View Full Version : Vert Bottle on an Intelliframed Minimag? Help me!

10-14-2007, 06:43 PM
So here's the deal. I run my Minimag with a Qloader and vert bottle. I picked up an Intelliframe, and now I can't screw a bottle into the vert ASA because the burst disk hits the trigger guard.

I found some ASA extenders (here (http://www.airsoldier.com:8080/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AOS&Product_Code=AKA-EXTENDERCAP) and here (http://www.dbnpaintball.com/reg-acc.htm)) and I'm aware of 15° ASAs that have been made by Doc and Rogue. However, Rogue just informed me that neither he nor Doc make 15° ASAs with pin depressors, so that won't work. Given that information, I took another look at the ASA extenders and, since they're for regulators, they don't seem like they'd have pin depressors either. I did email both stores to ask, though.

Also, I have an Alpha Rail on the way and I really like the shortness of the AM/MM rails, so I don't want to switch to an RT rail.

Anyway, here's a picture of my setup so you all know what I'm trying to accomplish here.

Anyone got a solution that lets me get the Intelliframe on there but compromises the least in terms of this setup? Thanks.


Options on the table:
ASA Extender (http://www.airsoldier.com:8080/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AOS&Product_Code=AKA-EXTENDERCAP) + Smart Parts On/Off Adaptor (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=DtU5dqnWbXQ5T-7Ezn353qMfsSbh7ChnDQA=?ProductID=wAfAqArbmBwAAAEC8 MXjntYa) ($15 + shipping, $14 + shipping)
15° ASA (http://www.themagsmith.com/store/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=60) + Smart Parts On/Off Adaptor (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=DtU5dqnWbXQ5T-7Ezn353qMfsSbh7ChnDQA=?ProductID=wAfAqArbmBwAAAEC8 MXjntYa) (out of production, $14 + shipping)
Palmer 90° ASA Adaptor (http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=40&products_id=180) ($50 + shipping)
luke's Short Straight Foregrip Extender (http://lukescustoms.com/page0007.htm) ($25 + shipping)

10-14-2007, 07:09 PM
you can get a foregrip extender from luke of lukescustoms.com and its should work out. check it out

10-14-2007, 07:16 PM
You could always swith the valve on your tank to an on/off valve. Unfortunately, the best on/off is a Smart Parts one, in my experiences, this would alleviate the need for a pin depressor and allow you to use one of the 15* asa's. The only other option I could think of is one of the fore grip extenders Made by Luke or the older variety like the one offered by KAPP.

http://www.smartparts.com/#/air/smart_valve/ - minus the anti siphon tube.

Kapp - fore grip extender - 690 - 693http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/3040/partssale066fx8.jpg

Lukes Foregrip extenders - http://www.lukescustoms.com/page0007.htm

10-14-2007, 07:46 PM
Yeah, I've seen foregrip extenders but I like the shortness of my AM/MM rail and don't want to ruin it with an extender. If I went that route I'd probably rather buy one of Rogue's rails with the slotted foregrip adjuster and move the thing so my tank just barely fits. Still not ideal as it's not as short as I'd like and a little pricey. Plus, I'm psyched for my Alpha Rail and don't want to give that up (or ruin it with an extender).

The on/off thing would work, but I'd have to do it to that 3.5oz in the picture plus a bigger bottle for longer games, and I'd be SOL if I wanted to throw my Evil Scion 45/5k on there. Gets a little pricey the more tanks I want to use, and I'd have to either send 'em out or do 'em myself and Locktite the poop out of 'em so I don't kill anyone by accident. Plus I'd still need to find a rare and out-of-production 15° ASA.

I'm going to contact luke and see if he can whip up either a plate to rotate the ASA about 15° or a block to drop the ASA an inch or less. Thanks for the help, guys, I appreciate it. If anyone's got any more advice for me, I'm all ears.

10-14-2007, 08:06 PM
I know ive seen c02 bottles with on/off's on them, so you dont need the pin in the ASA.. try looking for that. AND MAKE SURE TO HAVE A CERTIFIED AIRSMITH INSTALL IT.

10-14-2007, 08:08 PM

10-14-2007, 08:11 PM
I know ive seen c02 bottles with on/off's on them, so you dont need the pin in the ASA.. try looking for that. AND MAKE SURE TO HAVE A CERTIFIED AIRSMITH INSTALL IT.

The on/off thing would work, but I'd have to do it to that 3.5oz in the picture plus a bigger bottle for longer games, and I'd be SOL if I wanted to throw my Evil Scion 45/5k on there. Gets a little pricey the more tanks I want to use, and I'd have to either send 'em out or do 'em myself and Locktite the poop out of 'em so I don't kill anyone by accident. Plus I'd still need to find a rare and out-of-production 15° ASA.
I'm aware of the on/off valves and the safety issues, but thanks for the input. Safety first! ;)

EDIT: Ooh, spiffy (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/EasyAskSearch-Start;sid=DtU5dqnWbXQ5T-7Ezn353qMfsSbh7ChnDQA=?searchType=USERSEARCH&searchTerm=on%2Foff+valve&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0&Submit=Search#). Useable on every tank I own, too. Still got that email in to luke and I'm waiting to hear about the ASA extenders, but this and a 15° ASA would do the trick. Now, if only I could find a 15° ASA...

10-14-2007, 08:17 PM
well that was the only thing I could think of..

run remote? :rofl:

10-14-2007, 08:20 PM
No, thanks, I can trip and fall on my own just fine, no help needed. :cheers:

10-14-2007, 09:48 PM
B/S/T right here on AO, and ~200 shots.

Back on topic, luke says he can slot a rail and put in a 15° wedge or machine a spacer to drop the ASA below the trigger guard. Looks like the spacer is my best option since I don't want my Alpha Rail hacked up (even luke's skillful hacking).

Bad news is that every gauge adaptor/ASA extender seems to lack the pin valve.

Am I seriously the only person who's ever tried to run an Intelliframe, AM/MM rail and vert bottle?

10-15-2007, 04:57 AM
EDIT: Ooh, spiffy (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/EasyAskSearch-Start;sid=DtU5dqnWbXQ5T-7Ezn353qMfsSbh7ChnDQA=?searchType=USERSEARCH&searchTerm=on%2Foff+valve&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0&Submit=Search#). Useable on every tank I own, too. Still got that email in to luke and I'm waiting to hear about the ASA extenders, but this and a 15° ASA would do the trick. Now, if only I could find a 15° ASA...

That was going to be my next suggestion, found it here:


that combined with Luke's ingenuity would suit you perfectly :D

10-15-2007, 09:06 AM
Yeah, I'll probably do either that and a 15° ASA or have luke make me a spacer. Still open to other suggestions if anyone knows of a weird part none of us have ever heard of.

10-15-2007, 01:28 PM
The double trigger frame is usually for higher rates of fire (and some tired or large fingers). Small vert CO2 bottles (200 shots) don't seem very practical for either extended firing or high rates of fire. There's a pic around somewhere of a 12oz vertical bottle, but intelliframe + vert CO2 doesn't seem to be a very common problem IMO. :)

I have seen one or two metal framed (single trigger) mags that had the trigger guard cut off, double trigger installed, and re-annoed, that looked nice. Since you don't need the guard with the bottle there, it would be a way to keep your bottle up tight and not dangling low. :eek:

10-15-2007, 02:27 PM
The double trigger frame is usually for higher rates of fire (and some tired or large fingers). Small vert CO2 bottles (200 shots) don't seem very practical for either extended firing or high rates of fire. There's a pic around somewhere of a 12oz vertical bottle, but intelliframe + vert CO2 doesn't seem to be a very common problem IMO. :)
Yes, I bought the double trigger to increase my rate of fire and to ease the trigger pull. Gas capacity doesn't concern me as I don't see my shot total rising much - I wanted the higher rate of fire to snap off a 3-shot burst and get back behind my bunker faster, not so that I could put more balls in the air over a sustained period of time. I also own a 9oz and two 12oz CO2 bottles and a 45/5k Evil Scion, so it's not like I can't take more gas on the field with me if I want. I've thought a lot about my ideal rig and come up with something useful and (apparently) unique, which is probably why I'm running into this issue.

I have seen one or two metal framed (single trigger) mags that had the trigger guard cut off, double trigger installed, and re-annoed, that looked nice. Since you don't need the guard with the bottle there, it would be a way to keep your bottle up tight and not dangling low. :eek:
Don't like the look, don't like the safety issues, don't like chopping up my new Intelliframe, and don't like the field legality issues. As tempting as it is to solve this problem through the application of a hacksaw, I'm gonna pass.

Thanks for the advice, but I really don't need my rig redesigned, I just need to get a bottle on it. This is taking so long because I'm pretty uncompromising with this setup; if I wasn't, I've already have slapped a foregrip extender on the thing and been done with it. If anyone sees anything that's gone unmentioned here, post it up!

10-15-2007, 02:34 PM
Don't like the look, don't like the safety issues, don't like chopping up my new Intelliframe, and don't like the field legality issues. As tempting as it is to solve this problem through the application of a hacksaw, I'm gonna pass.
Yeah, when I said one or two that I liked, I meant one or two out of many. And those were classic frames only.

10-15-2007, 02:56 PM
I think they're all hideous, though one or two have struck me as only semi-ugly. ;)

First post edited, now contains my current options. Anyone know if the Palmer 90° ASA Adaptor (http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=40&products_id=180) has a pin depressor or no? Keep those suggestions coming!

10-15-2007, 06:38 PM
I think thats your best bet...it fits your situation perfectly. Why would you possibly consider another option? But hey, its just my 2 cents...

may I ask why you run a Vertical bottle set up? You have no horizontal feed tube, like pumpers have...and with only 200 shots per bottle and running it in semi mode, it would seem that you'd run out of air long before you ran out of paint. That is, unless you pick your shots, and are kinda shooting as a sniper would, if there is such a thing in paint ball. Just curious as to the setup..no offense intended. Whichever way you play...have a blast at it.


If he bought that he would be in the same boat so to speak as the on/off knob will still hit the trigger guard when installed. The only way he could install that would be to remove the trigger frame, install and hope the on/off knob doesn't come in contact with the trigger guard once assembled.

As for vert set ups, its really just an old school look as some of us used that back in the old days to keep liquid from getting into the Mags. Worked well too, if you didn't use a full fill on your tank.

10-16-2007, 12:38 AM
Yes, [NA]WARLORD hit the nail on the head. I don't want to disassemble my marker every time I change tanks. Plus I'd probably forget to turn the tank off or something stupid, take someone's eye out with an on/off pin... :argh:

And, no, I only carry about 200 paintballs on to the field most times, so I do have enough gas to shoot all my paint. Clearly, I can take more paint and a bigger bottle if I'm in a longer game. I run my bottle vert since I can't run backbottle... that's where my Qloader is. Keeps liquid out better anyway.

Back on topic, Palmer's 90° adaptor does have a pin depressor. Leaning towards that at the moment, but that means I have a horizontal bottle right near my valve so I'll have to be careful. Been looking for an excuse to buy a Stab, though...

10-16-2007, 01:07 AM
i used a bottomline asa that was angled as my 15 degree foregrip and it has a pin depressor. i do a how to on it. heres a pic.
http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/2840/15asa005kp5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

10-16-2007, 09:09 PM
I was just going to link you to ^^^^^ his how to thread. Cheap and easy and looks pretty good.

10-17-2007, 01:46 PM
I know, if only I had those tools lying around.

Someday I'll have a workshop. That'd be cool.

10-21-2007, 07:03 PM
I think I'll go with the Palmer 90° ASA Adaptor. Seems to be the most compact of my options. If I ever come across a 15° ASA I'll probably get it just to experiment. Thanks for the help, everyone, I'll get pictures once everything's set up.

10-30-2007, 04:30 AM
Got it! Pretty compact, too, works really well. A little bulky with the bigger bottles on there, but I usually go with the 3.5oz anyway.



And an alternate setup:

Thanks for the help and suggestions, everyone! :cheers: