View Full Version : Girls and mags...

11-11-2007, 09:14 PM
What could be better.

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/11/31421175314.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=7066387)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/11/31421175318.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=7066386)

11-11-2007, 09:16 PM
thats one tree I would be barking up if I were you.

mr doo doo
11-11-2007, 09:33 PM

11-11-2007, 09:33 PM
that girl being single?

11-11-2007, 11:02 PM
and there it goes...

/that didn't take long

11-11-2007, 11:13 PM
:headbang: not long at all... and yes she is single. My roomie.

11-11-2007, 11:19 PM
I think the reason we don't see many girls paintballing is that you guys scare 'em off...

11-11-2007, 11:32 PM
This is great I have to show it to her when she gets back.

11-11-2007, 11:39 PM
Although I will admit, a girl that will play paintball is sexy. How on earth could you hit on a girl when..

#1 You can't see her figure.
#2 You can't see her face. :confused:

11-12-2007, 12:32 AM
Although I will admit, a girl that will play paintball is sexy. How on earth could you hit on a girl when..

#1 You can't see her figure.
#2 You can't see her face. :confused:

Agreed. +5 internets to the 2k7er.

11-12-2007, 01:04 AM
Although I will admit, a girl that will play paintball is sexy. How on earth could you hit on a girl when..

#1 You can't see her figure.
#2 You can't see her face. :confused:

counterpoint #1: she likes being banged up and bruised?
counterpoint #2: atleast her mask is pretty... (tell her not to take it off come halloween?)

hit-worthy material imo

SN toter
11-12-2007, 01:08 AM
Although I will admit, a girl that will play paintball is sexy. How on earth could you hit on a girl when..

#1 You can't see her figure.
#2 You can't see her face. :confused:

Answer? Drink a 12 pack first.

11-12-2007, 01:13 AM
okay here this may help... her and I at a friends wedding. http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/11/31501220375.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=7067759)

Notice no mask on either one of us.

11-12-2007, 01:16 AM
all hail the phizz

a hot paintballin chick


11-12-2007, 01:22 AM
Oh wow, so ummm...Canada eh? :)

mr doo doo
11-12-2007, 02:29 AM
dammm... :clap: have fun phizz.

11-12-2007, 07:53 AM
Mistake number one: Telling us you have a girlfriend.

Mistake number two: Posting pics of said girlfriend.

11-12-2007, 08:43 AM
Although I will admit, a girl that will play paintball is sexy. How on earth could you hit on a girl when..

#1 You can't see her figure.
#2 You can't see her face. :confused:

She likes doing what I like doing and that's all that matters.


okay I think #1 and #2 are no longer arguments now. :headbang:

11-12-2007, 09:48 AM
Mistake number one: Telling us you have a girlfriend.

Mistake number two: Posting pics of said girlfriend.

This man speaketh the truth! (Might as well hit us with her digits while you are at it :p )

Congrats on the find though. My girl plays too!


Here is one of her without the mask. :eek:


J/K!!! Oh man, she would KILL me if she knew I did that! :rofl:

11-12-2007, 11:57 AM
lol :rofl:

11-12-2007, 12:08 PM
oh man you are so dead... lol...

She isn't my girlfriend though... Just a roomie.

11-12-2007, 12:40 PM
A roomie???!

Send her down to NH I have a spare room. :D

mr doo doo
11-12-2007, 12:43 PM
hahaha, gosh. how we AO can say such things :rofl:

11-12-2007, 01:02 PM
She isn't my girlfriend though... Just a roomie.

Now here is a man thats ahead of the learning curve. :cheers:

You kind of remind me of me a few (ok, more than a few) years back :p

Damn dude, where did you get that tie anod?

11-12-2007, 01:28 PM
haha tie annoed. zing!

11-12-2007, 01:51 PM
Dang and my wife won't go with me for anything. I guess I paraded around one too many welts. On second thought it is probably better that she doesn't cause I can't imagine the ride home if I shot her up.

11-12-2007, 02:15 PM
Dang and my wife won't go with me for anything. I guess I paraded around one too many welts. On second thought it is probably better that she doesn't cause I can't imagine the ride home if I shot her up.

Rule #1: NEVER shoot your own wife! Yes, we have all been tempted. But in the end, we are the ones that pay the price :cry:

Rule #2: If you disregard rule #1 make sure you have a good couch. Or at least a buddy you can stay with for a couple of days.

Rule #3: If said buddy is female, dont bother comming home!

11-12-2007, 03:33 PM
Too bad there are no pics from the AO IL-WI-MN meet'n'greet at the PB Sam's Big Game... My girlfriend went and played. Met a few of the AO'ers there. I have a pic of her shooting clays with me somewhere but no pics of here playing yet though...

11-12-2007, 04:30 PM
My girl plays, too. I'll post a picture of her 'mag eventually, but if you think I'm letting AO get a look at her... :nono:

...you creeps.

11-12-2007, 05:08 PM
My wife doesn't play.... but she does pose with my mag. :D


11-12-2007, 05:08 PM
http://pictures.aol.com/ap/singleImage.do?pid=6cf0a8emnh0rWUWjkgw9KFrKhNSu7a7 F8h-Vv4xQp5Fd3Ig%3D

I don't remember her name but they shot me up last weekend....And the girl shot one beautiful green Micromag. Don't ever say they shoot like a girl cuz it hurts.....ouch!!!!

11-12-2007, 05:12 PM

We always have girls that play with us. The one in the front(sitting) is Stacy. That is one of my best friend's girlfriend. The one in the orange shirt is Ashley (my wife) and the one on the left is Carrie her friend. All of them shoot mags, and as you can see my wife uses an X.

11-12-2007, 05:58 PM
This man speaketh the truth! (Might as well hit us with her digits while you are at it :p )

Congrats on the find though. My girl plays too!


anyone notice she plays with a cocker? nothing sounds right when u talk about cockers.

11-12-2007, 06:17 PM
we have a girl that plays with us...... but she id realy scared and shoots a 98 :argh:

11-12-2007, 06:56 PM
anyone notice she plays with a cocker? nothing sounds right when u talk about cockers.

Thats my old Black Magic. She shoots this now:

One of a kind DC Viking. I had it built just for her (yeah, right :rolleyes: ) Its like butta'.


Which brings me to another point. If your girl takes up paintball be prepared to spend some loot. They love the whole "outfit" and accessorizing thing so it wont be cheap. But definitely worth it.

11-12-2007, 08:06 PM
So Phizz I have to ask....why aren't you with her?

11-12-2007, 08:12 PM
So Phizz I have to ask....why aren't you with her?

Simple math.

Roomie = Sex - drama :dance:

Girlfriend = Sex + drama - money :cry:

11-12-2007, 08:16 PM
Simple math.

Roomie = Sex - drama :dance:

Girlfriend = Sex + drama - money :cry:

Warwitch = Einstien of life!

11-12-2007, 10:05 PM
Simple math.

Roomie = Sex - drama :dance:

Girlfriend = Sex + drama - money :cry:
a men :cheers: :headbang:

11-12-2007, 10:11 PM
Simple math.

Roomie = Sex - drama :dance:

Girlfriend = Sex + drama - money :cry:


11-12-2007, 10:14 PM
unfortunately she doesnt like carrying a mag due to weight, but then again if your 118 lbs, i guess thats important.


11-13-2007, 12:36 AM
Thats my old Black Magic. She shoots this now:

One of a kind DC Viking. I had it built just for her (yeah, right :rolleyes: ) Its like butta'.

not quite a mag but not a bad choice in arms either.

11-13-2007, 12:51 AM
My wife plays too....Unfortunately I cant seem to get her off the DYE/Proto Kool-Aid.....


11-13-2007, 12:53 AM
Rofl, The song "I'm Blue" by Eiffel65 just went through my head!


11-13-2007, 12:56 AM
Rofl, The song "I'm Blue" by Eiffel65 just went through my head!


She wants blue gear cause she is a Cubs fan....

11-13-2007, 01:19 AM
ROFL, Tell her "I'm Sorry". :)

11-13-2007, 03:33 AM
Single or Together
Money or Broke
Paintball or walking foo foo
Bar time or Cuddling
Closing the bar or Romantic Date (that will cost you over a hundo)
Truck or Minivan (kids)
Jeep or Station wagon (kids)
Fooling around or Sleeping on the couch (opps)
Farting or Holding it so you explode your pants (in-laws)
Beer or Fruit flavored watered down beer - Man law: no fruit in beer.
"They suck" :mad: or "Well they look nice" :rolleyes:
Steel or Baby blue fabric w/ pink accent flowers
Bachelor party or tup aware party
Fixing muscle car or changing oil on soccer mom mobile.
Drinking beer in the garage or listening to sisters in law (Yak Yak Yak)
Led Zeppelin or Dan Fogleburg
Deer slaying (Hunting) or Petting Zoo
Grizzly bears or Panda bears
Video games or errands
Messing around with her sister or Buying her tampons at the store
Lifting weights or lifting dirty diapers.
Football game on TV or Oprah

Choose wisely.

Edit: Forgot one
Punch in Face or Listen to her complain shes on the rag.

11-13-2007, 08:15 AM
Steel or Baby blue fabric w/ pink accent flowers

Story of my life :rolleyes:

You also forgot:

Paintball or everything else.

11-13-2007, 08:37 AM
she is a Cubs fan
You picked a good one :cheers:

11-13-2007, 09:12 AM
You picked a good one :cheers:

You have no idea how lucky I am..
she plays paintball and she plays video games

11-13-2007, 09:51 AM
You have no idea how lucky I am..
she plays paintball and she plays video games

...I hate you...

It's like you got all the benifits of a woman without some/most of the downsides.

11-13-2007, 10:16 AM
ok so now how in the world did you a) find these girls at the field or b) get these girls to play?

11-13-2007, 10:23 AM
ok so now how in the world did you a) find these girls at the field or b) get these girls to play?

Chances of finding a female at a paintball event thats not with somebody: 0% :rolleyes:

Note: you will not find women like these at a bar. Pick your hunting grounds wisely ;)

11-13-2007, 11:26 AM
ok so now how in the world did you a) find these girls at the field or b) get these girls to play?

let them accesorize their outfits... no my wife loves killing men.

11-13-2007, 07:28 PM
The trick is actually a simple one.

#1. Get a girl that likes/has played a sport at some point in her life. (Note: Cheerleading is a sport, many of those girls get seriously hurt and keep doing it)

#2 At some point in a relationship, the girl will get it in her head that you don't "Spend enough time together" or "Should do more together".

Now you have two choices here. You can play the traditional role, complain, whine, end up doing something stupid you don't want to do. OR! You can play the game on her level. You can say "You're right, we don't! Did you have something in mind?" (Note: She already has something in mind.) You then accept what she tells you with "That sounds like it could be fun". Now, here is where you win. You then say "Ya know, I will go try doing that with you, and see how I like it, but you should do something I like to do and see if you like it." She will then say "Like what?". Then you say, "Well I really like playing paintball, you should come try it out". Now see, what you've done here is really given her no option. If she says no, you can then play her traditional role and respond with "Well I was willing to do what YOU wanted to do!", (act upset).

See what you've done here, is placed her in unfamilliar territory. SHE just made herself the bad guy. This is normally something you do. Important note here: After she has agreed to try paintball. Make sure you do her thing first, and try very hard to have a good time with whatever it is. If she thinks you're just going through the motions to placate her, she will do the same to you at paintball.

Now, once you get her on the paintball field.
#1. Give her some helpful hints/instructions. No more than 10-20 minutes.
After that point, only answer questions when asked.
#2. Do not make her feel like she's not good at the game. If she gets a halfway decent shot, say "Nice shot!". Girls like compliments, not just about their looks.
#3. Play some Recball, stay with her on the field. Work with her as a team. If you go wandering off it's not "Together time". (Don't worry she'll grow out of this when she gets into it).
#4. As we all know, sometimes on the field we will bark orders at each other. DO NOT DO THIS TO HER. Remember, she's not that into it yet. She may take it as bossing her around.
Say you need to move up, but you're pinned. Ask "Do you want to move up while I cover you? Or should I move up and you cover me?". Then it's her choice, and if she gets out before you, do something stupid and get shot out too. Once again, this is (together time). If you're out playing for another 15 minutes while she's sitting their bored, then she's bored.

I hope this helps. :)

11-13-2007, 07:37 PM
okay here this may help... her and I at a friends wedding. http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/11/31501220375.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=7067759)

Notice no mask on either one of us.
damn dude i want your tie. She is very pretty by the way

11-13-2007, 08:54 PM
Simple math.

Roomie = Sex - drama :dance:

Girlfriend = Sex + drama - money :cry:

Pretty much except - the sex too... too young for me!

11-13-2007, 08:57 PM
ok so now how in the world did you a) find these girls at the field or b) get these girls to play?

She was actaully the one who approached me about playing. Loaned her a bunch of my extra gear, and she is now hooked. She is actually an awsome player first day she was ahead of the pack crawling through the bush.

11-13-2007, 10:24 PM
My wife plays, actualy we met playing a tournement, and now she is me buy the local feild so once our second child is born she can get back into playing again. Hmmmm, thats expencive.

Its alot of fun haveing some one that enjoys your hobby, or was it her's, any ways, you all know what I mean.


mr doo doo
11-13-2007, 10:56 PM
Pretty much except - the sex too... too young for me!


11-13-2007, 11:51 PM
My boyfriend got me into paintball a few months back...The first game I played was in his friends backyard where I proceeded to sit on a Yellow Jacket Nest in the ground. Mind you, I did not know this was there at the time. Next thing ya know, I feel burning to my hands and leg and thought I some how spontaneously combusted...I came running out of the brush with some stings, but have been hooked since.

Have your girl play at LEAST once before you give up on the hope of trying to get em into it.
Tell em they can't knock it till they try it.
It takes a lot for me to get into something and I can honestly say I've never liked something so much and gotten hooked so quick on.

One word to describe paintball NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE: ADDICTING!

Lastly, AVALE187's guide to gettin your girl to play is genius!

Take it from me, I'm a girl (as you can tell by the rambling) and as my boyfriend read this outloud, I couldn't believe how dead accurate this guy was about getting in the minds of girls. LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE...it's gold.

[QUOTE=Avale187]The trick is actually a simple one.

#1. Get a girl that likes/has played a sport at some point in her life. (Note: Cheerleading is a sport, many of those girls get seriously hurt and keep doing it)

#2 At some point in a relationship, the girl will get it in her head that you don't "Spend enough time together" or "Should do more together".

11-14-2007, 01:29 AM
Scary isn't it. :)

Of course this insight is why I am single. :(

11-14-2007, 01:36 AM
These guys are going to start screaming "Proof" pretty soon.

EDIT: Welcome to AO, Nicer place to discuss paintball. Unless your female then they start drooling.

11-14-2007, 01:45 AM
Scary isn't it. :)

Of course this insight is why I am single. :(

lmao i was expecting a whole spill about thats how i got my wife or gf of 10 years.. def did not expect insight like that from someone that is single then again giving the chance thats what i would do to the T and im still single as well...

any aoer girls out there wanna come to vegas.... jk

11-14-2007, 01:59 AM

Well see I used this exact plan with an ex many years ago. It worked FLAWLESSLY the first time. The second time we went to challenge park extreme. Middle of the day rolls around, I decided to sit out a game and eat something. She decides to go play while I'm eating. I think "COOL! She's getting into it!". Next thing I know, she comes back 10 minutes later balling her eyes out. Apparently some kid (I'm assuming it was one of the three 12-13 year olds toating around angels) lit her up in the BACK at like 5 feet. :mad:

This is why children shouldn't own electros, they don't know restraint and control.

11-14-2007, 02:45 AM

Well see I used this exact plan with an ex many years ago. It worked FLAWLESSLY the first time. The second time we went to challenge park extreme. Middle of the day rolls around, I decided to sit out a game and eat something. She decides to go play while I'm eating. I think "COOL! She's getting into it!". Next thing I know, she comes back 10 minutes later balling her eyes out. Apparently some kid (I'm assuming it was one of the three 12-13 year olds toating around angels) lit her up in the BACK at like 5 feet. :mad:

This is why children shouldn't own electros, they don't know restraint and control.

Thats quiet the generalization...

11-14-2007, 02:50 AM
now that really sux but it explains where you learned it.. yeah i woulda spent the rest of the day b-balling the kiddies!!

11-14-2007, 07:20 AM
Yeah, on the flipside guys, be careful how much you learn about women. Too much knowledge can make you bitter!

11-14-2007, 07:45 AM
These guys are going to start screaming "Proof" pretty soon.

EDIT: Welcome to AO, Nicer place to discuss paintball. Unless your female then they start drooling.
This is AO, we don't do "proof".

Pics or shens.

11-14-2007, 09:55 AM
Id love to see some of the PM's the ladies of AO receive :rofl:

11-14-2007, 10:36 AM
My GF Got RickRolled


11-14-2007, 10:41 AM
And mine playing at SC with the rest of us So Cal'ers

11-14-2007, 11:03 AM
SmartParts should call their girls team "The Shockers"


11-14-2007, 11:39 AM
SmartParts should call their girls team "The Shockers"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :spit_take :spit_take

ive not seen the symbol in a LOOOONG time..... :eek:

11-14-2007, 04:00 PM
well proof, or a voucher... insomniac420 is my girlfriend i can vouch for her being a girl. and if im wrong this has been a long horrible joke at my expense. ill get her to put some pics up with her mag

11-14-2007, 04:30 PM
And mine playing at SC with the rest of us So Cal'ers
She has a nice Xmag, is that an uncut body...is that why she allows you to own so many X'es? There were what...30 in that picture on your lawn?

SmartParts should call their girls team "The Shockers"


...I still say the thumb is in the wrong spot...

11-14-2007, 04:45 PM

11-14-2007, 06:42 PM
...I still say the thumb is in the wrong spot...

Agreed :p :dance: :wow: :sleeping:

11-14-2007, 07:24 PM
Thats quiet the generalization...

I'm going to guess you're 13. When you get older, you'll understand.

When you hand an excited kid a gun, that has a 2oz trigger pull. Bad things happen.

Some examples.





Now given these have nothing to do with electros, but a lot to do with kids being stupid. When I was a kid, I was stupid, I did stupid things.

11-14-2007, 08:03 PM
the shot in the face with no mask has to be a joke... i have faith that there is no one in the world that freaking stupid!

i half agree with the electro-retard comment but its not the guns its the kid behind em not that im a huge fan of electros (unless you can throw the M switch on em). for those of us older players that remember when pump guns werent a novelty the:

the reason some of us get annoyed by it is because when they do get the chance to take a shot its not a 3-5 round your out its a 15 round

I mean hey it would be totally acceptable if they were girls who were just starting out!
Hek I see more girls at the front!

11-15-2007, 12:39 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :spit_take :spit_take

ive not seen the symbol in a LOOOONG time..... :eek:

You're looking in the wrong places, then. That's the battle cry and the rallying cry used by my unit at D-Day. We painted a huge one in our camp area on the last day of the event. I need to download the pictures from my phone camera.


12-17-2007, 02:56 AM
I'm going to guess you're 13. When you get older, you'll understand.

When you hand an excited kid a gun, that has a 2oz trigger pull. Bad things happen.

Some examples.





Now given these have nothing to do with electros, but a lot to do with kids being stupid. When I was a kid, I was stupid, I did stupid things.

Well you guessed wrong...and you can't simply say "kids have no control over electronic paintball guns" (not your exact quote I know, but I paraphrased)

I've seen numerous kids that have better gun control then some adults, I know kids that play d3 and d2 xball and they are like 14-16. Age isn't even a factor if kids, or anyone new to the sport, are taught how to handle markers correctly.

Anyway..sorry to revive an old thread but I was perusing the forums and came across this..
by the way..I watched 2 of your examples and they were just bad...

12-17-2007, 01:39 PM
The only useful thing my gf does for me paintball related was pay for my custom milling on my cyborg as a present, and watch my bag etc so some lame 16yo kid doesn't steal my ****. I don't want her playing, because:
1. I know I'll be hearing later how ugly the welts made her and how much they hurt.
2. It's already expensive enough for me to play
3. She's good at watching my stuff, as none of my friends here in AZ play.

12-17-2007, 01:58 PM

12-17-2007, 02:12 PM
I got my gf to be a gearbag ***** once, she wont do it again lol. she wont play cause this other chic she knew played and got scars on her legs from some ***got shooting high.

12-17-2007, 02:18 PM

Not mine she's a drama queen.

My girlfriend and I planning an outing in Jan.

12-17-2007, 06:19 PM
You have no idea how lucky I am..
she plays paintball and she plays video games
Paintball and games, and she's pretty as hell too? Some guys get all of the luck.

12-17-2007, 11:10 PM
My girlfriend's 'mag.

She likes shooting stuff, but she's not so much for the getting shot part of the game. Says she likes the pump markers because they remind her of the shotgun in Doom. :argh:

12-17-2007, 11:13 PM
My girlfriend's 'mag.

She likes shooting stuff, but she's not so much for the getting shot part of the game. Says she likes the pump markers because they remind her of the shotgun in Doom. :argh:
Her reason for why she likes pump markers made me laugh.

12-18-2007, 01:17 AM
i miss my gf she liked pb to LOL

12-19-2007, 04:52 PM
anyone notice she plays with a cocker? nothing sounds right when u talk about cockers.

ya i was really hoping no one had said it yet when i saw it cause i thought it pretty fast

there was a girl that played with one of the local teams that was rather attractive... and she could shoot the crap out of the guys on her team. women have such a different playing style as a whole its rather interesting to see how different genders solve the same problem or react in the same situations.


07-17-2008, 11:31 PM
<a href=http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd212/one_quick_ta/P7150104.jpg?t=1216184557><img src=http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd212/one_quick_ta/P7150104.jpg?t=1216184557 width="600" height="450"></img></a>

thats my girl (insomniac420) and thats her red pneumag on the right.

07-18-2008, 04:24 PM
I've found a few shots over the years






07-18-2008, 09:42 PM
This is what it took to get my GF on the field: