View Full Version : Where to buy a Tac-One in Canada???

11-10-2007, 02:47 AM
I know I can get them from AGD for $479 plus accessories. Shipping duties etc. add another $75 (UPS brokerage fees) for a total of approx $555-560.

I know Tunamart sells them as well but not sure if they have L or R warp feeds. I've heard from others on this forum they are good to deal with...but does the gun come "tuned" as it does from AGD? I use the word "tuned" lightly as there will always be some adjustments.

I can order from paintballgear.ca a Canadian onlinr retailer...so ...free shipping and no customs fees. But they are selling on the website for $650 CAN plus taxes for a total of approx $735.

With the strong Canadian dollar I think I will buy from the US unless someone knows somewhere in Canada that sells for cheaper.

I also do not want to buy used as I want to know I am not buying someone elses "problem" besides the $$$difference between new and used is not an issue for me.

Thanks again guys,



11-10-2007, 03:08 AM
as much as you dont want it used. its your best bet. "someone elses problems" rarely happen with mags, quick tune up and 99% of them will fire just like new.

and i just found a used once tac one w/t ult, xvalve repair kit full extra ult kit and barrel for 350 for my buddy! im in canada too so thats a good freakin deal compared to what i paid for mine a while back:P

11-10-2007, 09:39 AM
With the good ole loonie up so high, it's a good time to get a used tac one. Unlike more fragile markers, you can't really screw them up and inherit issues.