View Full Version : PSP mode... sluggish?

10-15-2007, 12:08 AM
Not being one for ramping, i only just started using psp mode on my PM6 seeing as it the legal mode i will be playing with for tounaments.

my only question is, is it supposed to feel a little, "sluggish" before the ramp picks up?

it seems like it takes a second or two for it to kick in. i mean honestly, if it wasn't for the ease of consistence, i would be doing semi, seeing as it responded faster.

right now im running a PM6 UL frame.

would a virtue board or aftermarket board make a difference?

10-15-2007, 09:05 AM
It have never owned a PM6, but ramp generally starts off slow until you hit the required bps usually around 6. After market boards are always a plus because the additional options such as mecahanical anti bounce as well as debounce. Both of which will allow you to have the fastest ROF while still being legal. I wouldn't recommend the T-Board because semi only is very slow. Going with a Virtue, Tadao, or Pred would be a great choice.

10-15-2007, 09:33 AM
Some boards do ramp "quicker" and what I mean by that is they reach the max BPS faster. The stock UL board is not the quickest to reach the max, I think it has to do with the eye logic not being the fastest available (Or I believe I read that somewhere). But I do know what you are talking about I shoot a Ul'd pm6 and an 05 ego,with both in PSP the ego deff gets up there faster.

Oh also make sure you have fresh batteries in your hopper...that will make a difference.

10-15-2007, 04:44 PM
The catch up time of a hopper has a lot to do with it but I have always found psp to be very weird. Not my favorite of ramp modes. I just wish it was easy to have a capped bounce mode. Much faster/crisper speed up period.

Also make sure that you have the kick in bps very low. It sucks having to shoot like 10 to kick in the 15 ramp. Also the same with the maintained bps.

10-15-2007, 04:51 PM
Could be a few things;

-Slow hopper
-gun set to start ramping after a set amount of shots
-gun set to a slower ramping mode
-max rof set low
-high debounce setting