View Full Version : Will they be Hydro testing at the LA Open???

01-13-2002, 05:49 PM
I am gonna need to get some hydroing done around that time and I was just wondering if there will be a portable hydro test lab like they had on pig TV.LMK thanks ladies and gentlemen

01-13-2002, 11:28 PM
Lil help plz.^

01-14-2002, 11:03 AM

01-14-2002, 12:24 PM
Do a search on www.google.com for NPPL. You will find all your answers to anything NPPL.:cool:

01-14-2002, 01:44 PM
Well Army, I searched Google.com for NPPL HYDROTESTING and came back with two hits.

WARPIG's coverage of the 2001 NPPL World Cup, and PigTV's coverage of the 2001 World Cup (which he'd already watched).

I'm pretty sure that Steve Galagher mentions their URL in the interview on PigTV - but I just typed in some URLs that sounded right and found:

That's their homepage.
Since they are based out of New Jersey I would be very surprised if they take their rig out to California, but you can call them to find out.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Hehe had to edit that - I mis-typed 2002 World Cup. I know some people say the games are fixed, but I don't get to put together a show before they happen!

01-14-2002, 03:06 PM
Thanks Bill!

Bonx, I contaced NPPL to find out first hand. I'll post the info when I get it, okay?