View Full Version : Automag really inaccurate

01-13-2002, 08:23 PM
I was wondering how accurate are automags sopposed to be. i have one with a 16 boomstick. and i think the accuracy sucks. but mabey i just expected more.
David Shirley

01-13-2002, 08:29 PM
First a paintballgun is not supposed to be able ot shoot acurately at long distances. Second of all, its not the gun! Its either you suck at aiming, ur barrel sucks, ur using aftermarket parts, or your using crappy paint(most likely). Everyone expects their gun to shoot dead on, but they dont. Just try using a higher quality paint then what you have. Sorry if I sounded harsh but I'm so sick of seeing these posts then people saying an autococker shoots farther ect.

01-13-2002, 08:33 PM
What kind of aftermarket parts suck. I have an ans valve, .45 benchmark double trigger.
Is it the ans valve?

01-13-2002, 08:34 PM
This may be insulting you knowledge but.....

1. What type and what size paint are you using? That is compared to the size of your barrel.
(too big too little always a problem)

2. Is your barrel clean?

3. Have you checked your velocity, could be too hot or it could be varying too much resulting in vertical inaccuracy. If that's the problem try changing your regulator seat, as that is usually the problem with varying velocity.

I personally can get very accurate with my mag and people fear me.

01-13-2002, 08:42 PM
mags are extremely acurate. my friend has a boomstick (payed 130) and i have a set of 3 barrels all under 30 bux each and different bores and lengths. we both used the same paint (didn't check if it fit properly) and i had shots that were 5 inches from the first shot... VERY ACURATE. his were about 15 inches from center.

paint used was marbalizer.

my barrel i used was a J&J Ceramic id say the best barrel made next to the freak.

i owned a 16" boomstick but traded it for a nitro tank. it was to inacurate. (boomstick requires the paint to be perfect fit to be acurate)

Try All star with your boomstick and you would be amazed.

01-13-2002, 09:00 PM
Pretty much any after market part except for AGD. The ANS valve may be causing velocity fluctuations.

01-13-2002, 09:01 PM
When I played my first game with my stock RT Pro, I did very badly. I thought the gun was inaccurate and sucked. I had to learn about my marker. The few things I have learned are;

1) "It's not like a firearm - accuracy." This was the biggie that I had to overcome. As a long time shooting person, I expected too much from my marker.

2) "It's not like a firearm - range." Remember these are .68 caliber FRAGILE balls.

3) Find the "sweet spot" ( Correct pressure + right ball to barrel fit = ACCURACY)

I find that Marbalizer works great with my 14" Dye SS. If you push in a marbalizer from the breech and point it up to the light, you'll see light coming from some of the sides. This proves that "the right ball" still isn't the right ball.

In winter, I exclusively use Polar Ice, this small ball actually rolls around in my Dye SS and Boomstick. But accurcy doesn't fall off! Range does though, with all that air escaping through the sides!

01-13-2002, 09:06 PM
BTW, in regards to pressure. Whenever I take my RT PRO down for cleaning and put it back together, my pressure always drops. I therefore have to re adjust my pressure (at least two full turns clockwise)prior to playing a game. I had my local airsmith check it out and he couldn't find a problem with my regulator.

It's a hassle but I still like my mag.

01-13-2002, 09:24 PM
barrels and aftermarket parts have nothing to do with accuracy

acurracy all has to do with paint/barrel match, velocity, consistency, consition of your paint and weather conditions.

longer barrels will just waste your air

the better your paint fits in your barrel the better your accuracy. if the paint is too small when fired it will bounce in the barrel causeing it not to fly straight. if its to big it will cause drag and will cause many ball breaks. you should be able to put the ball in the barrel with out having it fall out but it should somewhat easily blown out.

the higher your velocity the further it will go, and with lower just the opposite.

the more consistant your gun the better the shot groupings will be.

if you have dimpled or misshaped paint it can cause the ball not to fly thru the barrel properly and will cause drag in mid air slowing it down and projecting it in an unwanted area.

wind can greatly affect accuracy

01-13-2002, 09:30 PM
well... a crappily (is that even a word?) made barrel can have a bad affect on accuracy. If you look at the stock tippmann barrel, its like rough machined alluminum. Spots that cause friction are going to make the ball spin. If it isn't real smooth its also going to be rougher after a break.

01-14-2002, 09:41 AM
Thanks alot guys ill try what you said.

01-14-2002, 09:57 AM
My experiance: If you have a Boomstik, you have to use the perfect fitting balls - otherwise they shoot bad, innacurat and have a lot of breaks. (this are also the experiances of other team-mates). But if the balls fit, they shoot verry accurat.
I have a 12" DYE aluminium and last weekend i shoot Diablo blaze with great accuracy and 0 breaks in 1500 balls. It fitīs perfect - this was also a result from using my new Flatline. It was just a pleasure to play. At the chrony I had from 268 to 274 fps ... ;)

01-14-2002, 11:39 AM
All the suggestions above may solve the problem, but I'd suggest first to replace your o-rings on your barrel and make sure you get it on tight and straight. That can cause yards of difference. Hope I helped.


01-14-2002, 12:58 PM
So what kind of paint tends to work good with a boomstick

01-14-2002, 05:03 PM
i'd say ur boomstick sux.i have a tear drop and it works well and is quite accuate.actually, its VERY accurate

01-14-2002, 06:00 PM
I've had a couple of Boomies on different guns and I've tried several different types of paint as well.

1. Marbilizers, they fit very well in the Boomstick and have a consitant size and shape. They also shoot better than a lot of paint would if either of them had the wrong size barrel match. Another benefit of marbs is the new advantage shell which is not oilly like notmal paintballs. It is more resistant to heat and ifnitally more resistant to humidity and dimpling. I just played a game two days ago with 2 month old Marbs and they shot like a dream out of my AA. You can get a case online for usually about $56 plus shipping.

2. Diablo Midnights, these also fit well but since i've been using the advantage paint from RPS/PMI I'll never go back. These dimple much easier and are just below the accuracy of marbs in a boomy or similiar barrels.

3.PMI Premiums also have the advantage shell and are a good value at $43 plus shipping. You will lose some consistency/accuracy from choosing these over the marbs because they aren't as consistant in shape or size and don't get the pink it stains your clothes.

4. And if you must go to Wal-mart for paint :eek: then the super swirls are your best bet.

01-15-2002, 11:36 AM
the ANS isn't hurting you. The benchy could be if the trigger rod is adjusted wrong. Make sure the trigger shoots and there's still a little space afterward. And make sure there is a lil front slop too. Also pull the trigger really slowly. Does the air leak out slowly? If it does then replace the PT oring. If it still does it then go one size smaller on the pt spacer. Will the correct bore matching, and decent paint, the gun should be very accurate.

01-15-2002, 02:45 PM
Go for the good paint to barrel match. I dont see how the trigger rod or ANS valve would affect accuracy. The stock AGD internal parts are the best though so get that ANS out of there! Another thing that I just figured out, is that you don't put any oil on the bolt. I always put oil on the bolt, but then someone told me that when the bolt goes forward, the next ball in the stack gets oil rubbed on it. Makes sense. I dont know if that would effect your accuracy much though. I also think that a 16 inch barrel might be a little overkill. Look in Tom's Tech Tips, he has a bunch of stuff about barrels, and ball sizing that may be helpful.

01-15-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Magsrule3
I'm so sick of seeing these posts then people saying an autococker shoots farther ect.

I didnt say that.

Chill down

01-15-2002, 08:31 PM

allstar works well in the boomsticks

but marbs work best.

(friend owns a boomstick and is very acurate.)

01-16-2002, 09:24 AM
Try a Dye SS barrel and try to keep it at a max length of 14". Marbs and Dye Barrels work very well together as does JT paint(made by RPS) and PMI premium, if you want some serious accuracy, try Diablo and a J&J two piece combo. I've had both set ups and shot at least ten cases of each with very accurate results. The paint to barrel match is your preference, but remember, cheap paint does nothing for accuracy. You bought a nice barrel and a nice marker, don't get cheap on the paint.

If you want a cheap solution, buy a Smart Parts Teardrop barrel and shoot PMI Big Balls, or Slam Belly Yellows through it. Both are a little bit bigger than Marbs and are very nice through the SP barrels.

just my $.02

01-19-2002, 03:56 AM

I have a Mag...

I have a Boomstick...

I have good paint to barrel match...

I have damn good accuracy...

If you are one of those skeptical people that follow the crowd and are gullible enough to believe the hype that Cockers are more accurate then Mags, then go blow $1K of your hard earned money that a $400 Mag can do.

I have a Micromag with 14 Boomy. It shoots the same as my bros Cocker. We have tuned our guns to be at their best. And well the truth...


Both of us are just about on par in terms of chrony velocity readings and actual field results.

I thought my Mag was so kewl with its compact size and light weight, he thought it was so kewl to have all those fancy pneumatics in the front of his gun with something in the back that moves back in forth whenever he pulled the trigger.

Both of us are happy...

No complaints...


01-19-2002, 10:56 AM
Hopefully my Boomstick experience can help you... I bought a 14" Boomstick a while back, and no matter what paint I used, the accuracy absolutely sucked. (3 foot spread at about 50 feet, it was insane). Then, I broke a ball down the barrel, so the entire inside of the barrel was coated with paint. I fired another ball, and then took the barrel out (I suspected that the boomstick was bent some), and sure enough, the SS part had been wiped clean, but then there was paint along all the barrel until about 4" from the end, and there was a dry streak. Apparently, the barrel was bent enough to cause the paint to hit the inside of the end of the barrel. I took it inside, cleaned it, and took out the O-rings and the nubbins. Then, to test it's alignment, I found the flattest surface I could (a glass table), and rolled the barrel on it. *chink* *chink* *chink*. Turns out it was bent quite a bit, and the tip moved up and down at least a millimeter. I've had it fixed locally twice (the second time, a couple days ago, was because the glue crumbled), and now it's absolutely incredible. Try the rolling trick and see if it's bent (make sure you take off the O-rings and the nubbin). If it is, see if someone can fix it locally for you, or send it in to DYE.