View Full Version : It's Good to be Back!

12-03-2007, 01:12 AM
I missed being part of the mag family!

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Picked her up today at the field for an obscenely low price. She's got a few scrapes, a little "custom" work, but overall a solid performer. Xvalve, lvl 10, ULT, ULE body.

So I'm faced with a little dillemma...

As we all know, mags aren't cheap, and the money I dished out this morning was money I really don't have to spend. I already have a viking and a sterling pump, and have never really been into buying and selling, so I've narrowed it down to three options:

1) Go crazy, drop other things, and put a better frame on the marker. Possibly a pneu-frame. I've been really tempted to get a pneu-frame basically since they were first out. Use her as a backup/alternate to my viking.

2) Sell the Xvalve, use the money to buy a classic valve and offset the cost of the marker a bit. Replace the detent and possibly feedneck, and run her off co2 as a backup/loaner marker. This would be good because I've got a bunch of friends who are interested in playing paintball, but not at such high costs. And yes, many of these are women. Oh, and self-equipped girls get free admission at my local field.

3) Part it out for close to twice what I paid for it. Backup plan, and the reason I hopped on the purchase, even though yesterday I had absolutely no intention of purchasing another marker, ever.

12-03-2007, 01:26 AM
I would either sell one of the other guns or just accept the costs. Looks to be a good gun.

12-03-2007, 02:03 AM
Should you part it, I'm interested in the CP.

Whee McGee
12-03-2007, 03:16 AM
If you can't suffer the costs, use her as a nice loaner.

12-03-2007, 03:33 AM
Just keep it. Intelliframe when you get the chance and other stuff if you feel like it. Nice RT.

12-03-2007, 05:34 AM
part it out , your in college right ? can't you use the money for something more constructive , it's really a nothing special marker ; It can be replaced later
It's not like we are telling you to sell your Viking

12-03-2007, 10:04 AM
I say it depends on whom you will loan it to. It's dependable as it is. A pneu is more trouble for you as a loaner when "it won't shoot", especially with a front mounted tickler.

If you can hang on to it as it is and have someone worth loaning it to, it is a good base for a later project. If you're not going to do anything with it and you don't have any loanees worthy of it, part it out. cha-ching (2 cents).

12-03-2007, 10:05 AM
Sell the X valve and buy a classic, you should be able to pocket btwn 130-150. That should offset the cost quite a bit, since you say that you picked it up for a great price. You can always get an X-Valve later, when you have the money. I guess it depends really on how much you need the finances. Personally, if it were me, I would just bite the bullet and lay low the next few weeks/months. Don't spend on things that you normally would. You're in school, right? Especially with finals coming up, don't go out with your friends, or if you do, don't spend money on things that you normally would, like drinks or food. Basically, be CHEAP for the next monthor so. I know when I was in school, that's how I would rationalize it. I was budgeted like $400 a month for food and misc spending. Granted I was in NYC, and things were very expensive, but I think you get the point. So when I bought a new marker, I managed to make it through two months with only spending half that ($200/month) and pocketed $400. I don't know what your situation is, but especially with being home for the break, it might be even easier to save some dough. Anyways, good luck and welcome back to the Mag family, hopefully for a long time!!

12-03-2007, 12:11 PM
My financial situation is that I have the money saved from working all summer(actually, the last two summers), I'm not in any financial crisis, and I continue to spend money on various activities that are important to me, such as paintball, concerts, ski trips (if the snow shows up finally...). I don't drink and I tend to make very few "frivolous" purchases. I don't have a job, but I've applied for a note-taking job for winter quarter where the school buys the notes I take for class anyway. I should be able to bring in about $100 a week less tax, assuming they want me. But then there's going to be paintball almost every weekend once it starts warming up again.

The financial struggle is that I'm finding it hard to dump a large sum of money into a marker that I don't actually need. Always wanted a pneu, but that basically serves the same purpose as my Viking. It'd be nice to have a beater/loaner (if I went the classic valve route), but again, that's still money out of my pocket. The upside is I can lend it to people so they're more likely to try paintballing. Unfortunately, it needs a new detent pretty badly, and they're all pretty expensive it seems... Leaving it exactly how it is just doesn't appeal to me. I'd have to stick a little cash into it. And then there's selling it. Probably the "smartest" thing, but I don't know. Having a mag just feels good.

turbo chicken
12-03-2007, 12:29 PM
sell it and just by a cheap beater classic mag for a loaner ... if you just have to have a mag.

otherwise ... think of it as an investment opportunity ... and make some profit...

^i'm beginning to think this way myself ... the minimag i'm getting for 50.00 today ... sure i say i'm going to keep it ... but the thought of being able to make profit off it ... it just too much to resist for me...

whore it whore it whore it!! you know you want to ... ;) :ninja:

12-03-2007, 01:05 PM
sell it and just by a cheap beater classic mag for a loaner ... if you just have to have a mag.

otherwise ... think of it as an investment opportunity ... and make some profit...

^i'm beginning to think this way myself ... the minimag i'm getting for 50.00 today ... sure i say i'm going to keep it ... but the thought of being able to make profit off it ... it just too much to resist for me...

whore it whore it whore it!! you know you want to ... ;) :ninja:
mag pimp :cool:

12-04-2007, 05:59 PM
quote ". And yes, many of these are women. Oh, and self-equipped girls get free admission at my local field."

part it out :rolleyes:
keep viking :headbang:
send women to me :D