View Full Version : New E-Mag ......... I need help! (Tom?)

01-13-2002, 06:45 PM
Here's the scenario. I just got my Emag about four days ago and it's been working beautifully. But today I get to the field and during the first game the marker would not function in the electric mode. Before you ask, yes, the battery had been charged fully. It is equipped with warp feed and revvy but everything else is stock. After some experimentation I found that if I reinserted the yellow "power-off" pin, the gun would go electric for awhile (sometimes for twenty shots - sometimes for one shot) before dying again. But after I put the pin in and immediately removed it, it would shoot as described above. Also, sometimes the warp would continue to rev as if the marker was sending a trigger pull signal to it but would stop as soom as the pin was inserted. Lastly, sometimes when I inserted the pin, the marker would sound as if it recocked (like when you apply a compressed air tank). The manual mode worked fine all day but chopped MUCHO balls. That may be because I've never shot an RT and am not familiar with the pull. Anyone had this problem and, if so, know a remedy? It was a real pain in the *ss and really takes away from your game when you have to stop every other minute to reinsert and remove you power pin!

01-13-2002, 06:49 PM
I had this EXACT problem. My trigger was adjusted too close to the HES sensor. Try lengthing your trigger pull a bit and all your problems should be fixed.

01-13-2002, 06:53 PM
sounds to me like you have a bad battery, but Im not a tech

01-14-2002, 08:04 AM
Chef......that would make sense. I'll give that a shot. Thanks!