View Full Version : 4500 Flatline Update..... Especially for Russ

01-13-2002, 09:46 PM

We are testing the first production run of 4500 Flatlines and they are doing something weird with the regulator spring. We don't know why but are looking into it. This means it will be delayed for sure for a couple of weeks.

Russ, I don't' suggest you wait for our 4500, I just don't want to disappoint you again. Get something you feel will live up to your immediate expectations.

The Flatline in general has had a jaded history with us. While the ones out there are working great (after we went to level 2) we have thrown two batches, of 1000 regulator bodies each, in the garbage due to manufacturing problems. Our reg does more than anyone else with the dual gauges, easy on/off and safety built in's. If history repeats itself there could be more delays.


01-13-2002, 09:51 PM
My Flatline works great. I get +-3 over the chrono. Personally I think the 4500 Flatline will be worth the wait. If there are problems, you can ensure that your customers will stand behind you.

01-13-2002, 09:53 PM

just like with the superbolts we can and will wait.


01-13-2002, 09:54 PM
I will wait. I have decided that the flatline 4500 will be the next tank I buy!!!!

01-13-2002, 11:14 PM
We wait because we want quality Tom. No sweat! I'd rather they come out well done instead of a little rare.

01-13-2002, 11:14 PM
Tom don’t worry it will all work out eventually. I know you must be disappointed about the super bolt thing, throwing away all those reg bodies, and jax warriors, but that just means that you are forging ahead. Just remember the old saying "what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger":rolleyes:

01-13-2002, 11:15 PM
I couldn't wait....I needed a new tank..:cool:

01-13-2002, 11:24 PM
All your hard work will pay off Tom. I am personally going to give you an "A" for your companies quality control. Your doing an awsome job. Keep your head up.:)

01-14-2002, 01:05 AM
Ditch the superbolts and get the flatlines working! I have 2 3000 flatlines and I want a 4500.

01-14-2002, 03:36 AM
Thanks for the update!

I have a 3000 Flatline and it has been a real good performing air system. I really like the on/off. IMHO, Best in the buisness. I was hoping to get that same level of performance in a 4500 system. I've been waiting quite a while for the 4500's release. We've got 4 guns and 3 air systems, and I'd like to have 4500's on me and the kid's primary guns. (I'm using the 3k Flatline, kid's got the Conquest)

But with my luck and paintball goodies, who knows? Decisions, decisions. :confused:

01-14-2002, 11:32 AM
hey tom, dont feel to bad,

in your own words if you dont get shot out at least 50% of the time, your not playin hard enough.

if your prototypes work more than 50% of the time your not pushing the design enough.

just think about it that way, your trying new designs based on bringing better performance over the tried and true designs. things are just going to break. the end result though is you give us great toys that do an amazing job after you work the bugs out of em...

but sometimes, baby steps.... this is my way of saying make the dang superbolts out of aluminium :-)


01-14-2002, 03:29 PM
The 4500 problem is figured out. It REALLY helps if you screw the two halves together all the way! LOL We will be laser engraving alignment marks on both halves, make sure you line them up when you reassemble the reg.


01-14-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by AGD
The 4500 problem is figured out. It REALLY helps if you screw the two halves together all the way! LOL We will be laser engraving alignment marks on both halves, make sure you line them up when you reassemble the reg.

At least it was a cheap fix!

How many innocent Diet Pepsi's died for the sake of this fix? :D

01-14-2002, 04:50 PM
Tom, I've noticed with my 4.5K Flatline that once I unscrewed the reg. and reassembled it with the same reg. seat, I got horrible shoot down. Seems like once the seal is broke on the seat, it doesn't line up when it's screwed back on.

Installing a new seat and then tightening it down with an allen wrench in one of the holes would make it work fine. I sent you one of the bad seats that doesn't appear to have the thru-hole much smaller than a new one but it was causing horrible shootdown. It went out today so you should be getting it in a week.

I've always made sure that I stick an allen wrench in one of the reg. body holes to get some leverage to fully tighten it.

01-14-2002, 07:03 PM

Yes thats what we are doing. The alignment marks should tell you when your ok.


01-15-2002, 01:05 AM
I am very glad to hear that the problem is fixed. i am looking to buy one of these systems. I love my 3000 flatlines. Tom, what color did you get tham anodized?

01-15-2002, 02:22 AM
We did them in pewter, the pic looks a little purple but they are really gun metal grey.


01-15-2002, 02:27 AM
The color looks very nice! Are you going to do any other colors or stick with pewter?

01-15-2002, 03:08 AM
I thought there were going to be some in black, but now I'm not sure. Once it takes off, I'm sure a few more colors will be done.

01-15-2002, 06:19 AM
i dont think i will be getting a 4500 anything b/c my field wont fill them. They say it drains their tanks

01-15-2002, 04:10 PM
that blue color was looking nice

but hey u got it workin who cares what it looks like as long as it works

theres one step closer to getting all of the stuff on the "to do" list that u have

hopefully u can get the xtremes fixed and then send some to bbt so they r ready to kick some *** < (self edit):D

01-15-2002, 04:42 PM
tom are you gonna have chrome ones...(with chrome drops!!!!)...also how much they cost...or you dont think you gonna make chrome ones yet. BUT DO MAKE THEM WITH CHROME DROPZ AT LEAST.

I wanna get one for my mag...

01-15-2002, 06:43 PM
No, I cant wait much longer. I cant stand it. Will they atleast be out by Easter. I have had like 500 geens set asside for months now. My tank is going to expire soon. O the aggany. I guess Ill have to temporaraly steal my brothers 3000 flatline for a while until the 45's come out. I hope he wont notice (even though he has only used it 2 times in the year he has had it) cus ill get a serious beat down if he does. But I will get one and I dont care if i have to weight a year, cus I really want one, but id rather get a great one in 5 month than a broken one in 2.

01-23-2002, 07:10 PM
so did we get a release date yet?
Thanks Hills

01-23-2002, 11:59 PM
since we're on abput 45k flatlines, who makes the tanks themselves?? are they TC (Transport Canada) rated??

it seems I'm in the market for a new tank since I found out that mine is 'illegal' and theoretically I can be refused fills (a fine for the operator) and fined by Canada Customs for using/transporting it... grrr.

the tanks need a TC mark followed by a number somewhere near the DOT number.

01-24-2002, 05:58 AM
squid, your welcome

tunaman jr
01-24-2002, 11:00 AM
does it include the dovetail adapter

01-24-2002, 12:01 PM
Yes it does.

01-24-2002, 12:05 PM
If the 4500 comes out in blue Ill get one. If it doesn't then I'll stick with my 3k...I don't much like that pewter color and the blue would look nicer with my polished blue sfl...]

...............my 100th post.......................