View Full Version : Paintball stories...In BULLET Time...

01-12-2002, 06:02 PM
The reff shouts " Game on in 3-2-1...20 Seconds!" As usual, I want to barf, Concentrate. "Comn guys, ready?... P-F-B!!! Get outta our house!!!"
On my toes now, got to get to the 50 snake off the break, there' the kid that wants me, lookin' at me, but you don't stand a chance Pyro. Whistle.
Drive forward, 5 steps, here comes the paint...go past the crack-pipe, and I hear Rue and Johnymo's Angels ripping behind me.They have spotted the balls flying my way and are countering. Just like we talked about in the walk, get me to the Snake. I resist the urge to look up, just stay focused on the tail of the Snake. 10 feet away I jump and look to the left, just a last visual, because I will be blind for 90 % of this game. I see that one of Pyro's guys posted at the mid stand-up and as I go in, I feel a hit on my forhead. DAMN! I check but no paint. I'm next to the peanut gallery, so I call a reff to check my head. I don't want the rep as a cheater. He confirm's I am clean. Some good luck.
Johnymo is good. "Brent! Hot at the 40's, right crack-pipe, back stand-ups an...DORITO'S HOT!! 50's HOT!"
Someone got to the 50 yard Dorito. But thats OK, we walked the field, and I know where to shoot without looking. I aim at this old mark on the Snake, pop up and snap shoot, and go back down. Rue hollers "Strike 1! He's gone! FORTY-FOUR!"
"Rue, who's in?"
"Gary's gone early". Crap. I thought we had everybody.
In PFB ball there are two fast front guys. Me and Mikey. He is Faster, but I am Meaner. Mike is at the 50 Dorito now.
Rue is a big man. 6'3", 380 pounds. He knows that the back guys are the gun, and I am the Bullet. He decides to pull the trigger.
Rue, loud: "PFB!... DIRTBAG DIRTBAG!!!
I hear 3 Angels tearing the air, all slamming the standup in the right rear corner, the one place that can take me out when I move to the next 'V' in the Snake. I go.
I move to the head, and am getting ready to settle when I hear "BRENTBUNKERBUNKERBUNKER!!!"
I roll on my back just in time to see a Pyro shoot the dirt 10 feet behind me...where I was.
Rue punished him with 5 to the side, and I whisper 2 sweet nothings in his left ear.
You don't bunker the MassDriver.
Heart racing, I look out of my position at the Snake head, up on my elbow. Just then the guy gets sloppy, and there's his toe. The Super-Duper Mag doesn't let me down, and both Marbs leave thier green signature on his cleats. Buh-bye.
Now my paintball weakness shows. Impatience. I have my hat-trick, but I want all five.
"BALL-2!!" Rue is walking. Good shot. A gift from one back guy to another.
As I pop up to finish this thing, I slip. One step up and Mr. Hold-guy almost tears the hopper off my gun.
Yea, I know. I am pissed, but I like the Pyro guys, so I just walk.
2 against 2.
I worry because no team is stronger in the first 2 minutes than PFB, but we sure know how to lose the last half.
Johnymo calls a "Dirtbag" for Mikey, who traverses the field from the Dorito, to the Flag, to the Pyro 40 yard lay-down.
Good move, and we have the Flag.
My timer says "2 Minutes." Lots of time.
Mike calls "lane 3 is lit". He has the back left covered, and it pays off with a quick kill to the hopper.
This sets off Johnymo who runs the left tape. Mikey picks up on it and hammers the last bunker while Johnymo slides in low on the right side for his kill. The Last Pyro guy goes one4one on Johny, but mission accomplished. Another Flag Hang. Another Win. Close, but we will take it.

Written for AO'er enjoyment, hope you like.
Brent Jackson, PFB.

01-12-2002, 06:43 PM
ahh my head hurts!

01-12-2002, 06:50 PM
wow lots of readin