View Full Version : suggestion for the online store

01-12-2002, 09:53 PM
Hey Tom and Team

Personally I really love the idea of the online store. I also wanted to make a suggestion/request for/of ya.

would it be possible to list the (Emag, RT, RTPro) stock barrel in the store? I have one left over from my last RT, and absolutly love it. only thing is its hopper left only and I want to switch to a hopper right so I can go warp feed left. The sad thing is that is one of the few things keeping me from switchin over is how much i love those barrels... I have tried a few times to get a hopper right on in the forums, but they seem to be few and far between.

Just a suggestion, thanks aton


01-13-2002, 12:14 AM
I'll work on it. You call always call us and get one directly if it's on the store or not.


01-13-2002, 11:19 AM
yeah i've been looking for a stock minimag barrel too. my gun was originally a classic then i put a mini p/f body on it.