View Full Version : No more sponsorships for 2002?!?!

01-12-2002, 04:53 PM
Hey Tom I wrote an e-mail to [email protected] inquiring about sponsorships. I was told that they were told that there were not going to be any more sponsorships for 2002. Are you ever going to open up for them again or will it be awhile. The reason I am asking is because as I read in the FAQ section on airgun.com that for sponsorship you require that the team already be sponsored by a store/field. Well my team is the store/field also and I was hoping that maybe we could get some sponsorship for Skyball, not matter how little it would be. Now I know there a slim to none chance that my team would get sponsorship since AGD said that they are not doing any but I am wondering when would be a good time to inquire about it? Should I ask the store owner to give AGD a call to find out when we would be able to apply? Oh yeah I should mention that I am Captain of our B team and the store owner is the Captain of the A team. Both of which are going to be at Skyball. Also I hope to see a AGD booth there, and maybe even you there Tom :D.