View Full Version : autococker pumps

10-27-2007, 01:56 PM
im looking into getting one off of ebay. i wanted to know if they break downalot or require a lot of maintenance? its a cheap on about 100$. any opinions or efficency knowledge.? all knowledge appreciated thank you.

10-27-2007, 03:27 PM
its actually cocker-style

gun (http://cgi.ebay.com/REFURB-Lightning-Cocker-Style-Sniper-Pump-Paintball-Gun_W0QQitemZ290170853668QQihZ019QQcategoryZ16048Q QrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem)

10-27-2007, 03:40 PM
a bunch of people actually picked one up here on AO from that seller. its a good buy, esp if youve got everything else needed to use it.

10-27-2007, 04:07 PM
what alse is needed to use it? besides co2 and paint and hopper

10-27-2007, 04:09 PM
Yeah abt a dozen or so of us got those, not bad, slap a reg on it for hpa, or use a spring kit and spring it for un regged co2, but they all don't look like the pik, some are blue, some are black, some had tattoos, a couple had swing triggers, atleast one even had a delrin bolt, but the sure thing is you will get a lightning cocker with a wgp pump kit, not a bad buy at all, I was the one who originally posted them here abt a couple weeks ago

10-27-2007, 04:11 PM
im looking into getting one off of ebay. i wanted to know if they break downalot or require a lot of maintenance? its a cheap on about 100$. any opinions or efficency knowledge.? all knowledge appreciated thank you.

Shameless plug***** I may be selling a 02 right feed sniper pretty soon here.

Back on topic.

Mine have never broken down and require just about 0 maintenance. Its the semi autocockers (non pump) that have a bad rap for maintenance and breaking down.

For efficiency I would go with a pre 2K. So something 1999 and older. I have heard they are more efficient.

EDIT-Geez 4 posts since I started my reply. Damn I am slow. :rofl:

10-27-2007, 04:17 PM
what is a spring and spring kit? also how much they run? and where can i buy a quik change for 12 grams?

10-27-2007, 04:19 PM
Considering snipers (the pump version of the autococker) came first and have been out since (at least) the early 90's they have had more than enough time to work out all of the problems and prove themselves.

The autococker was simply a sniper that was converted to a semi. A lot of the early pump guns were tinkered with in an attempt to make them semi as semis became more acceptable to the fields.

10-27-2007, 04:19 PM
Pre 2k cockers have smaller aiways, therefore when using co2, there is less chance to expand, the lightning cocker is 2k+ so you can use a pre 2k valve, commonly found around here or mcb, and a devolumizer, from wwa, to bring your cocker to pre 2k specs, you will also need a valve too and cocker spring kit, very common items, I found some online.

10-28-2007, 08:12 AM
anyone else?

10-28-2007, 09:18 AM
maddman spirng kits - google is your freind

12 gram changers - whitewolfairmsithing.com - i think thats the adress, try google, he also has the devolumizer

pre2k valve- mcarterbrown is your best bet


10-28-2007, 12:03 PM
maddman spirng kits - google is your freind

12 gram changers - whitewolfairmsithing.com - i think thats the adress, try google, he also has the devolumizer

pre2k valve- mcarterbrown is your best bet


you can also get the 12g changer and spring kit from wevopaintball.com

10-29-2007, 01:42 AM
Pump autocockers are referred to as "snipers" - they were the precursor to cockers as you now know them.

And as pump guns, they're very reliable.

10-29-2007, 04:18 AM
To answer your questions -

1. They rarely break down and require very little maintenance. Just cleaning and a little oil here and there every once in a blue moon. About as close to worry-free as you can get.

2. You basically don't need anything other than what you said, paint, CO2, loader. You should be good to go out of the box, just velocity adjustment.

10-30-2007, 04:20 PM
Do it!

Cockers are awesome and a pump cocker should need almost NO maintenance.

10-30-2007, 08:49 PM
A couple of drops of oil down the ASA before airing it up each time or two to lube the reg and valve and you should be good. Outside of that once in a blue moon you may want to take off the trigger frame and check and put a touch of oil onto the hammer. Although the little bit of blowby past the valve pin may well take care of this for you if you oil it through the ASA reasonably regularly.

Dry fire with no barrel after oiling to blow out the excess without it getting into the barrel.

Because it's a closed bolt setup you'll need to do something to avoid rollouts. Always aim high is one option that doesn't always pan out... .:D So a barrel kit is one option. Electrical tape strips or painted on fingers of paint or nailpolish in the back of the barrel to lightly pinch the paint when chambered is another. But one way or the other you need to do something about the rollouts.

They are hella fun to play with and feel great when firing them. Fantastic toys.

CCM (Phantom) 12 gm changers FTW. The double start threads ensure that it takes only about 1.5 to 2 turns to seat and pierce the cartridge. Get 'em through Wevo, Horizon or any other Phantom dealer. WWV changers may be much the same but I haven't seen them at all.

10-31-2007, 09:12 PM
can i get a stock class feed to put on this?

10-31-2007, 10:12 PM

Mine was great...
It was such a piece… the bolt on that thing looked like someone poured sand into it and the springs were off a lawn mower or something. But it shot great and NEVER needed anything done to it. By far the easiest gun I have ever had.

PS. I still have that drop... its chromed STEEL :headbang:

11-01-2007, 12:52 AM
can i get a stock class feed to put on this?
I believe most stock class rules stipulate either 20 or fewer balls horizontally or 10 or fewer vertically. Not totally sure on that, let someone else who's actually played a stock class tournament confirm/deny.

Assuming that's the case, though, just go to your local hardware store and look for flexible tubing. Find one that fits your feed tube, buy a foot/yard/minimum amount of it, cut it down and stick it on the marker. If you're concerned about balls falling out, stick a piece of wire through the hose and bend a loop on the end of it so you can slide it back and forth. Stick something on the end or bend that over so it doesn't fall out, and there you have it. 10-ball stacks for any marker you want. Did it to five of mine so we could shoot each other in my backyard. And by backyard, I mean the middle of the woods.

A little ghetto, but it works. And it's a few bucks to do it to a ton of markers. Beats buying an expensive stock class feed tube. I guess you could wrap it in fabric or tape to pretty it up, but I've never felt the need. Probably buy a pocket hopper, too, then you can use that when you're playing non-stock class pump.

11-02-2007, 05:36 PM
for anyone who knows anything about these or bought one: they are autococker threaded correct?

11-02-2007, 06:56 PM
Yes cockers are autococker threaded

11-02-2007, 10:14 PM
ok i was just makin sure because it not an autocockerits a lightning

11-02-2007, 10:31 PM
ok i was just makin sure because it not an autocockerits a lightning

The Psycho Ballistics Lightning is just a brand and model name for an autococker that isn't made by WGP. There used to be LOTS of them. Dye, AKA, ANS, Freeflow and many others all made autocockers.

The only quirk with PB cockers is that the frame mount screws are 10-24 instead of 10-32. The rest is all standard cocker standards.

Stock class rules have very specific standards but not a lot of groups play totally to the letter of the stock class law. The basis is that you're supposed to have to "rock n' cock" for each shot. That means you're not supposed to have a ball stack at all. There's L tube "stock" loaders that fit on over feednecks but technically those are not stock class legal since you can get an assured reload on the next pump without the need to "rock" it to tip a ball into the breech.

Some groups are just so happy to have you out pumping that they'll overlook a lot of these finer points. But just realize that even if you have a horizontal tube loader that it may not qualify as a pure to the letter stock class setup. As for vertical tubes again there's no "rock n' cock" so they are not stock class by the letter of the law. But again a lot of groups are just so happy to have more pumpers out there and to see you trying to limit yourself to stock class that they'll often overlook or otherwise tolerate this. But if they start running stock class events for serious then these "sorta stock" setups won't be allowed.

11-02-2007, 10:57 PM
i know what stock class loaders are but what i was curious about was if you could screw off the hopper feed neck and put in a rock and cock feedtube in its place.