View Full Version : The art of gluing the foamie

11-12-2007, 10:23 AM
So, what do I use to glue the foamie back in my LX bolt? I saw pics a while back of a ruined bolt from the super glue leaking into it. I didn't want something so permanent that the residue would never come off the bottom of its niche.
What glue is strong enough to hold the foamie, but still be able to clean up the spot for the next one when it comes out?
What does the factory use?

11-12-2007, 10:35 AM
While I dont know what the factory uses, I have used super glue with no ill effects. For one, dont put more than a thin drop. When you attach the foamie, hold the bolt UPSIDE DOWN so the glue doesnt run and foul the L10. Doesnt hurt to use the gel super glue either since it wont run like the watery stuff. If you get super glue (or any other cyanoacrylate glue) somewhere you dont want it, acetone will instantly disolve it. Nail polish remover will work in a pinch but it has lubricants in it which will also have to be cleaned.

11-12-2007, 10:42 AM
If you get super glue (or any other cyanoacrylate glue) somewhere you dont want it, acetone will instantly disolve it. Nail polish remover will work in a pinch but it has lubricants in it which will also have to be cleaned.

Hmm, did not know that. Thanks.

11-12-2007, 12:10 PM
I haven't used it on the foamie/bolt yet, but after a good thorough cleaning of both surfaces with isopropyl (sp?) alcohol some of the automotive black RTV sealant is what I plan on using. That stuff sticks and stays stuck on the other things I've used it on.

Best of luck with whatever you use!!!


11-12-2007, 12:40 PM
my friend doesn't even use a foamie anymore with no ill effects since he was sick of loosing them :)

11-12-2007, 01:04 PM
my friend doesn't even use a foamie anymore with no ill effects since he was sick of loosing them :)

I do the same thing. IMO they are too much hassle.

11-12-2007, 01:31 PM
I use super glue (cryo acrylate) that stays flexible after curing. Degrease the bolt face and foamie, apply a drop of glue and then the foamie. I hardly lose any foamies, but when i do its usually because of dry firing the marker. If you want to dry fire it (for lubing or testing) put a swab in the barrel up to the bolt so it will only chuff.

11-12-2007, 02:29 PM
i always seemed to chop paint without a foamie, my only guess was that they do help situate the ball and hold it in the correct place. without the foamie the ball has alot more room to play

11-12-2007, 11:28 PM
Heavy Duty Epoxy...

Lots and lots of it.

11-13-2007, 01:36 AM
When I bought my mag from a friend many years back it didn't have a foamie on it. I superglued one on from my spare parts kit and it's still going strong all these years. I'm still on my original foamie that I put on. I just don't get why people are still talking about foamies coming off and having to replace em etc.

When i put mine on I had spread a layer of superglue on the entire surface of the foamie that would be making contact to the bolt face. Not just putting on a small drop then plonking it onto the bolt. That's prolly why ppl's foamies are coming off, not glued on properly/or not enough glue to begin with.

Either that or aussie super glue ftw! :cool: :D

11-13-2007, 01:48 AM
Heavy Duty Epoxy...

Lots and lots of it.

I prefer JB weld. :dance:

11-13-2007, 11:31 AM
I tried Gorilla glue and that did not work. I then tried Super Glue and after 3 uses, the foamie is still there. I played without the foamie once and things seem to work fine.

11-13-2007, 11:49 AM
When i put mine on I had spread a layer of superglue on the entire surface of the foamie that would be making contact to the bolt face. Not just putting on a small drop then plonking it onto the bolt. That's prolly why ppl's foamies are coming off, not glued on properly/or not enough glue to begin with.

Hit the nail on the head. You really have to make sure the "wings" are glued down to the corners, not just the center of the foamie. And superglue works best when you just use a thin layer. Its actually weaker if you glop it on.

11-13-2007, 01:40 PM
if i were you i would just used about half a bottle of tech forum. its pretty cheap and you should be able to find i at most convinient stores. :argh:

Empyreal Rogue
11-13-2007, 04:27 PM
Welder's Glue worked quite well for me. Too well in fact...

11-13-2007, 11:36 PM
if i were you i would just used about half a bottle of tech forum. its pretty cheap and you should be able to find i at most convinient stores. :argh:

11-14-2007, 01:56 AM
i tried looking for it but i couldnt find it but black vcg had his favorite stuff that was black and held the longest for me but i dont recall what it was called he also used it on the rt bumpers to make them permanent