View Full Version : lion logo, crests and quality

dave p
11-30-2007, 03:29 PM
saw this on another forum i attend, its the logo for neversummer longboards. i coulnt help but notice the similarity. im sure that lions and a crest have been symbols of quality and integrity long before paintball or skateboards. i just found it interesting.


11-30-2007, 04:33 PM
man...if AGD were Smart Parts...they would be pissed!!!! :mad:

11-30-2007, 06:18 PM
man...if AGD were Smart Parts...they would be pissed!!!! :mad:

thier lawyer's would allready be on it

11-30-2007, 10:59 PM
the english monarchy calls dibs:

11-30-2007, 11:51 PM

Does this mean AGD can sue SP now?

12-01-2007, 12:11 AM

Does this mean AGD can sue SP now?

god i hope so.

12-01-2007, 04:11 AM
I think Griffins are different than Lions tho...

12-01-2007, 06:43 AM
The lion is an integral part of the design of the griffon. AGD is certainly the first to use lions as a logo in paintball. As for the English monarchy having dibs, prior patent cases show that taking something completely old and unoriginal and slapping it on a paintball marker counts as something new. Gentlemen, I think we have a case.

12-01-2007, 07:21 AM
Seeing as the monarchy has had that design for over 300 years, I think the statute of limitations for any original artwork has long since run out.

Now, as long as AGD writes thier patent with a reference to this as 'prior art' they should be ok.

SP ignored the 'prior art' and was trying to make a case that they invented the technology they are attempting to patent.

12-01-2007, 07:36 AM
WDP won't show up with some crazy Dr. claiming he made the design because he would have to be 300 years old....SP might be in a very actionable position.

12-02-2007, 05:29 PM
saw this on another forum i attend, its the logo for neversummer longboards. i coulnt help but notice the similarity. im sure that lions and a crest have been symbols of quality and integrity long before paintball or skateboards. i just found it interesting.

Neversummer makes longboards now? Wow, I have been riding their snowboards since like 96, back when their boards carried a lifetime guarantee.