View Full Version : J&J Barrel questions

11-25-2007, 01:32 PM
What do you guys think of them. I picked up a 14 inch ceramic here and haven't used it yet. What can of paint should I use? (I use nel splat). Basically I want to know if you guys recommend this barrel? I currently have a 10 inch dye aluminium how does it compare?


11-25-2007, 01:33 PM
ive had good luck with my ceramic. but then again ive had it 7 years :p

11-25-2007, 01:45 PM
lmk on that warp :)

11-25-2007, 06:24 PM
I have a 14" ceramic on my mech mag. It shoots better than some others after a barrel break. I don't buy the whole self cleaning thing entirely, but it is slightly better than others. If the paint I have matches well it shoots really nice.

Zone Drifter
11-25-2007, 09:42 PM
I have a 14in on a JT, and it shoots fine, no problems.

I was thinking about investing in the ceramic barrel kit, i mean for about $100 it doesnt sound too bad for a decent barrel kit. I'm just tired of having barrel breaks, so a kit will eliminate that hopefully. I just refuse to buy the smart parts junk... plenty of other companies could use my money more than them.

11-25-2007, 09:59 PM
I have a 14in on a JT, and it shoots fine, no problems.

I was thinking about investing in the ceramic barrel kit, i mean for about $100 it doesnt sound too bad for a decent barrel kit. I'm just tired of having barrel breaks, so a kit will eliminate that hopefully. I just refuse to buy the smart parts junk... plenty of other companies could use my money more than them.

Being able to size your inserts/etc. is very nice...especially so for a closed bolt marker as it keeps the paint from rolling out. On open bolt markers I generally just use a big bore most of the time.

11-26-2007, 12:09 AM
All my 'Mags run a JJ. Best barrel ever made.

11-27-2007, 06:08 AM
J&J, best barrel for the money, cant go wrong, the ceramics are great too

11-27-2007, 09:07 AM
i used to use a ceramic when i only had my spyder, it was a great barrel. if you want to get a tight fit in it you need to get a larger bore paint (its around a 689-690ish ) chronic was a little lose it in, i got some marbs that were good in it others that fell through so it might be harder now to get a tight fit since paints are, or at least were, getting a little smaller.

i also use a dye AL barrel. they seem to compare alright, the ceramic ended up being easier to clean and IIRC the ceramic was able to shot through breaks ok, its just been a while since ive used it.

but a warning do be gentle with it, a friend broke his either by tripping and the barrel going into the ground or smacking a tree by accident. i think it was the tree but i do remember hearing both stories around the field just not sure which one happened to him


11-28-2007, 05:19 PM
I have a lot of barrels, and a lot of markers.
I always seem to come back to my J&J's. They just seem to shoot nicer.
They're nice and light too. :D

11-28-2007, 10:25 PM
Nice barrels, pretty quiet and lightweight. Only issue is they can get really scratched up on the outside and end up looking pretty ugly.

Great barrel for you buck, way nicer than a SP barrel.

11-29-2007, 02:37 AM
Barrel of choice on my Minimag; I've got a 12" twist-lock one. The inside's all smooth and shiny.

11-29-2007, 02:44 AM
Seems everyone has good things to say about them. I told me local pm shop owner/slash friend I bought one and he ranted for like 30 minutes how awesome they were. I haven't fired it yet. I have 600 pballs too. I am waiting for someone to sell me a darn warfeed lol. If some one wants to sell one hit me up. I want to buy one like tomorrow.


11-29-2007, 04:08 AM
I've had my ceramic JnJ since I believe 1997 - it was $125 new :eek:

but... Its well worth it, especially at the bargain prices you can get them for now! :)

