View Full Version : AGD sponsorships?

11-14-2007, 01:28 PM
Does AGD offer them, and if so, what kind of requirments do you ask of a team to obtain one or offer in terms of aid in play (discounts for entry fees, free gun repair or work?)

I was wondering because my team may like to apply for one being as we were one team at sppl finals without a sponsor to back them.

I would just like some information if possible and this is in no way of directly asking for one or any freebies of any form.

Thanks to all who can help answer my question!

11-14-2007, 03:41 PM
while i cannot speak for agd i dont believe they are current sponsoring teams nor plan to.

atleast tournament teams, they may sponsor or be itnerested in sponsoring a scenario team.

sponsoring teams just doesnt have the payoff that makes it worth it to do.

11-14-2007, 04:39 PM
while i cannot speak for agd i dont believe they are current sponsoring teams nor plan to.

atleast tournament teams, they may sponsor or be itnerested in sponsoring a scenario team.

sponsoring teams just doesnt have the payoff that makes it worth it to do.

SPPL is a scenario league...

11-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Do you all shoot mags?

11-14-2007, 08:20 PM
we don't all shoot mags but we have a few guys who are getting more into mags.

We were an all tippmann team but they didn't apparently like what our team resume had. This was after our 3rd place qualifier in sppl.

We all have different primary setups as of now, but most have the same backups. Unfortunatly they aren't all mags

So I really don't know what they would expect. I kind of was just looking for information.

11-14-2007, 08:32 PM
back in the day they used to have a section on the webpage about sponsorships. One of their requirements was that every player shoot a mag. I doubt they will sponsor a team nowadays even if they shoot all mags unless they r absolutely phenomenal. But hey couldnt hurt to try.

11-14-2007, 08:59 PM
Shoot a mag...
YOU sponsor AGD

11-15-2007, 12:17 AM
Alright thanks guys that helps. I think what we are going to do is try for more companies such as specific barrel makers and probably tiberius arms. We have an allied team that is sponsored by them and said they may be looking for another team.

11-15-2007, 01:23 AM
Contact Redz... ;)

11-15-2007, 01:49 AM
Playing paintball can get expensive (especially tournaments) and having sponsors can help lessen the burden.

Is there a local paintball store that you frequently shop at? Or a paintball field that you can help out at?

Best way to get your first sponsorships, are local places that you go to often or know well.

Usually, in return for advertising the store/field and getting other players to shop there, they can provide paint and gear discounts or offer marker repair work, field passes, etc.

Have a good team resume, make sure all team members represent the team and potential sponsors with positive good character both on and off the field.

Then after people know you, like you, cheer for you, and you start winning, you will get more sponsorships as you get recognized.

Remember to always have fun win or lose, and never take rejection or losses too hard.

11-15-2007, 02:02 AM
Shoot a mag...
YOU sponsor AGD

Proudly Sponsoring AGD! :)


PumpMag at NSA 2007


PumpMag shooting an Emag at NPPL OC 2006

11-15-2007, 07:49 AM
yah i wanted to contact redz but their application has spots saying i plan on, have attented, not attending psp, nppl and such.

We only play sppl and are a scenario team from all over michigan, so one local store is hard because we are all over. Thats kind of why we haven't tried many pro shops. Besides the one i'm near isn't doing so hot this year.

11-15-2007, 08:04 AM
dont forget to try outside of paintball. there are many local small buisness that will help your team. you have met our team at sppl finals and if you looked at our jersey's we were sponsored by a bails bondsman, a game place, and even the local walmart. they didnt give us a full ride but they gave us enough money and services to get banners, some paint, and other things that helped our team. you have to start small and things will happen. because of our 4th place finish at the finals all the sponsors have doubled there help. good luck and remember anyone can be a sponsor.