View Full Version : What tool can I use to remove some metal?

10-09-2007, 08:25 PM
Okay so I figured I'd ask this here because anyone doing a pneu-mag conversion without a mill would have this info. I want to remove a little metal from a cocker that I got on the cheap so I can use my MatchStik barrels.

So what can I use? I do have access to a dremil, but I would need to know what kind of bit I'd need.

10-09-2007, 08:51 PM
Where is the metal you need to remove? I have used a drill press and a compound vise for milling aluminum parts for R/C Cars before, you can get that vise for like $45 at harbor freight, but if its just a flat section go with the old fashion file, lol


10-09-2007, 08:57 PM
real sharp knife?. :D
either that or if you really want to use the dremel you could get a carbide grinding bit

10-09-2007, 10:44 PM
Jakers: It's the metal above the bottom tube in right behind the frontblock, and a little on the frontblock.

Carbide grinding bit...okay sounds good. Any other suggestions from the peanut gallery?

10-09-2007, 10:55 PM
metal files, they're slower then a dremel but it usually ends up looking nicer since you have to take your time

10-10-2007, 07:21 AM

turbo chicken
10-10-2007, 10:37 AM
whatever you use take your time ...

I've a few rushed dremmel projects sitting around ... they aren't pretty. They may get the job done ... but you will be more satisfied with a job well done that with a job that just got done...

10-10-2007, 06:31 PM
they also make round sanding drums for dremmmel's ( how do ya think I do my nails :) )

10-10-2007, 06:34 PM
You might want to try loosening your front block before you grind. I bought a new barrel that wouldn't fit in my cocker. I loosened the front block screw just to adjust the block a tiny bit and the barrel fit.

10-10-2007, 06:38 PM
metal files your best bet or if you have a drill press available... metal fles we'll come out way cleaner than a dremel will it takes too long to mess up w/ a metal file