View Full Version : Help me ID some parts and barrels

11-14-2007, 09:24 PM
Not sure if this is the right spot for this, but I recently picked up a Mag and had some questions about the parts and a value for it.

Here are some pictures:

Classic gun with Labs Hurricane Valve. (Is that what it would be called or is it a Hurricane Labs Valve? Nitro Duck 3000psi tank. It is quite large. 88ci or 114ci not sure, anyone know how to tell the difference? Nice cradle for large tank.


Front left to right: Unknown(Maybe, bolt that comes with Hurricane Valve?), ANS Phase II is printed on the end, Original?


Barrels from top to bottom: Smart Parts?, Smart Parts?, Original?, TASO Power Barrel. Am I right about the others? How much are each of these worth?


Spare Parts. What are the green, purple, and red cylinders for? Do all of these parts go with the mag?

What would all of this be worth?

Thank you for all of your help. I am trying to become more educated on AGD guns and parts.

11-14-2007, 09:38 PM
Spare Parts. What are the green, purple, and red cylinders for?

Those are powertube spacers. The same set I have. Think Pro Team made them.

mr doo doo
11-14-2007, 09:46 PM
classic mag with the aftermarket Hurricanes Lab valve half.

Bolt from left to right: an AGD stubby nose bolt, aftermarket ACI bolt (?), and an AGD foamie bolt.

Barrels from top to bottom: old school smart parts all american barrel, old school progressive barrel, stock AGD classic barrel, and a Taso power (i guess) barrel.

I'd say around $150-$200 for all of them?

i hope im right...good luck!

Doc Nickel
11-14-2007, 09:57 PM
Tank's a 114ci, I believe. I don't think they had 88's or 90's at the time.

Cylinders are, as noted, power tube spacers. They replace the original, old-style spring. Both are, of course, replaced by the modern Level 10 kit.

Bolts are, left to right; Stock AGD (later 'hardnose') TASO venturi (ANS was gold-colored) and early stock AGD "foamy".

Barrels are, top to bottom, Smart Parts All-American, SP 'Progressive' (the vent holes get "progressively" larger toward the front) stock AGD early non-crownpoint, and TASO Power barrel.

All told, if the gun works and doesn't leak, and the tank's either in hydro or can be hydroed, rough value's anywhere from $180 to $250.


11-14-2007, 10:30 PM
My bad on the bolts.

The third ones has "ANS Phase II" printed on it. Not the middle one.

Would it be worth it for me to get this tank rehydro'd. I have a local place that does it for $13.

Thanks all for the good info. Anyone have a seperate price on the barrels?

mr doo doo
11-14-2007, 10:33 PM
nice Doc Nickel.

Doc Nickel
11-14-2007, 11:29 PM
The third ones has "ANS Phase II" printed on it. Not the middle one.

-"Printed" as in etched/engraved, or just written on with a Sharpie?

The ANS bolts were, as noted, gold colored, which was actually Titanium Nitriding (same stuff you see on fancy drill bits and such.) They were also a sort of venturi with a hard nose. Other than TASO's little "dot" foamy, AGD was the only one that used a cushioned nose.

So the one on the far right is the wrong color and the wrong style to be an ANS. :D

Yes, if the tank's in good condition, it's worth rehydroing- especially for less than $20. That's an early Nitro Duck screw-in reg, but it's pretty good, actually. I've fed fast Angels and even old gas-hog shoebox Shockers through 'em. They need a secondary reg for use on other guns though- they're a fixed 850 psi output.


11-15-2007, 06:19 AM
-"Printed" as in etched/engraved, or just written on with a Sharpie?



I am no expert when it comes to AGD, and I thank Doc and everyone else that has given information. Here is the end of the bolt that claims ANS product....

Also, I have a chrome vert asa from a different bulk purchase. Would that be worth much to include with this item when I am ready to sell?

11-15-2007, 08:10 AM
The ANS bolts were, as noted, gold colored, which was actually Titanium Nitriding (same stuff you see on fancy drill bits and such.) They were also a sort of venturi with a hard nose. Other than TASO's little "dot" foamy, AGD was the only one that used a cushioned nose.


I believe that was the PTP bolt your thinking of Doc. It was gold nitride, venturi and had the same shaped center as the ANS, but hardened, not a foamie.

Doc Nickel
11-16-2007, 03:15 PM
WARLORD']I believe that was the PTP bolt your thinking of Doc. It was gold nitride, venturi and had the same shaped center as the ANS, but hardened, not a foamie.

-Yep, you're right. Spot-on.

We had a bunch of them (okay, about five) back in '94/'95 (the Pro-Team ones) and all of them eventually failed by having the center post come loose and back out slightly. I replaced mine with the same "Phase II" (or a TASO copy- it looks identical) which wore badly at the sear lip in very short order.

Man, that's been a while. My memory's not as good as it used to be. :D
