View Full Version : Q or Warp ?

10-21-2007, 09:15 AM
I need input on warp versus Qloader, i shoot left or rh equaly well an wonder if the warp will hinder changing hands ? also how the marker will balance w/ Q or Warp?

A guy at pb shop here told me people have issues w/the Q in FL. due to heat an humidity deforming pballs an thus affecting accuracy

OPINIONS please ?? on anthing related to Q versus warp

10-21-2007, 09:28 AM

That guy at your shop is right, people do have issues with Q-loaders here in Florida. But people have issues with Q-loaders in general. I know what you are looking for, higher capacity while maintaining a low profile on your pistol correct?

Well, while I wont reccomend the Q-loader to you, its probably your only option to solve that one short of putting a hopper on it. A warp would be overbearing on a pistol I would imagine..

Whats wrong with the 10 round spring feed we talked about?

10-21-2007, 09:44 AM
Most Im going to build a pistol but
This question is geared towards building a full size marker (cant have too many mags ya know )

10-21-2007, 09:55 AM
Fog, I have a Warp and I wanted to get a Q for awhile, I decided against the q-loader and here are my reasons. First, like most on the forums, I think you need to try both for your preference and to see which fits your playing style.

Now on to why I use the warp: 1) I can load up to 160-180 worth of paint into the Pulse I have on top of the Warp and for me that is the most important thing. The amount of paint for firepower when I need it on the field. My playing style is recreation, mainly woodsball but I will mix it up on a speedball field and that amount of paint is key in my eyes for both games. Less reloading, less time open for me to get tagged. My warp feed has the 12volt mod for either batteries or as I have done, wired it into my X-Mag Battery to lighten up the setup, even if ever so slightly. Additionally the "added weight" and position of the warp toward the centerline of the body do not effect the carrying or firing of the marker and actually feels very normal.

The disadvantages with a Warp Feed: You need batteries..... that you shouldn't store in the warp as it will drain that battery/batteries over time and your battery will be dead the next time you play (So always unplug the battery after each day of play). The system weighs 15 oz (Almost a whole pound)......not a big deal to me but maybe you. The speed of the warp is directly affected by the number of batteries hooked up and if they are in parallel or series. Parallel needs the 12 volt mod or you'll burn out the board....I think its parallel.....shop was such a long time ago in highschool...

The advantqages with a Warp Feed: The hopper is off of the top of your marker so you will have better situational awareness (SA) and vision. Opponents think you are only looking at them and not lining them up for a shot...I've taken out many on the speedball and woodsball fields that wave at me expecting to be waved back at......I wave........as they walk off of the field from being tagged by me. Shooting from either side of cover is easy and will be accomplished by the same hand. If you are right handed then you just turn your marker on its side and still use your right hand to fire as you come out of cover on the left side.

Now things that both the Q loader and Warp Have in Common: 1) Ease of shooting, both are easy to shoot and line up against opponents. 2) Positive ball feed for few if any ball breaks in the breach of your marker. 3) Hoppers are off of the top of the marker for great vision and "SA". 4) Although both need to be understood completely, once you do the systems are easy to maintain and use.

The Disadvantages of the Q Loader from what I have read. The q-loader pod is bigger than a standard 140 round pod so only a few harnesses accomodate the q-loader pods. The q-loader pods only hold 100 rounds and take a little getting used to to reload between games...not an inordinate amount of time but they will take time to get used to for reloading effeciently between games. If someone or you need more ammo on the field you can't just switch unless they use the q-loader too. Lastly and most important, If you break a paintball in a pod you will have to dissemble the pod to clean it and if the smashed paint went through the hose that will have to be cleaned in detail too.

The Advantages of the Q-Loader. 30+ balls per second with positive ball feed into your marker. Easily ambidextrous with full range of motion to include upside down with positive feeding capabilities. Reduces player profile, like the warp it takes the hopper off of the top of the marker and unlike the Warp slims the marker down even if the q-laoder is off set for mounting.

I hope this helps and will get you to what you want in a loading system. Remember to try out both if possible to see which fits your playing style. Good luck, Jerry "Outlaw5" Perkins

10-21-2007, 10:02 AM
Most Im going to build a pistol but
This question is geared towards building a full size marker (cant have too many mags ya know )


10-21-2007, 10:51 AM
Fog, I have a Warp and I wanted to get a Q for awhile, I decided against the q-loader and here are my reasons. First, like most on the forums, I think you need to try both for your preference and to see which fits your playing style.

Now on to why I use the warp: 1) I can load up to 160-180 worth of paint into the Pulse I have on top of the Warp and for me that is the most important thing. The amount of paint for firepower when I need it on the field. My playing style is recreation, mainly woodsball but I will mix it up on a speedball field and that amount of paint is key in my eyes for both games. Less reloading, less time open for me to get tagged. My warp feed has the 12volt mod for either batteries or as I have done, wired it into my X-Mag Battery to lighten up the setup, even if ever so slightly. Additionally the "added weight" and position of the warp toward the centerline of the body do not effect the carrying or firing of the marker and actually feels very normal.

The disadvantages with a Warp Feed: You need batteries..... that you shouldn't store in the warp as it will drain that battery/batteries over time and your battery will be dead the next time you play (So always unplug the battery after each day of play). The system weighs 15 oz (Almost a whole pound)......not a big deal to me but maybe you. The speed of the warp is directly affected by the number of batteries hooked up and if they are in parallel or series. Parallel needs the 12 volt mod or you'll burn out the board....I think its parallel.....shop was such a long time ago in highschool...

The advantqages with a Warp Feed: The hopper is off of the top of your marker so you will have better situational awareness (SA) and vision. Opponents think you are only looking at them and not lining them up for a shot...I've taken out many on the speedball and woodsball fields that wave at me expecting to be waved back at......I wave........as they walk off of the field from being tagged by me. Shooting from either side of cover is easy and will be accomplished by the same hand. If you are right handed then you just turn your marker on its side and still use your right hand to fire as you come out of cover on the left side.

Now things that both the Q loader and Warp Have in Common: 1) Ease of shooting, both are easy to shoot and line up against opponents. 2) Positive ball feed for few if any ball breaks in the breach of your marker. 3) Hoppers are off of the top of the marker for great vision and "SA". 4) Although both need to be understood completely, once you do the systems are easy to maintain and use.

The Disadvantages of the Q Loader from what I have read. The q-loader pod is bigger than a standard 140 round pod so only a few harnesses accomodate the q-loader pods. The q-loader pods only hold 100 rounds and take a little getting used to to reload between games...not an inordinate amount of time but they will take time to get used to for reloading effeciently between games. If someone or you need more ammo on the field you can't just switch unless they use the q-loader too. Lastly and most important, If you break a paintball in a pod you will have to dissemble the pod to clean it and if the smashed paint went through the hose that will have to be cleaned in detail too.

The Advantages of the Q-Loader. 30+ balls per second with positive ball feed into your marker. Easily ambidextrous with full range of motion to include upside down with positive feeding capabilities. Reduces player profile, like the warp it takes the hopper off of the top of the marker and unlike the Warp slims the marker down even if the q-laoder is off set for mounting.

I hope this helps and will get you to what you want in a loading system. Remember to try out both if possible to see which fits your playing style. Good luck, Jerry "Outlaw5" Perkins

probley the best warp / Q loader comparison i've seen

10-21-2007, 11:23 AM
probley the best warp / Q loader comparison i've seen

+1, very well put together outlaw

10-21-2007, 01:48 PM
I use a QLoader in Southern Florida and only play Woodsbball.

The problem with balls swelling and/or becoming soft will happen if yo do not keep the balls in tight containers or at least in a well tied plastic bag. It has nothing to do with the QLoader.

What I do, is I pre-load my Q_Pods the night before, but I put them inside the bags where the balls came in and tie them down with the same ties that come with the bags. The balls are not under any stress when there are inside the QPod. Actually they are not bunched up as they would be inside a plastic bag or a regular pod.

For each game, I take out of their plastic bags the number of QPods I think I'm going to use and that keeps me trouble free.

If I have to load balls into the pods in the field, I take them directly from the bag and when I'm finished loading, I put the excess balls back into the bag, always protecting them from heat and humidity.

I have noticed that balls left inside regular canisters/pods become soft also after a day or so because the friction lids are not humidity/water tight.

I have experimented to see how long it takes the balls on becoming soft, by leaving some outside their bag/container and it takes about 8 hrs (or overnight) for them to start becoming soft, and that is, indoors in an air conditioned room set at 80 degs. (I use Marballizers exclusively.)

And now about the QLoader being a pain......at the beginning, yes it is!!!!!! but as you adjust the length of the hose, the number of winds in the QPods and sand off possible sharp corners.....and find the right detent for your marker, it works without any glitches.

The quality of the paint is very important, because now you are dealing with a forced system and if the balls are in any way weak, they will break.

If a ball breaks inside the pod....well, then it is out of commision until it gets cleaned.

If a ball breaks inside the hose, that one will be out of commision too, but the kit comes with so much extra hose that you can have an extra one already cut to size and on the ready for swaping it if needed.

If the break is inside the chamber or the barrel.....well, that happens on any marker and again, that has a lot to do with the quality of the paint, the fit of the ball to the barrel, etc.

In conclusion, I won't go back to top loaded hoppers. I think the QLoader is great for Woodsball.

And about the Warp Feeder....I have no idea.

10-21-2007, 05:04 PM
Awesome info !!! thanks soo much.

Im not hearing much about the warp , anybody ?

mr doo doo
10-21-2007, 05:14 PM
my input: go old school, go warp :D

but if pistol, maybe qloader... you see the picture of the two chrome pistols in the picture section? those are using q-loaders.

10-21-2007, 07:16 PM
I used the Warp, now I use a Q-Loader. I switched for a few reasons, but they're all trade-offs.

Profile advantage goes to the Q. It's so much smaller, so many more mounting options, and doesn't off-balance your marker because you can mount it in the center rather than right/left like the Warp.

Weight advantage also goes to the Q. No batteries, either.

Ease of maintenance is definitely a point for the Warp. So easy, learning curve is easy, too. It's a spinning wheel, basically. Pretty simple.

Capacity is greater in the Warp. You cut it in half if you go to the Q.

Basically, look at the advantages/disadvantages of each. The right question is not "Which is better?" but "Which is better for my playing style?"

10-21-2007, 08:10 PM
like everyone else has said, try them both.


i bought a warp for my woodsball M14. i thought FINALLY! a resolution to my hopper hits. I was very wrong. I don't like how the warp has to be mounted to one side or the other, for me it gets in the way completely when i try to switch hands and go lefty. I love the confidence that everytime i pull that trigger a ball will be nicely settled in the chamber ready to splat someones face. Also a fully loaded hopper, in a warp will pull your marker to tilt to one side or the other. This really bugs me when i try to use my dot sight. I am not fond of my warp feed at all and as a matter of fact im going to sell it as i have a Qloader on its way.

ive used a Q loader in the past on a buddies A5, i am quite impressed at how much it balances out. I will post more on the Q loader when i get a chance to test it

10-21-2007, 08:46 PM
i think my preference will be the Qloader, i was worried about the balance issue of the warp,then add batteries and a loader full of paint. hmmmmm seems a no brainer that the q is for me,,THANKS to all who posted.

10-22-2007, 09:13 AM
I have never used a warp feed so I cannot comment on it. I'll be quite honest, the QLoader is not for everyone. It takes a bit getting used to. Once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze to use. Be patient with it. If you have questions, just ask. I like the QLoader because it balances out my marker perfectly, keeps up with my EMag when I wanna rip that occasional rope, eliminates the obstructing hopper, and helps ME conserve paint! QPods are the same diameter as Dye Lock Lid pods. They fit perfectly in SpecOps vest and harnesses.

10-22-2007, 10:35 AM
Thanks Medic, and evryone who posted

10-22-2007, 10:59 AM
Fog, I have a Warp and I wanted to get a Q for awhile, I decided against the q-loader and here are my reasons. First, like most on the forums, I think you need to try both for your preference and to see which fits your playing style.

Now on to why I use the warp: 1) I can load up to 160-180 worth of paint into the Pulse I have on top of the Warp and for me that is the most important thing. The amount of paint for firepower when I need it on the field. My playing style is recreation, mainly woodsball but I will mix it up on a speedball field and that amount of paint is key in my eyes for both games. Less reloading, less time open for me to get tagged. My warp feed has the 12volt mod for either batteries or as I have done, wired it into my X-Mag Battery to lighten up the setup, even if ever so slightly. Additionally the "added weight" and position of the warp toward the centerline of the body do not effect the carrying or firing of the marker and actually feels very normal.

The disadvantages with a Warp Feed: You need batteries..... that you shouldn't store in the warp as it will drain that battery/batteries over time and your battery will be dead the next time you play (So always unplug the battery after each day of play). The system weighs 15 oz (Almost a whole pound)......not a big deal to me but maybe you. The speed of the warp is directly affected by the number of batteries hooked up and if they are in parallel or series. Parallel needs the 12 volt mod or you'll burn out the board....I think its parallel.....shop was such a long time ago in highschool...

The advantqages with a Warp Feed: The hopper is off of the top of your marker so you will have better situational awareness (SA) and vision. Opponents think you are only looking at them and not lining them up for a shot...I've taken out many on the speedball and woodsball fields that wave at me expecting to be waved back at......I wave........as they walk off of the field from being tagged by me. Shooting from either side of cover is easy and will be accomplished by the same hand. If you are right handed then you just turn your marker on its side and still use your right hand to fire as you come out of cover on the left side.

Now things that both the Q loader and Warp Have in Common: 1) Ease of shooting, both are easy to shoot and line up against opponents. 2) Positive ball feed for few if any ball breaks in the breach of your marker. 3) Hoppers are off of the top of the marker for great vision and "SA". 4) Although both need to be understood completely, once you do the systems are easy to maintain and use.

The Disadvantages of the Q Loader from what I have read. The q-loader pod is bigger than a standard 140 round pod so only a few harnesses accomodate the q-loader pods. The q-loader pods only hold 100 rounds and take a little getting used to to reload between games...not an inordinate amount of time but they will take time to get used to for reloading effeciently between games. If someone or you need more ammo on the field you can't just switch unless they use the q-loader too. Lastly and most important, If you break a paintball in a pod you will have to dissemble the pod to clean it and if the smashed paint went through the hose that will have to be cleaned in detail too.

The Advantages of the Q-Loader. 30+ balls per second with positive ball feed into your marker. Easily ambidextrous with full range of motion to include upside down with positive feeding capabilities. Reduces player profile, like the warp it takes the hopper off of the top of the marker and unlike the Warp slims the marker down even if the q-laoder is off set for mounting.

I hope this helps and will get you to what you want in a loading system. Remember to try out both if possible to see which fits your playing style. Good luck, Jerry "Outlaw5" Perkins

Now that was a well written review. Thanks for taking the time to say something beyond.. "warp, q's suck," or vise versa

10-22-2007, 01:03 PM
warp, q's suck

10-22-2007, 05:30 PM
I love my Qloader and have had no problems whatsoever. (and it is fun to shoot you marker upsidedown (which can be do with a warp too)- (plus in woods or scenario you can get closer to the ground than with a warp).

And I just got a Warpfeed and did the bigcell with on/off mod and put it on my emag. I haven't played with it yet, but messing around with it in the backyard...... I know it will do exactly what I want from it.

That being said, Get a Qloader if you are going to play woods or scenario - I use my qloaded minimag for woods, and my minimag and qloaded milsimed e-tlplus for scenario.
I didn't feel that the qloader would give me any real advantage when on the hyperball or speed/x ball field during a day of rec play, so I got the warp and emag for that.

It just comes down to what you will play the most and get the most out of....... or be greedy like me and get them both. :D

A side note on the Qloader, it does take some time to get use to (only about as much time as it takes you to read the instructions).......and I have a three pod leg harness from Redz that my qpods fit just fine in, and the qpods fit just fine in nxe harnesses aswell, so it's not like you can't find harnesses for the pods.