View Full Version : pneumag trigger pull qestion

10-06-2007, 09:17 PM
Ok so I just finished my pneumag. The gun runs like a beast now that the trigger pull length of the my pneumag is super short. The only problem is that its not walkable. So heres my question. How could I lighten the tigger pull without taking away the psi needed to push the piston into the sear? By the way, im using the RT on/off assembly thats been drilled out to the standard mini mag on/off assemblys diameter in my mini mag bolt valve. If you know why i did that. But bottom line, how do I make the trigger pull lighter. If this helps heres my set up on a picture.

http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6lQQ%7C%3Dup6RKKt%3AxxqpDJ-Wt0frj%3DQofrj7t%3DzrRfDUX%3AeQaQxg%3Dr%3F87KR6xqp xQQoGxeQnxGlJxv8uOc5xQQQJlJP0ePn0lqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BH SHqqy7XH6gXPn0%7CRup6aQQ%7C/of=50,332,442

10-06-2007, 10:17 PM
You shouldn't have too hard of a pull as it is :confused: , except maybe for your top finger. The lower on the trigger the rod hits, the less leverage your trigger gets. With the rod in the middle, your top finger takes more pressure than the bottom. Thats always true on a long mech trigger, it just gets exaggerated with the lower rod. A viper trigger or blade trigger would help you move your fingers down.

The other thing you can do is to lower or tilt your MPA-3 down, so it hits the sear closer to the bottom. Depending on how it's mounted, that may be difficult.

10-06-2007, 10:42 PM
I also think you should try to lower that MPA-3. The piston will need less psi to activate the sear.

10-08-2007, 02:57 AM
try moving the msv-2 and trigger rod higher up and angle the mpa-3 toward the bottom of the sear.

10-09-2007, 05:48 PM
Check closely for any drag on the MSV lever ...