View Full Version : What loader would be best?

10-23-2007, 07:55 PM
Can anyone tell me what kind of hopper would be appropriate for my Tac-1?

10-23-2007, 08:06 PM

Enjoy :D

10-23-2007, 10:11 PM
I have the Ricochet 2kx on my Tac-1. I had the option to get the Ricochet Apache for the same price, but i didn't do it. I also decided not to get a VLocity, Halo, Reloader, and all the others for some of the same reasons.

1) Batteries. If you go through 5000 shots and have to replace 2 9 volts every time, that equals money. The 2kx uses only a SINGLE 9-Volt battery, and gets a reliable 6000 shots out of it.

2) Weight. The 2kx is much, much lighter than a Halo or Reloader. I don't know about a VLocity, but I think the 2kx is around the same weight.

3) Strength. Unlike many, many other loaders, the 2kx's feedneck won't break on you. Thick, heavy duty polycarbonate.

4) Can function without batteries. You heard me. Unlike most of the other electronic hoppers, the 2kx will work flawlessly without batteries. In fact, I played half of the first day of USANA's Russian Front scenario, and all of Sunday (which was the final battle, a major paint waster) without turning on the loader. If your battery goes down, you have a fine second option. Feeds quite fast without batteries, and unless you just blaze away, you won't outshoot the gravity.

5) Price. $48 from www.actionvillage.com.

10-24-2007, 08:51 AM

Enjoy :D
So, you have to decide how much paint you want to shoot (total load), how fast (bps), and how often (battery load and reloads). Feed rate is the first thing you will like or dislike, but the other stuff will come up. Avoid sanding on a polycarbonate neck, it gives cracks a starting point and creates uneven surface stresses (what used to be a smooth cylinder now has an uneven taper). If you get an expensive loader, make sure you have a feed neck that will take it without sanding.