View Full Version : Help!

11-09-2007, 11:46 PM
Ok so, I'm kind of n00b when it comes to paintball gear. I got out of the game cause I had a junk setup (Stock Pirahna, CO2), and didn't like playing with the stupid thing. That being said, I am putting together my wish list, and doing much research before I purchase. Having never run off compressed air, I'm not really sure what I need. Do I HAVE to have a regulator? What exactly will it do for me? Also if you have input on my config, I'd like to hear it. Here is what I have so far.

Qloader 500rd + Mod
4 Pod + Tank Harness
Tac-One, with ULE, Warp left
SpecOps T2W airthrough Stock
Stiffi 16/18" Barrel .689 bore (Not quite sure if this is the bore size I want)

As you can see I still need a Tank, maybe a regulator? Air Hose, some new goggles. Anything I miss here?

11-10-2007, 12:07 AM
99% of the tanks you will buy will be all set up to put on your gun right out of the box. So no, you wont need any kind of "extra" regulator. Do make sure you get a HIGH pressure tank, at least 850psi for the mag.Mags like to use alot of air too. I recommend a 68/3000 hp tank. Its what i use and i get about 600 rounds out of it before i need another fill. You probably want on on/off asa also (what your tank screws into) i recommend a CP on/off.
Look at Pure Energy tanks, good tanks for a low price.

Stiffi makes nice barrels, you may also want to look at Deadly Wind for the carbon fiber sweetness. .689 is a decent bore to start with, should work for most field paints ok.

As for masks, well, to each his own, but i am kinda of mask junkie, im always buying new masks and trying new things out. VForce makes really good stuff. So far this year ive used a JT somethinorother, VForce Vantages, Profilers, and now i have a fresh pair of Vent Avatars. Oh, i also had a pair of Protos for a bit too.

For the best bang for the buck i would say get a pair of VForce Profilers. 100%. No question. The Vantages are heavy, and squeeze under eyes, the Protos were built well, but front heavy, and my JT mask was hard to clean, and doesnt have quick change lenses. My Vents Avatars are awesome, but they arent cheap. So i would say get the Profilers. they are comfy, light, easy to wear for long periods, look sweet, have a quick change lense with tons of options, and can be found for pretty cheap. (about $50 or so).

As for the other misc. gear (pants gloves, packs, etc) look at Invert stuff. I use Invert pants and a pack and they are built really well, and were relatively inexpensive. I highly recommend this stuff. Ive also always liked PB Junkies stuff. Its kinda hard to track down but thier stuff is pretty inexpensive and built pretty good.

As for hoses, just pick up some macro line kits and you'll be off to the races. Check the "dealer" section of the b/s/t section of the forum. There is a guy in there who sells macro line kits on the cheap and he is a good guy.

11-10-2007, 12:44 AM
Oh lord dont use a q-loader.. you'll regret it like others who have followed your exact same path.

Halo, Pulse, Reloader, or that newfangled one coming out...

11-10-2007, 12:52 AM
Thanks for that Tip about Deadly Wind, looks like the same stuff for like 50 bucks less. Question though, on the 16" barrel, how long is the porting? What is the actual effective barrel length?

What's wrong with the q-loader? It looks pretty solid. Telling me "Don't buy it, it sucks" really doesn't help me.

11-10-2007, 01:09 AM
Ok so, I'm kind of n00b when it comes to paintball gear. I got out of the game cause I had a junk setup (Stock Pirahna, CO2), and didn't like playing with the stupid thing. That being said, I am putting together my wish list, and doing much research before I purchase. Having never run off compressed air, I'm not really sure what I need. Do I HAVE to have a regulator? What exactly will it do for me? Also if you have input on my config, I'd like to hear it. Here is what I have so far.

Qloader 500rd + Mod
4 Pod + Tank Harness
Tac-One, with ULE, Warp left
SpecOps T2W airthrough Stock
Stiffi 16/18" Barrel .689 bore (Not quite sure if this is the bore size I want)

As you can see I still need a Tank, maybe a regulator? Air Hose, some new goggles. Anything I miss here?

I usually discourage the thought of a better gun giving you better game skills, but that's a pretty basic setup.

I don't like Qloaders. They give you better sight down the barrel, but they also hold less balls than a hopper, and sight down the barrel is imo not as important in paintball because they don't fly very far enough to need much aiming anyway.

Harness is good. Always good to have extra balls. I use 4 pods also.

Tac is a good gun.

Stocks are just for show imo, if you need to shoulder your gun, use your tank. 2 birds 1 stone, less stuff on your gun, lighter setup.

Stiffi may be good barrel, but 16 is kinda too long. Most people stick with 14 inches or less. The extra length doesn't give you any more accuracy. Paintballs don't fly like bullets.

Barrel lengths are all mostly 8 inches. The rest is ported to reduce the sound signature. Too long and it will become inefficient though.

As long as you got HPA tank, not LPA, you should be fine.

Regulators lower air pressure. HPA tanks output about 800psi. Most guns can't handle 800psi, so they use a regulator to bring the psi down to manageable pressure.

You don't need a regulator. Automags have a regulator built-in into the design.

Macroline sure, steel braided hose is an option too.

As far as masks are concerned, any paintball-specific ones will do. I personally prefer ones that offer the option of a thermo lens. Mine never fogs with a thermo lens. I use a Proto Switch with rubber jaws. JT's are good too but its hard to switch lenses.

11-10-2007, 01:14 AM
are you more of a "woodsball" player, or a "speedball" player?

11-10-2007, 01:31 AM
I'm more of a woodsball player, although I will play speedball on occasion.

To answer Oneup, I wouldn't say the gun makes the player at all man. On the other hand the equipment does matter, if it didn't, we'd all run around with 50 dollar semi's from walmart. :) Basically what I'm going for here is a sniper setup. The reason I went with a 16" barrel is because if it has 4" of porting, I only have 12" of barrel which would be just right.

I personally love a good longball, or sneaking up to within 5' of someone and yelling surrender. I know I could do the second part of that with a stick, but the first requires a good consistant setup. The stock/Qloader is just for feel, and comfort. I never liked the hopper sticking up, and 100 rds per clip is just fine for me. I'm not one to sit back and hammer out strings of paint hopeing one lands. I'd much rather get a good setup, practice a bit and be able to nail a target at 200 feet. I also really like the clip system. I haven't used it yet, but it looks a lot smoother than trying to dump 200 paintballs in a hopper under fire.

Also I was just looking at some freak inserts for that barrel, worth it?

11-10-2007, 09:44 AM
Thanks for that Tip about Deadly Wind, looks like the same stuff for like 50 bucks less. Question though, on the 16" barrel, how long is the porting? What is the actual effective barrel length?

What's wrong with the q-loader? It looks pretty solid. Telling me "Don't buy it, it sucks" really doesn't help me.

I will let the past experiences of another speak for themself.. suffice it to say I see the same thing coming from your Q venture..

Its almost here!

Which hopper should I use?*

Thanks for all the info guys and the reccomendations! Here it is!

Sweet! I got my Q-loader..


This sucks...

I messed up...

I see the light!!! :headbang:

The bottom line, if you arent experienced enough to KNOW the Q-loader is what you need, and you think it will be cool because of the looks, or the profile.. or whatever, then you dont want a q-loader.

Ajnin, this is not meant as an attack at you (I think you're a stand up guy actually), just a sample of your experiences so that others may see what happened and learn from it. Please dont take this the wrong way.

More Q-loader debate information here ---> http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=221348

*Note I posted there with a big wave off for the q-loader..