View Full Version : My Ebay issue

10-16-2007, 07:20 PM
what do you think about this whole deal,

I purchased an item from an ebay store, and it was shipped 10/3, the package got screwed up in Washington and lost a day there, then it got to IL on 10/11 and the box was damaged and the contents were gone. UPS being the place it is will insure each package upto 100 on their own, it was only 30 bux shipped for the item. i emailed the guy today to ask him about it (10/17) he said yeah for another 8 bux he will send me another of these items. now to me this is BS since he will be reimbursed 100% from UPS plus he wants another 8 from me to send another item. now this is how i think it should go, he operates a store on ebay and elsewhere, should he not be responsible for it until the item reaches me? just wondering cause i feel that if i send something and it never makes it i still owe that person that or their money back, they arent responsible for it until it reaches their door step. maybe thats just me but i dont know. just wanting to know what everyone else thinks

10-16-2007, 07:30 PM
thats BS. if he got reimbursed instead of you, the least he should do is send out another one for free.

after all, you paid him already.

try to email or talk to him about this situation, and try to make him understand. just dont get up all mad in his face or something, do it nicely. if he still wont, then you can file a dispute with paypal or whatever.

10-16-2007, 07:30 PM
When he has it, he is responsible. When UPS has it, they are. When you have it, you are.
He paid UPS to insure it, got his money back. ALL OF IT. Now he asks for more? No way. He isn't in the hole. you are. He won't loose anything by sending another.

10-16-2007, 07:45 PM
well i didnt blow up on him (yet) i just emailed him back telling him this, i have already paid you for the item which was lost by UPS during shipping who automatically cover 100 dollars on each package they ship. You have been or will be reimbursed the full amount that i already paid you therefore i will not send you anymore for this item. if there is an issue with this please refund my money in full so i can purchase this item elsewhere.... something along those lines, i havet called him a mother dunkin cop socker yet :spit_take but it may come to it before its all said and done with :D

10-16-2007, 07:54 PM
well looks like its coming here is the email i just recieved from him

"Well, we've shipped you cdis. You sound like we didnt ship anything.

I can ship you 2 more cdis no problem as soon as shipping fee is paid in the amount of 8 usd or we can process refund minus 8 usd fee.

Feel like i am asking for life savings."

:mad: FLAME ON :cuss: :mad:

10-16-2007, 08:01 PM
what did you use to pay for this? if UPS is already stating that it will refund the money spent you should be able to file a claim through paypal if you used it. Not much you can do about this really except whine about it and eventually pay it.

10-16-2007, 08:10 PM
You owe nothing more than the product you already paid for. Any real business will abide by that fact they sold something, and it is owed to the consumer. If it gets lost, broke, stolen or whatever the case maybe, it is not the buyers issue it is theirs to deal with. They still owe you a product. If they can not stand behind there own product and give you quality service, then they do not deserve to do business with you and owe you a complete refund.

10-16-2007, 08:16 PM
ok so you paid this guy $30.

he shipped it.

Ups lost it.

the guy was reimbursed the $30.

so the guy is up $54 when you factor in the original shipping.

no he wanta another $8 to ship another set of items.

sounds to me like the reimbursement should be yours and yours alone.

idk if i read it right because im pretty dazed right now, but that sounds like a load of crap.

someone please reiterate my post, i know im understood by someone.

10-16-2007, 08:24 PM
ok so you paid this guy $30.

he shipped it.

Ups lost it.

the guy was reimbursed the $30.

so the guy is up $54 when you factor in the original shipping.

no he wanta another $8 to ship another set of items.

sounds to me like the reimbursement should be yours and yours alone.

idk if i read it right because im pretty dazed right now, but that sounds like a load of crap.

someone please reiterate my post, i know im understood by someone.

understood :cheers:

but the fact of the matter is he bought something. has not recieved something, will not recieve something until the person he bought something from ships him something. :D

stick to your guns, it's on there shoulders. if it gets to a point where they say they will not reimburse you, thats when serious action needs taken.

10-16-2007, 08:36 PM
understood :cheers:

but the fact of the matter is he bought something. has not recieved something, will not recieve something until the person he bought something from ships him something. :D

stick to your guns, it's on there shoulders. if it gets to a point where they say they will not reimburse you, thats when serious action needs taken.

i knew someone would.

it sounds like this guy is definitely rippin you off, at this point id ask for a refund of the full amount since i paid and received nothing.

10-16-2007, 08:56 PM
after a lil rethinking of what i was going to put here is what i have to say, tell me what you all think before i send it, i feel quite proud because i didnt say F you buddy one time :D

Okay im just a simple man here and my math isnt that great but here is the way i figure you are sitting right now, 25.90 was paid to you in full by me, you shipped the item and it was lost which UPS will reimburse you 100% for that so thats another 25.90 coming back to you. Which that puts you at 51.80, for an item i still have not recieved. Yet you feel it necessarry to ask me for another 8 dollars on top of that to send more, or you will refund me 17.90 keeping the 8 giving you 33.90 extra on a 12.95 sale. So now after doing this figureing I would like a refund in the full amount of 25.90 so i can take my business elsewhere.

10-16-2007, 09:16 PM
If you paid with a Visa or a Paypal transaction,.. your all set.

Call them up,.. and tell them:

"I understand there is a way to do business. But that way is the RIGHT way,.. not YOUR WAY. You were paid $8 to ship the item, and you did. So you were not out any money for the shipping. I have not received a 100% "lost-item" credit from UPS, so I am to assume that you being the shipper, were given the 100%. The item cost $30, plus my $8 for shipping,... which means you made a much larger profit than you originally planned to make.

I respect that you should keep the insurance money, but you have not completed my half of the original deal.

Please either send me a new item, or send the payment for the item to me in full.

It will take 3-5 business days to have the item shipped with a tracking number or to get my money back. I will be expecting a package or a payment in the mail either way.



You have to say it in a way that screams at them, but works effectivly.

If that does not work, or they give you a rant of crap,... then you say this:

"Well I paid with a Visa/Paypal, and as a customer I have the upper hand here. You owe me either money or goods. End of story. You choose not to stand up to your end of the business deal and that is something that credit card companies DO NOT let slide. Not only will you loose the payment ontop of the lost goods in the mail as it is,... they will stick your business record with a blemish that other businesses can see. It would be to YOUR advantage to stop scewing around with a $30 item and put an end to this before you actually DO take a loss."

10-16-2007, 09:24 PM
i like your style :D

10-16-2007, 10:54 PM
Ask the seller for a refund of 30$. If he doesn't want to do that. File a complaint with ebay. They should figure this out for you so that you receive your 30$.
If you paid for it via Paypal, same thing. If you paid via a credit card I would call them and dispute the charge, saying you never received the item/service you paid for. If he makes a big stink about it I would file a complaint with USP and lastly if he is so concerned about 8$ that he is willing to run with 30$ then he is guilty of theft and you need to call his PD and inform them of mail fraud and theft.

BE sure to print any information you need because this will take months to resolve and the details are not something you want to loose when the auction becomes in accessible.

10-17-2007, 07:11 AM
after my last email to him a nice little refund showed up this morning :D

10-17-2007, 03:06 PM
Congrats!!!! I hate when fawkers try that crap..... They aren't out anything... THAT"S WHAT INSURANCE IS!!!!!

Pay MORE???? FOR WHAT???


Good deal Dend!!! Glad it worked for ya...


10-17-2007, 04:18 PM
well technically they already made 70$ on mailing it to you since they get 100$ from ups as the insurance min.

10-17-2007, 06:16 PM
do they get the full 100 dollars? of just what the stated contents are worth?

10-17-2007, 06:24 PM
You don't automatically get $100 from UPS if something gets lost. Think about all the insurance fraud you would have going on. You get what the item is worth and the shipping cost is refunded. You do have to prove what it's worth, usually with eBay you show them the auction, in other cases a receipt, or an apraisel by a third party. You can buy $5,000 of insurance on a package of lifesavers but they will still only give you $0.50 if they loose the package.