View Full Version : old school vents facelift

11-17-2007, 11:46 PM
hi guys i just got a pair of old school vents masks from ebay a few weeks ago and i transformed it into a non usable paintball mask with trashed goggles to usable paintball mask with good goggles!

i got the idea from one of the fourm entries on mcb. well this what i did took a old pair of jt flex 7's and removed the original lens frame to see what could match with one of the holes of the flex. Then it took a pair of small scissors and cut 4 hole on the bottom of the flex and put the vents face mask on the flex's frame i replaced the old jt strap and put on the vents clasp strap. I also put a "back up strap" from an unmarked strap just incase the clasp breaks ill be able to still have the msk on my face and be able to walk off the field without losing my eyes.

hopefully ill be able to play in them. if not ill just have as a wall hanger at home. hopefully it wont go to waste. :)

(ill try to get pics here once i learn how too :tard: )