shared property to draw them in to hunt, and they found her gardens in the process.

I'm not looking for a lesson in morality and don't wanna hear "you'll shoot your eye out kid" - I'm simply looking for a decent airsoft gun to scare them away - they wil not be shooting metal pelets, or the plastic BB's, they will be using the biodegradeable rounds or paint pellets.

If I had my choice, we would shoot them and have backstraps for dinner....


Edit: They are the small variety - SD has weird small scraggily deer and giant jackrabbits.

10-02-2007, 02:36 PM
Are airsoft pellets commonly biodegradable? I haven't seen that many laying around mixed use fields, now that I think about it, but I didn't think it was because they were biodegradable.

10-02-2007, 02:42 PM
Are airsoft pellets commonly biodegradable? I haven't seen that many laying around mixed use fields, now that I think about it, but I didn't think it was because they were biodegradable.



10-02-2007, 03:05 PM
Again, shooting them is not going to jack squat. Now is the Mother in law just wants to have fun shooting them, that's a totally different thing. I still stand my ground and say, do not shoot them. Paintball guns and air soft guns are not for shooting at animals.

Or come up with something original.

10-02-2007, 03:24 PM
Again, shooting them is not going to jack squat. Now is the Mother in law just wants to have fun shooting them, that's a totally different thing. I still stand my ground and say, do not shoot them. Paintball guns and air soft guns are not for shooting at animals.

Or come up with something original.

You miss this part?

I'm not looking for a lesson in morality and don't wanna hear "you'll shoot your eye out kid" -


I guess we could just shoot them dead with the 30-06 and throw them over the fence - would that work for you?

10-02-2007, 03:29 PM
No, shoot them and give them to a food shelter.

And it's jack asses like you that publicly post about shooting animals that get the kiddies out in the suburbs shooting the neighbors cat. Now do the mature thing and respect the wildlife.

10-02-2007, 03:38 PM
No, shoot them and give them to a food shelter.

And it's jack asses like you that publicly post about shooting animals that get the kiddies out in the suburbs shooting the neighbors cat. Now do the mature thing and respect the wildlife.

Because I am the mesiah... and all should follow my example....

This is about a little old lady that wants to keep the deer out of her garden,and not kill them. Not sure how that is being direspectful to wildlife? The lady has 11 dogs, 20 horses, 9 cats, 20+ gineau hens, 12 song birds, 4 chickens, 7 ducks, 2 goats, and a friggin rooster.... I think she cares about animals


10-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Then let the dogs out, that will keep the deer away.

10-02-2007, 03:53 PM
If you don't like the thought of his grandmother shooting deer with a pellet gun, it is an aesthetic problem, and nothing more. If you think that it is going to cause a rash of kids shooting their cats, because he posted, then you don't know kids very well, as it isn't something novel to them. I am sure there is no kid who would have an epiphany from reading a message board, and one day say "gee, I have never thought of shooting a cat." It isn't a novel concept.

Are there more effective ways to control deer? Perhaps. You have a right to say that there may be better ways, and that you feel badly for deer. But for anyone to say, objectively, that another person is wrong to try and ward of deer with a non-lethal projectile (or anything else) is rubbish. It is something that is purely subjective, and aesthetic issue. There are no logical grounds for stating that it is cruel, unreasonable, or anything of the nature.

10-02-2007, 04:20 PM
Have you tried claymore's? Deer are suckers for a tripwire :rolleyes:

10-02-2007, 04:37 PM

Load some potatos.

10-02-2007, 04:45 PM
It's just sick to shoot an animal without killing it. If you're going to shoot at an animal, grow up, get a hunting license, and eat the meat that you kill. Shooting animals with pb and bb guns is for prepubescent 12yos who don't know the meaning of responsibility.

Seriously, set up deterrents or something like that. Do it for your grandma and be done with it. I'm a pro-gun conservative and I even think it's sick to shoot an animal just to hurt it. What the hell is so hard about setting deterrents around the property? You've got arms (presumably), friggin use them.

10-02-2007, 05:03 PM
So you people would rather him kill the deer, rather than shoo them away? And btw styg wtf are the 11 dogs doing? I have 4 and if the breeze so much as blows wrong there all up and making a racket

mr doo doo
10-02-2007, 05:04 PM
yo styg, i think your best solution is to either get a pump BB gun like what CKY_Alliance said. i was in your mother-in-law's position once with a deer and some possums. used my cheap spring KWA glock that was really good and shot them away. they never came back after that :) shot them like in the back area, almost near the butt (didnt want to get them blind or anything), and i also used biodegradable bb's.

yea, blah blah blah, its cruel, ehhhhh, but im not an animal freak and im not SEVERELY inuring them (or killing), so i think its alright. good luck styg.

10-02-2007, 05:05 PM
Hey Styg, I wonder if you could get those pepper balls and try them? Or how about salt loads for the shot gun?

10-02-2007, 05:08 PM
think 350 FPS would be enough to do the job?

ebay auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/Lot-2X-AirSoft-Air-Soft-Shotgun-Gun-Ammo-350FPS_W0QQitemZ270171488910QQihZ017QQcategoryZ621 22QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

As far as the morality debate....IMO hitting them with an airsoft pellet is more humane than shooting them with a lethal weapon. Especially if you aren't able to skin and butcher the meat.
Airsoft pellets won't do lasting damage (eye shots aside, but if you're aiming for the hindquarters, shouldn't be a problem).

10-02-2007, 05:17 PM
I have family in Northern PA. A very very very rural part of PA. They have deer problems all of the time. You can shoot the deer every night for a month, and they will keep coming back if you have food (flowers, corn, clover, really anything better than grass). One of my uncles hunts from his back porch (literally).

My grandmother sounds alot like your mother-in-law. She has probally over an acre of gardens in her back yard. The best way to keep the deer out of the yard is to spread human hair around the garden. Go to the barber shop, and ask for a bag of it. They usually just give it away. The deer smell the scent, and are afraid to get anywhere near it.

edit: windchimes/noise makers also work great.

mr doo doo
10-02-2007, 05:23 PM
^^ oh gosh... maybe it was the hair part that scared them away from my yard, not the bb's :eek:

10-02-2007, 06:50 PM
It's just sick to shoot an animal without killing it. If you're going to shoot at an animal, grow up, get a hunting license, and eat the meat that you kill. Shooting animals with pb and bb guns is for prepubescent 12yos who don't know the meaning of responsibility.

Seriously, set up deterrents or something like that. Do it for your grandma and be done with it. I'm a pro-gun conservative and I even think it's sick to shoot an animal just to hurt it. What the hell is so hard about setting deterrents around the property? You've got arms (presumably), friggin use them.

The only thing I shoot are targets. I have never hunted in my life, as it simply brings me no pleasure. But, I am not morally superior to hunters. There is no logical way to come to that conclusion. You FEEL it is sick, or irresponsible to deter an animal with a NON-LETHAL, although stinging manner. But, really, there is no objective reasoning that demonstrates that his grandmother is "wrong" to do it. Again, it is purely aesthetic, and for every person who says it is sick. you will find one who says it isn't. Why are you right in this matter? It is all subjective, and a matter of opinion. Your manner of reasoning is no different than PETA, ALF, and the like.

By the way, there are a lot of people who would claim that it is highly immature to run around a bunch of inflated tubes, or playing war in the woods, while shooting each other with little balls filled with paint. Silly, isn't it?

10-02-2007, 08:19 PM
k well first off we are going to go over conditioning

if a deer walks into his yard and finds food it will come back,, if a deer tries to come into his yard and it gets hit with something that it doesnt like its going to run away, after a few times i will remember that that area gets it shot and not go into it. psych 101 right there

ooo paintball guns arent meant to shoot animals... i guess some one hasnt paid any attention to the original markers. do i support shooting random animals, no, but if they are a pest and you dont kill or cause damage to them other than they get a little sting, go for it.

if it was my situation i have enough friends that hunt a lot that i could get them to clear out the deer and get some meat out of the deal for my self but that doesnt seem to be a good situation for this.

also lets be honest about this, is mom really going to be able to hit a deer easily with a paintball gun? are the deer really going to be close enough that she can shoot them and it even hurt much before the get scared off?

shooting a deer with a paintball gun is nothing like shooting it with a hunting rifle for S's&G's and not using the deer

they have bear deterrents that are paintball sized balls that get shot out, that or if they have a sprinkler system they might be able to set it to come on every once in a while and just give a little spray that would startle the deer. IIRC there might also be a deterrent that has a frequency humans cant hear but will make the deer go away, not sure how well it works but it might.


10-02-2007, 08:22 PM
I live out in the country and use the paintball gun for all sorts of critter control you hit once or twice and learn real fast not to come around .... also after they bit hit a couple of times dry firing becomes quite effective.

10-02-2007, 09:14 PM
its immoral/cruel to shoot a deer with an airsoft or paintball gun? :rofl:

10-02-2007, 09:59 PM
What kind of flowers are they eating? I know Marigolds (any variety) scent is a natural repellent against some critters with sensitive smell i.e. rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels.

Edit: If that doesn't work I got a 30-06 and willing to make a road trip. :D

10-02-2007, 10:02 PM
^^ in my yard the deer would come in and eat the ones that they liked even though the ones that are supposed to "repel" them were literally right net to the ones they ate. i dont think any plants will really do much to keep them away just from what i have seen at least in my area


10-02-2007, 10:04 PM
Did you try baiting?

rifleman wi
10-02-2007, 10:51 PM
i second this, my M1 Garand is getting antsy for deer season.. :D

Edit: If that doesn't work I got a 30-06 and willing to make a road trip. :D

10-02-2007, 11:14 PM
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=n0rNU4fFuorNgMDGh0MN-41jILkVyYcbcFg=?ProductID=egPAqArbaTEAAAESBE%2eodA Y_

problem solved

i dont think half of you guys saying "dont shoot the deer" have been shot by an airsoft gun that goes 300fps....it doesnt hurt and the deer wouldnt feel any more then a soft flick just enough to scare them

you could probably even dry fire a paintball gun without a barrel and hopper and they would go away

10-02-2007, 11:38 PM
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=n0rNU4fFuorNgMDGh0MN-41jILkVyYcbcFg=?ProductID=egPAqArbaTEAAAESBE%2eodA Y_

problem solved

i dont think half of you guys saying "dont shoot the deer" have been shot by an airsoft gun that goes 300fps....it doesnt hurt and the deer wouldnt feel any more then a soft flick just enough to scare them

you could probably even dry fire a paintball gun without a barrel and hopper and they would go away

But what fun would that be???? :D

I think the sound would scare them off more than the feel of the pellet as well. All those here that say it's wrong to shoot them with the paint or the airsoft obviously have not dealt with many troublesome critters... Where I grew up we were allowed to shoot them with real guns!!!! Because I don't care what you think you know or what you think the deer feel... but a herd of 30-40 deer and level a field full of soybeans!!!!

So the paint would carry the most weight and let them feel the sting a bit more than the airsoft me thinks....

Also why don't some of the naysayers try and found out how many forestry service and vet types use rubber bullets to keep troublesome critters away from places!!!!!

I mean come on already....


10-03-2007, 12:13 AM
So you people would rather him kill the deer, rather than shoo them away? And btw styg wtf are the 11 dogs doing? I have 4 and if the breeze so much as blows wrong there all up and making a racket

7 welsh corgis - think full sized dog with no legs, 2 14yr old goldens, and a 15 year old blue healer/cattle dog mix.... the corgis bark all the time, I think the deer are used to it.

As far as deterrents, electric fences, normal fences are the best they can do, they sit on 25 acres with about 12 of it as "living space"

If they wanted to hunt or kill them for the meat ( again, not big meat eaters ), as I said they could probably just use the 30-06 hanging on the wall in their back rom, or one of the other 3 rifles he has back there ( forget the types )

Guess I really didnt think about the mass of a paintball vs a pellet from an airsoft gun - I am guessing a 350 fps pellet would not hurt near as much as a 300 fps paintball just based on pure mass alone would it?

I was just trying to keep things simple for them, so they don't have to go into town to get CO2 fills and paintballs all the time.

I was looking at that propane pump from tippmann for them even - seems like a perfect fit for what they need and he has crates with about 50+ propane tanks in his garage ( Am I going to be given a lecture in storage of pressurized gas cylinders in an enclosed residential area now? )

Thanks for your help, those that helped, I think I am gogin to have to see what we got lying around as far as rebuildable pro-ams or something at the field this weekend and I know that Hotspot paint from Wallyworld keeps for months at a time :)


10-03-2007, 06:59 AM
Easy solution. Plant a habanero plant on each corner of their garden. It helps keep everything out. And as a bonus, you can make some kicking salsa.

Seriously, this works like a champ. No shooting required.

10-03-2007, 08:17 AM
All I am saying, it's not going to help, and all it is doing is showing kids that it's ok to shoot wildlife with a paintball gun. But again, this board seems to be filled with more idiots than anything. Oh well....

10-03-2007, 08:37 AM
All I am saying, it's not going to help, and all it is doing is showing kids that it's ok to shoot wildlife with a paintball gun. But again, this board seems to be filled with more idiots than anything. Oh well....
I take it you were not one of the kids that used to shoot each other with bb guns? Talk about shoot your eye out, "kid, you'll shoot his eye out". I take worse bruises for fun, and considering most wildlife comes with protective coats, it's really not much to ask of them as a form of communication.

SR_matt has a point. I remember in the 80's the only place to find a nelspot around Austin was from a feed supply store in El Paso. Some cows don't even notice a single shot, there are meaner flies.

10-03-2007, 09:04 AM
Easy solution. Plant a habanero plant on each corner of their garden. It helps keep everything out. And as a bonus, you can make some kicking salsa.

Seriously, this works like a champ. No shooting required.

Hey thats a good idea, those will grow in a very arid dry environment as well wont they? the ground out there gets so dry it cracks over 4 ft deep.


10-03-2007, 10:57 AM
Hey Styg,

Try bottle rockets....!!!!

10-03-2007, 11:37 AM
Hey Styg,

Try bottle rockets....!!!!

Or Roman candles.... hehehe FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE

10-03-2007, 11:40 AM
its immoral/cruel to shoot a deer with an airsoft or paintball gun? :rofl:

better tell atach to leave thosesquirrells alone :rofl:

10-03-2007, 11:44 AM
Hey Styg,

Try bottle rockets....!!!!

see post above... very arid dry environment... and migth I add mostly populated by pine trees - natures Kindling wood....

bottlerockets = forest fires out there - last year 40k acres burned up 4 miles from their house, and this year abotu 800 acres accross the pasture burned from fireworks.


10-03-2007, 12:05 PM
see post above... very arid dry environment... and migth I add mostly populated by pine trees - natures Kindling wood....

bottlerockets = forest fires out there - last year 40k acres burned up 4 miles from their house, and this year abotu 800 acres accross the pasture burned from fireworks.


That's kinda where I was going myself with the roman candle thing :D

/the voices tell me to burn things... :tard:

10-03-2007, 12:24 PM
you could use an air cannon to shoot stuff out that wil startle them too, no fire and lots of noise+flying/falling objects


10-03-2007, 01:11 PM
No, shoot them and give them to a food shelter.

And it's jack asses like you that publicly post about shooting animals that get the kiddies out in the suburbs shooting the neighbors cat. Now do the mature thing and respect the wildlife.

HEY! i shoot the neighbors cats...

only because they are killing birds off of MY birdfeeder.

a single pump with a bb/pellet gun shooting bb's usually scares them away.

10-03-2007, 07:28 PM
My inlaws are having problems with deer eating thier flowers on their property and wanted me to get them a cheap paintball gun that they could shoot the deer with to get them to leave ( darned tree huggers - mmmm Venison )

Spray them a mixture of egg whites and cayan pepper juice, they'll leave the flowers alone and so will everything else.

Also, if you have a friend/family member who works in a beauty/barber shop, get some hair cuttings, place in small bags and hang them in the flowers ( make sure to poke holes in the bags) Deers wont go near them due to the human smell.

Both are much cheaper then a new gun ;)

Easy solution. Plant a habanero plant on each corner of their garden. It helps keep everything out. And as a bonus, you can make some kicking salsa.

This is also a good suggestion however you may want to consult your local nursery before trying this. Some plants are poisonous to other plants and could cause more harm then good.

10-03-2007, 08:47 PM
if you do end up getting an airsoft gun just use regular 6mm 12gram plastic bbs. They just fall to the ground and you most likely wont see them again unless some moron leaves the top off and you accidentally walk into it

10-03-2007, 09:53 PM
I don't think it would be cruel to shoot the deer with Airsort or paintballs, but there are a ton of better options posted in this thread. Hell, you can go to most garden suppy stores and get a bag of dried blood. Sprinke that around and no deer's going to come within a mile of the gardens.