View Full Version : Confused

10-27-2007, 08:06 AM
Why does every one (non automag owners) insist that automags are for woodsball. I had another player with an electro lecture me (been playing since I was 15... now I'm 24) for 5-6 minutes how mechanical markers are only for woodsball and electros are for speedball. When did this happen? I didn't know it was a rule :). I politely let him knwo that awhile back before he ever played paintball that mech cockers and mags owned the speedball fields along with angels. This was of course before to could buy an electro at walmart for 99 bucks. It just agravates me. Anyway I showed him what an Retro valve with 1100psi in does on a speedball field.


10-27-2007, 08:09 AM
well thats how alot of kids are (im a kid and I like mechs as much as electro's) they want the hottest thing on hte market

10-27-2007, 08:18 AM
*Rich Kids

im 14 and only a mag and phantom shooter...

10-27-2007, 12:28 PM
RT with 1100 PSI will make them think twice.

10-27-2007, 01:40 PM
i dont play speedball often, very little as a matter of fact. Only when there is no woodsballers around, if im not usin my VSC, or my mag M14 full sized rifle, i go to the "wall of history" we have and i grab the oldest cocker ive ever seen. I usually do pretty good with that, if not, i go balls out with the oldshcool VM68 :headbang: I dont use anything electronic, not even my hopper now that i have a Q loader.

10-27-2007, 05:27 PM
Yes, because the worth of a player is dictated by whether or not he carries batteries on to the field...

I love shooting people up with my Minimag, then walking back to the staging area and watching 'em freak out when I pull the hopper off and spray the hose down the barrel, breach and every other part of the marker.

"Dude, you're gonna fry your board!"

10-27-2007, 06:38 PM
Yes, because the worth of a player is dictated by whether or not he carries batteries on to the field...

I love shooting people up with my Minimag, then walking back to the staging area and watching 'em freak out when I pull the hopper off and spray the hose down the barrel, breach and every other part of the marker.

"Dude, you're gonna fry your board!"

hehe. i counted once. with my spyder i carry 5 9-volts on the marker. 2 for egg, 2 for warpfeed and 1 for trigger frame. lol. i quickly ditched that setup.

i need to start doing that with my tac, just bring a lot of water to dump on it, or alteast a big bucket of it and just completely submerge it into the bucket and swish it around.

10-27-2007, 06:45 PM
Let your gun speak for itself. :cheers:

also, his reaction?

10-27-2007, 09:17 PM
I have not played in about a couple of years and now coming back. With all these new electros with ramping and all are you actually allowed to use it at the fields? In tourneys?

10-27-2007, 10:26 PM
I have not played in about a couple of years and now coming back. With all these new electros with ramping and all are you actually allowed to use it at the fields? In tourneys?

Most rec fields: Normally not.

Tournaments: Depends on the tournament.

10-28-2007, 01:57 PM
when taking any of my x valve mags or my original RT to the field (speedball) i usually get wtf is that> After i rip on it a bit, i get a slwe of people wanting to shoot it and asking where the battery/board is. Sometimes the wuestion, why do you have a halo with a victory board or a velocity on a mech...i like to show them :)

10-28-2007, 06:55 PM
because a mech gun could never ever keep up with an electro gun i mean a spyder is jsut as fast as any other mech gun, we all know that :tard:

ive been playing for 6 years, owned 6 guns still have 5 of them, none of them are or were electos, ive only played one insertion of a scenario with a timmy and one day with the grip from a friends spyder.

both times i had more problems than normal and it was not because i just didnt know what to do with them. they ended up having more things to take care of, more things to worry about, and didnt really help me much if at all.

with a ult'ed/RT'ed with hp input mag you can hit some really high bps levels and frankly mags are easier to shoot with for me because of their build.

people now dont think about the accuracy of their markers but the bps rates, and if bps was all that mattered the blow fish wouldnt have made it into tournies


10-28-2007, 07:08 PM
People are just generally ignorant. The difference between 10 bps and 15 bps is marginal over anything but the chrony. Play with your marker long enough and have it set up to your own personal feel and you will be able to put 10bps out. If you're at a local semi tourney, you don't need showstopping firepower to win. If you're playing pro-ball then you're not using a mech anyway...so it all tends to even out.