View Full Version : ah the memories

12-09-2007, 04:31 AM
I was just thinking about how i think they're letting too many young people play, because i've seen a lot of unchecked people who were too young to play and were too irresponsible, and i thought 14 should be the minimum legal age or so, cause that's what i started out at.

Then i thought back and realized i'm now 18, and i've been playing for about 3 years (i lied, i was 15, my friends were 14) and it seems like just yesterday i was playing just because my friends were and it looked like fun, and i had found i was a pretty good shot, but when i got on the field, right after the horn sounded for the first game i got into a hiding spot with my friend (it was a big game, one of the ones with like 400+ people) and then i heard rapid gun fire and i just thought "what the hell am i doing here, how did i talk myself into this, why am i doing this" and i got all nervous, until i actually got into the fray, and i loved it, and i've been playing ever since.

So basically, how long has it been for you, how long does it seem like it's been, and what's your memory of losing your paintball virginity?

12-09-2007, 04:52 AM
So basically, how long has it been for you, how long does it seem like it's been, and what's your memory of losing your paintball virginity?

im now 23, been playing 10 years. lost my virginity to a raptor in the back yard :ninja:

12-09-2007, 05:13 AM
I've been playing for 10 years, and I'm now 20 (my dad used to 'ball alot, so I'd go with him). First game I ever played I took 3 to the crotch. It sucked, but it was fun. After a few ice-packs and some rest, I played the rest of the day. I wore a cup for years after that.

First gun was a Spyder Compact. I loved that thing. Infact, I still have it. Got a Tru-Flight barrel, PMI expansion chamber, and a Sprint e-frame. It was a cool little gun.

12-09-2007, 05:27 AM
Played my first game in 90. Then some crazy rich girl asked me what I wanted for my b-day so I told her a vm68-magnum. Apr 24th, there it was lol, should of gone out with her. Pops picked me up a 68 classic which became my regular marker. Pops had several markers, pistol, F2 illistrator, mag and others throughout the years.

Played off and on over the years with mostly Mags and Cockers. Funny, that's what I have now :shooting:

Age has nothing to do with anything. I've seen kids act like adults and adults act like kids.

12-09-2007, 08:31 AM
My first time was about ten years ago when I was 17. I played at a youth camp that converted part of its forest into paintball fields during the off months. Me and my friends got massacred. We were playing with rental pump PMIs in jeans and sweatshirts, and there were a bunch of experienced players there with full auto guns, scopes, and camo. But the forest was THICK, and I still got off one or two good kill shots.

My most distinct memory, however, was when we played in the field that was also used for the ropes course. Off the break, I sprinted for the right flank, and since my goggles were a little foggy, I didn't notice the steel cable that was strung between two trees about two feet off the ground. :cuss: (They used this low steel cable for practice, I found out later.) I hit this thing (or, more accurately, my thighs hit this thing) at a dead sprint. I flipped over, broke the rental gun, got some nasty bruises.... I couldn't walk correctly for the next month.

And they didn't even stop the game for me.

I didn't stop me from playing, though. I bought a Spyder SE that summer and used that all through college. Only got my first mag last year.

12-09-2007, 11:38 AM
Having played now, on and off, since the late 80s, and having reffed hundreds of games at multiple fields, including Head Ref at a big game or two, age isnt the real problem
the people Ive had the most problems with have been the older new players who think they know everything
If I catch a guy taking his mask off on the field he gets 1 warning, then I tell them to leave the field, and dont come back until they figure out how to follow simple safety rules. Out of all the games Ive reffed Ive only had to throw 3 guys off the field, and all of them were over 35
Age isnt the big issue, people can suck no matter what age they are

12-09-2007, 12:29 PM
Ive been playing on and off since 86 my first gun was a devastator pump which was a modified nelspot 007 fun times back then ... I was 22 at the time. Dang Im getting old, off to take my Geritol :tard:

12-09-2007, 12:56 PM
I've been playing for 10 years, and I'm now 20 (my dad used to 'ball alot, so I'd go with him). First game I ever played I took 3 to the crotch. It sucked, but it was fun. After a few ice-packs and some rest, I played the rest of the day. I wore a cup for years after that.

First gun was a Spyder Compact. I loved that thing. Infact, I still have it. Got a Tru-Flight barrel, PMI expansion chamber, and a Sprint e-frame. It was a cool little gun.
Yeah, i've still got my spyder victor 2 i started out with, i just haven't had the heart to get rid of it, so it's my second back up (next to my 68 classic) or my loaner, though the safety ball bearing is now lost so it don't really have a safety...looking to fix that but it hasn't been played with in a while so it's all ok.

As for the age thing AirAssult, i know exactly what you're talking about, but i've seen more young kids do stupid things with markers just because they haven't had the experience, i've had to yell at a lot of them, but then again i've had to yell at a lot of adults too. Anyeay, that was just the set up for the thread, it's not actually what the thread is about because i didn't want to start a debate (mainly because i can't think of an age to start at for the reasons you've named).

12-09-2007, 06:06 PM
13 years ago, 35 now. The guys on the block got together and some guys wanted to play against us. we all had the urge to play so we all got the same setups. VM 68's basic stock packages with tank and hopper. mask too. I picked up two, for me and my brother. played for about 4 years, I even upgraded to the Minimag, then fell off the map. then speedball came, ohhhh mama!! I went to visit my brother in FL, 3 years ago and we played around. brought the Mag down with me. and he had an Angel speed. I been back at it ever since. every wednesday playing with the teams learning what I can. still got the mag, and I'm upgrading the mag little by little. I've had a G7 and now got a DM6 to rock out with. played some woodsball with my boss about a month ago, and it was nice to play again in the woods. I'll play until I can't play no more.


12-09-2007, 06:48 PM
13 years ago, 35 now. The guys on the block got together and some guys wanted to play against us. we all had the urge to play so we all got the same setups. VM 68's basic stock packages with tank and hopper. mask too. I picked up two, for me and my brother. played for about 4 years, I even upgraded to the Minimag, then fell off the map. then speedball came, ohhhh mama!! I went to visit my brother in FL, 3 years ago and we played around. brought the Mag down with me. and he had an Angel speed. I been back at it ever since. every wednesday playing with the teams learning what I can. still got the mag, and I'm upgrading the mag little by little. I've had a G7 and now got a DM6 to rock out with. played some woodsball with my boss about a month ago, and it was nice to play again in the woods. I'll play until I can't play no more.

You just gave me an idea, make a hiking stick paintgun for all of those that'll be like 70 and still on the field, so they basically have a cane but can still whoop the youngins.

12-09-2007, 11:27 PM
ahhh i am 32 now and i started when i was 18 so............14 years :wow: and i still dont care for speedball.

12-09-2007, 11:40 PM
ahhh i am 32 now and i started when i was 18 so............14 years :wow: and i still dont care for speedball.
Well when i was playing speedball i felt good because i bunkered a kid with an ion and some other guy at a nearby bunker at the same time (i had no HPA for my mag). But for the most part i don't care for speedball that much.

12-10-2007, 12:45 AM
It'll be 10 years next year. Started when I was 14 with a BE Talon! Got my *** handed to me repeatedly by my friend with his Spyder (or clone, who knows, I didn't know anything back then).

I got out of the sport cause I moved overseas, but I got back in around 2003-2004 when my cousins invited me out. And you know what? I used my Talon again. And won :dance:

I've been playing since, but wither much better gear :D

12-10-2007, 12:58 AM
I was 13, I had a spyder clone, yes is bought a gun before i played my first lol, black dragun actually,, Horn blew i ran 10 feet then was goged by 3 balls. was sooo funnie loved it.

12-10-2007, 01:13 AM
I was 13, I had a spyder clone, yes is boguht a gun before i played my first lol, black dragun actually,, Horn blew i ran 10 feet then was goged by 3 balls. was sooo funnie loved it.
I got my first marker with money i got for christmas, my spyder victor 2, and i shot at cans in my friend's dad's workshop like once, and then i didn't actually play until after my 15th birthday, october 15th, it was like the 23rd that the big game was, so basically i had the gun for about 9 or 10 months before i played.

12-10-2007, 01:26 AM
First game... ahh takes me back over a decade (wow it's been that long)... was a swat & convict type of scenario that they ran at the field I played back then (Orlando Paintball when it was a good spot, now... ew). Anyways, I was Swat. Had a tippmann prolite, purple rounds in the hopper, and not a clue what I was doing. I was so nervous I shot my own teamate :rolleyes:

Got into the groove more and more as the day went on, the indoor setup was a bit daunting at first.... but I found myself diggin the outdoor games alot. Got a few eliminations... picked off one guy from range :D Came home begging whicever of my 'rents that would listen to get me a gun, or marker rather as I'd learned that day, industry jargon... A powerfeed 68 Automag was under the tree a month later (my first time I went with some friends for my b-day, which is in Nov). Been in love with the sport ever since. Was without a gun for a good chunk of highschool when I sold my gun to fund a guitar and amp purchase (regretted doing that ever since). I'd give anything to have my first mag back, but I've since been able to pick up the gun of my dreams from back then, the original rt. Ahh the memories... great idea for a thread snoop.

12-10-2007, 01:34 AM
First game... ahh takes me back over a decade (wow it's been that long)... was a swat & convict type of scenario that they ran at the field I played back then (Orlando Paintball when it was a good spot, now... ew). Anyways, I was Swat. Had a tippmann prolite, purple rounds in the hopper, and not a clue what I was doing. I was so nervous I shot my own teamate :rolleyes:

Got into the groove more and more as the day went on, the indoor setup was a bit daunting at first.... but I found myself diggin the outdoor games alot. Got a few eliminations... picked off one guy from range :D Came home begging whicever of my 'rents that would listen to get me a gun, or marker rather as I'd learned that day, industry jargon... A powerfeed 68 Automag was under the tree a month later (my first time I went with some friends for my b-day, which is in Nov). Been in love with the sport ever since. Was without a gun for a good chunk of highschool when I sold my gun to fund a guitar and amp purchase (regretted doing that ever since). I'd give anything to have my first mag back, but I've since been able to pick up the gun of my dreams from back then, the original rt. Ahh the memories... great idea for a thread snoop.
Thanks, and yeah, i bought a guitar that i'm now regretting, as the band that was supposed to be never was, so i wasted about 300 bucks cause i never use it.

Anyway, my dream gun was just a 68 Automag, since that's what i grew up seeing at automagsam's house cause his dad has an old AIR valved mag, if i had known how good the RT was i would've picked up a classic one sooner, but i probably wouldn't have found one that i love as much as the one i have it's it near immaculate condition. Man, i really wish i had money to play now.

12-10-2007, 02:53 AM
Back in my day, we didn't even have paint! We used balls made of wood. And ..and we didn't have constant air, by golly we used goat stomachs that we inflated with a bicycle pump we borrowed from the field, only the really rich AGG kids had their own bicycle pump their Mommy bought for them.

And...and we played uphill in the snow, both ways!!

:rofl: :dance:

12-10-2007, 03:33 AM
im now 23, been playing 10 years. lost my virginity to a raptor in the back yard :ninja:

you gotta watch out...one second you think an species is extinct...and the next minute one of said species is raping you in your back yard...its a D*mn shame :argh:

The Action Figure
12-10-2007, 01:50 PM
Its amazing to think the first time I played was 8 yeas ago in a woodsball course hiding in the back of a old pickup truck in the back with a tippman pump. Then I think of the countless bunkering, fights, and bonus-balling and the speedball field. Amazing :rolleyes:

12-10-2007, 02:03 PM
the thread on bunkering on PBN in the paintball talk is why kids, without any common sense should not play paintball.

12-10-2007, 02:18 PM
I was...lets see...it was in 7th grade at the age of 12, and I'm a Freshman in college now at 19...so I've been playing for 7 years. First played with an ACI Maverick in my buddies back yard. Bought a Spyder E-99 after that, and my mom took my friend and I to a paintball field to play, him and I loved it so much, we decided to try to go a bit farther in the sport. I'm 19 now and my buddy is 17, a senior in HS. We are the captains of our team and play whenever we can, and whenever money allows.

12-10-2007, 03:39 PM
Ive been playing on and off since 86 my first gun was a devastator pump which was a modified nelspot 007 fun times back then ... I was 22 at the time. Dang Im getting old, off to take my Geritol :tard:
Wait up, I'll take some too. Some time around there I took a shot on the top my head while kneeling in a bunker and fiddling with a rental nel-spot. :mad:

There began the collection of personal equipment.

12-10-2007, 03:45 PM
Back in my day, we didn't even have paint! We used balls made of wood. And ..and we didn't have constant air, by golly we used goat stomachs that we inflated with a bicycle pump we borrowed from the field, only the really rich AGG kids had their own bicycle pump their Mommy bought for them.

And...and we played uphill in the snow, both ways!!

:rofl: :dance:
This post made my day, and i think i may just make it my signature on pbnation.

12-10-2007, 04:25 PM
Back in my day, we didn't even have paint! We used balls made of wood. And ..and we didn't have constant air, by golly we used goat stomachs that we inflated with a bicycle pump we borrowed from the field, only the really rich AGG kids had their own bicycle pump their Mommy bought for them.

And...and we played uphill in the snow, both ways!!

:rofl: :dance:

That's nuthin. We used old pig feet jars for head protection and wore the tops of sole-less combat boots for shoes. Our field was a mile long by a quarter of a mile wide. Uphill. Both ways.

Put that on your hoodie. :D