View Full Version : Invert Mini: is it a waste of money?

10-11-2007, 03:07 PM
I know the Mini had dwell/board issues in the begining, but know I believe there fixed now. What do you think is it worth picking one up?

10-11-2007, 03:13 PM
theres on for sale in the bst for a great price,and it comes with an APE board, and yeah they rip, especially with the APE board, and if its any better the seller "piranti" is another local boy

10-11-2007, 03:13 PM
I know the Mini had dwell/board issues in the begining, but know I believe there fixed. What do you think are they worth picking up?

Its definitly better than the Ion. Like all markers, they will have their issues in the beginning. Some people still have issues with theirs, others dont. Just depends on who you talk to.

Its a bit too small for my liking. But if I had to choose between the Mini & an E-mag---Id choose the Mini. Bulk, weight, and price are all things that the Mini beats the E-mag, hands down.

Finding spare parts for one right now is no easy task. Contrary to what others might say, the Mini does not come with a spare bolt spring included. And not many shops carry them either. Be prepared, like the mag, to order parts for it online.

All in all, the Mini is not a bad marker for the price. Try one out, see if you like it.

10-11-2007, 03:27 PM
They're Great

Sorry I had to. :rolleyes:

For the money They're a sweet little marker.

Seems like there's always "some problems" with electronic markers working perfectly.

If you like small light and fast then it's for you. :cheers:

10-11-2007, 03:31 PM
i handled my friend one and it really small. with a 68/45 on it, the mini feels great. im going to try it next weekend and see how it shoot.

10-11-2007, 04:31 PM
The Mini is a very good little marker for the money, light, compact and fun. I'm not certain that I would recommend it as a primary marker simply because I don't think its reliability has been thoroughly tested and proven. I own a mini and an Xmag. Since weight and price are the ONLY areas in which the Mini wins hands down, I still find myself choosing the Xmag (or my Devilmag) most of the time. :)

10-11-2007, 05:08 PM
Where's the option "you need a grammar lesson"?

10-11-2007, 06:23 PM
for the money, they shoot great. perfect for a snake player.. too small for my liking.. get a used shocker.

10-11-2007, 06:57 PM
Where's the option "you need a grammar lesson"?

Stayed up to late last night I guess :rofl:

10-11-2007, 06:59 PM
Stayed up to late last night I guess :rofl:
My favorite part was that you didn't even stay consistent, you put their instead of they're, and then you changed it to there for the last one haha.

10-11-2007, 07:15 PM
I went with their [sic] fair. The Mini I had worked fine but it felt too much like a toy. It wasn't as bad as an Ion but it wasn't really my cup of tea. I like markers that feel robust when I hold them.

I partially agree with Mind'sEye regarding the lack of proven reliability. However, many lower end markers get bad raps because the owners tend to neglect them, disassemble them without knowing what they're doing, or mess with the settings without understanding what they do.

I think they're definitely an excellent beginner to low-intermediate marker. I've also noticed that, like every other mass produced marker, their value is going down the tubes rather quickly. I may pick up another one when the resale hits Ion levels and I can scoop one up for peanuts.

10-11-2007, 09:05 PM
we got one of the newer ones (we, well my family of markers) My wife loves it and i think it rips right out of the box. No problems but make sure to shoot a couple tanks of air through it to break it in, and be sure to grease it before you air it up the first time.

10-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Love mine. Great marker for the price.

11-13-2007, 07:45 PM
I bought one a few weeks ago and it's been great...very consistent & accurate. It does take some getting used to because of the size, but it's a great little gun. It also can be completely torn down in a few minutes :cool:

11-13-2007, 11:36 PM
im currently getting around 1500 shots off of my 68/4500 so air consumption should not be a problem. (beats most spool valve designs IE: shocker)

feel... it FEELS like an E-Mag minus the weight and "robust" feeling. they are slightly smaller but most people think they are super tiny mainly due to the weight

speed of the gun. WILL shoot just as fast as any $2,000 gun. all boards are cap'd at 15 in any mode except semi auto. and even then if you reach 15 or above im saying your trigger is bouncing ;)

maintenance. very similar to the mag. take the back screw out and it pulls right out. all you really have to do to the gun is lube about 4 o-rings and your done.

people say since its a blowforward that it kicks while shooting fast. i say there an idiot and cant hold a gun properly. not the smoothest. but definetly far far better then an emags kick

one downside to the gun in my honest opinion is the regulator asa SHOULD have come with a Bleeding on/off. other then that, for $400 it is AS good if not BETTER then any gun out there.

but like most have said, play with one before buying, the lightness and smallness of the gun may be a turn off. however i think it is amazing.

11-14-2007, 12:26 AM
NU_METAL had one and said he loved it but, the cant make a drop for them because of how the hoses run :(

11-14-2007, 01:03 AM
I nearly bought a Mini, but then PMR's became available for $425 with the UL Frame. I ended up going with the PMR because I was more comfortable with the standard, easily replaced plumbing on the Rail and the UL is VERY comfortable for me. They are both great guns, in the end its all about preference.

11-14-2007, 03:48 AM
Guy on my team breaks everything he touches. We drove down to San Diego last weekend, he broke his PM6, his car window, his halo (got it on vid!)... the list goes on and on. His mini hasn't broken yet in my presence.

Definitely, the mini is a nice marker. The trigger isn't perfect for me. I much prefer the trigger on my viking or a matrix, but it can be set up pretty light, and the marker as a whole is definitely comfy.

11-14-2007, 07:06 AM
had my mini 10 months...20 cases through it. Not 1 chop. Not a single problem. great guns.

11-14-2007, 09:44 AM
They work pretty well. If you find the right dealers you can get parts and upgrades to make them awsome.

11-14-2007, 11:22 AM
Decent guns for the price but they are to compact. For a large number of people the gun just feels like crap to hold and shoot (including me). If everything wasnt so crammed together it would prob feel a ton better. For example, i cant even put 3 fingers between the bottom of the trigger gaurd and the reg. That bothers the hell out of me when im reloading and just keep one finger on the trigger so i can steady the gun with the others.

11-14-2007, 12:41 PM
It definitely does depend on how you like the feel. I have one that I have put a ton of cases of paint through without a problem. I got a second and threw all the same upgrades on it and have just broken it in but have it up in the sale threads to see if I can get a little extra cash for the holidays. To be honest I shouldn't have bought the second one and put all those upgrades on it because I've never had a problem with the first one. Anyways, if you like the feel, they've become pretty reliable, and parts are now a lot easier to come by.

11-14-2007, 01:46 PM
If I pull open the drawer to the desk I am typing on right now, I would find a ripper1 timmy, strange shocker, bob long protege, and invert mini.

I would just as soon shoot the mini as I would any of the other markers, I love mine. Real quick, real efficient, REAL small/light, very little recoil, quiet, just a great marker.

11-14-2007, 03:09 PM
I bought my first one the first week they came out, and was not that pleased, after a trip back to the factory, I was in love. I now have another one as a backup and use them over my ul dm5 and ego

11-15-2007, 01:03 PM
My team shoots minis, and have done all season at Div 1 Millennium Series level. Some months we have shot 80 odd cases of paint, and with only a few problems, most being user error.
Great little gun. :shooting: :ninja: