View Full Version : To save money or NOT. would you

10-18-2007, 03:15 PM
Prefer to drill 2 holes in a accessory ( no tapping needed ) or pay for it to be done ?

Also would you prefer to get the piece annoed yourself or pre annoed from the manufacturer ?

I ask because i will be offering some things soon an due to the diff mounting specs on the myriad of markers out there it would be more cost efficient for me to have the customer drill there own.
As far as anno i would think people would have a larger choice of colors if the parts were to be shipped raw? Rather than me having to pick colors to keep in stock.

Opinions ? Questions ? Statements please


10-18-2007, 03:40 PM
Prefer to drill 2 holes in a accessory ( no tapping needed ) or pay for it to be done ?

Also would you prefer to get the piece annoed yourself or pre annoed from the manufacturer ?

I ask because i will be offering some things soon an due to the diff mounting specs on the myriad of markers out there it would be more cost efficient for me to have the customer drill there own.
As far as anno i would think people would have a larger choice of colors if the parts were to be shipped raw? Rather than me having to pick colors to keep in stock.

Opinions ? Questions ? Statements please


You probably don't want to hear this, but it really all depends. Your questions are just a bit too vague but I'll give it a shot.

Personally, if a part requires holes and they're not optional, I would want them pre-drilled. If the part placement is a factor on where the holes are, that's a tough one. A lot of people are do-it-yourself'ers but a lot just want something to bolt-on/drop-in, esp. if they're paying for a professionally manufactured part.

Raw vs. Ano... I personally prefer black and everything can be re-annoed. If a part comes raw, I'm pretty much forced to get it annoed.

Just my 2c's :cheers:

10-18-2007, 03:43 PM
I reccomend you show us...

plus it will drive up interest :)

10-18-2007, 03:58 PM
Prefer to drill 2 holes in a accessory ( no tapping needed ) or pay for it to be done ?

Also would you prefer to get the piece annoed yourself or pre annoed from the manufacturer ?

I ask because i will be offering some things soon an due to the diff mounting specs on the myriad of markers out there it would be more cost efficient for me to have the customer drill there own.
As far as anno i would think people would have a larger choice of colors if the parts were to be shipped raw? Rather than me having to pick colors to keep in stock.

Opinions ? Questions ? Statements please

I'm rather new here, so what I'm saying may not be representative of others, but my opinion is that you should probably do any drilling yourself. Since your potential customers may not have the tools, or inclination to do it. It would also save you the aggravation of people who managed to screw up the drilling demanding refunds or replacement parts. As far as ano goes, maybe it would be a good idea to find someone in your area that does it, and get them to ano stuff if people want it done?

10-18-2007, 03:59 PM
Holes: I would offer it pre drilled in the most common spot for a little more $ and also with no holes. A lot of people are DIY’ers because they are cheap! ;) :D

Anno: I would definitely offer the part in gloss black anno at least. Most people can work with that and as said above, if it’s raw the customer generally has to get deal with getting it annoed which is a pain for one small (?) part.

10-18-2007, 05:29 PM
Most its a new and different stock, designed to bolt to the bottom of a grip frame. I know that the majority of grip frames have the MAG spacing but NOT all.Hence im not sure its a good idea to drill the 2 mounting holes to those specs. Im thinking i may offer it in black and give a discount to those that want it raw so they can ANNO to the color/pattern of there choice.

THANKS ALL. And please continue

10-18-2007, 06:02 PM
sell it drilled & have a small # made without holes ,spyder frames are about the only frame with offset holes ( correct me if i'm wrong )
sell it annoed (matte black & gloss black) & raw
price according to what you have done ; anno /no anno , holes /noholes
good luck & get it out before Christmas

10-18-2007, 06:09 PM
I have a TON of 7/8 spacing to spyder adapters I built years ago in bags in the basement. that would be a choice

10-18-2007, 07:23 PM
You probably don't want to hear this, but it really all depends. Your questions are just a bit too vague but I'll give it a shot.

Personally, if a part requires holes and they're not optional, I would want them pre-drilled. If the part placement is a factor on where the holes are, that's a tough one. A lot of people are do-it-yourself'ers but a lot just want something to bolt-on/drop-in, esp. if they're paying for a professionally manufactured part.

Raw vs. Ano... I personally prefer black and everything can be re-annoed. If a part comes raw, I'm pretty much forced to get it annoed.

Just my 2c's :cheers:

Good advice.
Manufacturer should drill the standardized holes and anodize only in black.
That way if someone wants to buy it they wont have to put any more money out unless they want to.
