View Full Version : Best Mods for a Tac-One Mag

12-09-2007, 03:34 PM
I'm looking for some assistance in maximizing the effectiveness of my Tacone. This is what I have thus far:

Freak barrel Kit
Halo B loader (getting a Qloader also)
X Valve
Longbow Kit (using my tacone as a Q bow once everything comes in).

I mainly want to increase the effectivve range and accuracy. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking for an electronic trigger option, however AGD does not seem to be offering them currently.

12-09-2007, 03:51 PM
I'm looking for some assistance in maximizing the effectiveness of my Tacone. This is what I have thus far:

Freak barrel Kit
Halo B loader (getting a Qloader also)
X Valve
Longbow Kit (using my tacone as a Q bow once everything comes in).

I mainly want to increase the effectivve range and accuracy. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking for an electronic trigger option, however AGD does not seem to be offering them currently.
An electric trigger will not help range, in all actuality, nothing will improve your range short of upping the velocity. If you have two guns firing at the same velocity with the same barrel, no matter what set up they will go the same range, so there is no way to increase range, all markers have the same range.

As for accuracy, that depends on the barrel, and i find that a barrel with one ID down the length (no two step barrel) provides the best accuracy, so basically if you want to match paint to your bore size and have really good accuracy you would need 5 different barrels, not 5 different backs.

12-09-2007, 04:29 PM
I'm looking for some assistance in maximizing the effectiveness of my Tacone. This is what I have thus far:

Freak barrel Kit
Halo B loader (getting a Qloader also)
X Valve
Longbow Kit (using my tacone as a Q bow once everything comes in).

I mainly want to increase the effectivve range and accuracy. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking for an electronic trigger option, however AGD does not seem to be offering them currently.

increase range? nope. only thing to do is unsafely play by upping your velocity, which shouldn't be easy to do. /hates tippys with thumb adjusters

best mods for the tac-one are as follows, barrel, tank, paint.
barrel and paint go semi hand-and-hand. a good paint to barrel match helps a ton, as does having the paint being the same size.
and the tank, if the tank cannot handle you doing 10bps without shootdown your accuracy will be garbage. only mods you will need for the tac.

12-09-2007, 05:08 PM
The best thing you can do to improve your accuracy is to just use your marker. The more familiar you are with something the better you can be with it. Once you have things how you like it and are done changing things around, take the time to do some target practice. Learn how your marker fires and what it shoots like. That's when you will notice the biggest improvement in accuracy.

As for increasing range, that too comes down to how well you know your marker. Just "arc up" to shoot further - the more familiar you are with your setup the better you can gauge how much to arc.

12-09-2007, 06:37 PM
increase range? nope. only thing to do is unsafely play by upping your velocity, which shouldn't be easy to do. /hates tippys with thumb adjusters

best mods for the tac-one are as follows, barrel, tank, paint.
barrel and paint go semi hand-and-hand. a good paint to barrel match helps a ton, as does having the paint being the same size.
and the tank, if the tank cannot handle you doing 10bps without shootdown your accuracy will be garbage. only mods you will need for the tac.
Well matching paint only works if you have 5 different barrels, simple barrel backs won't work as when you use a smaller back then it will bounce around the second half of the barrel.

If the barrel is too big, the ball ricochets back and forth down the tube. We used to say it looked like Zebra stripes in there. Hence big barrels do NOT create an "air bearing". Barrels that are too small scrape most of the powder off and this creates excessive FRICTION. Tighter barrels that were too long were found to slow the balls down due to this friction. In other words, when you cut these barrels down, velocity went up. Remember the 8-10" acceleration distance, these barrels were 14" long and unported.

The best paint barrel match left two 1/8" wide streaks opposite each other down the barrel. The widest part of a paintball is usually the seam which is also called the equator. With a proper size match only the balls equator touches the barrel snugly on two points. The equator tends not to align itself so the entire seam touches the barrel hence you only get two points touching. So what is happening here that makes this so desirable? We all know paintballs vary in size, this means that there will be slightly more or less friction on the ball depending on how tightly it fits in the barrel. If you use too tight a bore that touches the ball all around, trying to squeeze a bigger ball in greatly increases the friction and changes your velocity. By having the barrel sized to only touch two points, bigger or smaller balls only increase the contact patch a small amount and this gives you better shot to shot CONSISTENCY. To large a bore solves the friction problem but you get back to the ricochet effect.

So this is the story behind proper paint/barrel match. Many of you have commented that the stock barrels seem to work about as good as custom barrels. This is because todays paint is so much more consistent than 10 years ago that the difference between barrels is much diminished. Even the biggest to the smallest barrels don't product that much difference in accuracy IF YOU ONLY COUNT THE SHOTS AT THE SAME VELOCITY. So there you have it, I should mention these studies were done in the early to mid nineties, we have not done any testing lately on two piece barrels etc.

12-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Well matching paint only works if you have 5 different barrels, simple barrel backs won't work as when you use a smaller back then it will bounce around the second half of the barrel.

Unless you have done the same testing with your barrel that Tom has done , what are you talking about ? If you stick with 1 barrel sometimes your accuracy will be fine sometimes it will suck , what happens when you have a .693 barrel & the field paint is a . 683
Also in Tom statment that you quoted " I should mention these studies were done in the early to mid nineties, we have not done any testing lately on two piece barrels etc. "
No two piece barrel testing ??

But really I THINK ( just my opinion ) barrel kits work , I've have 3 different types of barrel kits & I THINK all work well , I do prefer 1 over the other but that is just me
For more info check out MANN's tests http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=212077

12-09-2007, 09:04 PM
Unless you have done the same testing with your barrel that Tom has done , what are you talking about ? If you stick with 1 barrel sometimes your accuracy will be fine sometimes it will suck , what happens when you have a .693 barrel & the field paint is a . 683
Also in Tom statment that you quoted " I should mention these studies were done in the early to mid nineties, we have not done any testing lately on two piece barrels etc. "
No two piece barrel testing ??

But really I THINK ( just my opinion ) barrel kits work , I've have 3 different types of barrel kits & I THINK all work well , I do prefer 1 over the other but that is just me
For more info check out MANN's tests http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=212077
He wants to maximize his accuracy, so i said that to do that he would need 5 barrels, as, unless i'm remembering wrong, it has been shown that two step barrels tend to make the ball bounce around in the second half since it's larger so that any size of paint will fit through it, and although this isn't much and it doesn't effect accuracy that much, it still does. Now then i don't know what size barrel i have, it's whatever the stock mag barrel (the twist lock on) has, although it is equally accurate with all sizes of paint that i have used (and i mean being able to hit someone hiding behind two barrels with a gap of 2 or 3 inches at about 50 or more feet within 2 shots shot in quick succession) so in my experience as long as it's one barrel id down the length it's accurate, where as i've shot guns with two step barrels and they weren't quite as good, but again, this is my experience, you can feel free to dispute it.

12-09-2007, 10:26 PM
About the longbow:

Well i admit i don't know about the stock, i've just heard it's not the best for sighting down the gun. As for the barrel, it is longer and therefore inefficient, just like a short one is inefficient (like what i have). I'm not knocking it, i'm just saying it's overhyped because it doesn't increase your accuracy any as i have shot better with my short barrel than i have with some long ones.

All i'm saying is that the barrel makes the gun worse on gas (which is a fact) and that it doesn't increase accuracy as my 8 inch barrel is more accurate than some longer barrels, but that's not to say that the longbow has worse accuracy.

EDIT: I almost forgot, the longbow also doesn't increase your range, and if you're going to tell me that the longbow negates the laws of physics, then i believe our conversation will have to be over.

12-09-2007, 10:37 PM
now is tacone pronounced (tAk-on-A) ? or are you referring to the AGD Tac One?

12-09-2007, 10:57 PM
not worth it just the way the stone drops
What's not worth it? i simply said it doesn't make it a more accurate barrel because it's longer, it could still be an accurate barrel, it's just not more accurate than a shorter one.

As for your other claim, if you were shooting at 280 fps and they were shooting at 280 fps, you both would have the same range, no way around it, velocity=distance/time, so if you have the same velocity then that means you can both shoot the same distance, meaning that you have the same range, simple physics.

12-09-2007, 11:10 PM

first of all unless you have used either item ur thoughts on this are complete bs.... i busted 18 people yesterday in the head and was'nt legally hit all day not one death 9 hours of senario play yet they're balls couldn't reach me as to accuracy its a freak back you retard the barrel is one of the best on the market unless your to cheap and keep the all american back which is still a good barrel.... the longbow is a great gun if you switch to a single trigger frame and switch out the valve for a regular one with a lil dremmel work to the shroud you can get back around 270 in cash selling them off ... i have owned 4 longbows made one for a gf then we broke up what a shame llol that i kept the gun at my house but alas im making a 5th as we speak ....... btw im a ghost sniper and have played paintball since the spaltmasters ......

I am interested in more info about the long bow set up that you mentioned.

12-09-2007, 11:16 PM
I am interested in more info about the long bow set up that you mentioned.

Basically it's a stock, a magazine, and a really long barrel that's ported and isn't the best on gas, like my short barrel. If you want efficiency i would go with an 8-10 inch barrel with your gun. Other than that i don't have a problem with the longbow, but i wouldn't use it.

EDIT: REading up on it again, i just realized i do have a problem with it, they're full of crap, they said that the barrel isn't a huge part of the accuracy, but that's one of the most important factors that comes into accuracy. And as for the sighting thing, you can sight to the left or right of the vert feed tube and hit things just as effectively. The only thing it offers is a lower profile, but the q-loader is much better for that, and i find that using the tank as a stock is a much better stance to shoot from. But hey, it's your money, do what you want.

12-10-2007, 12:27 AM

Basically it's a stock, a magazine, and a really long barrel that's ported and isn't the best on gas, like my short barrel. If you want efficiency i would go with an 8-10 inch barrel with your gun. Other than that i don't have a problem with the longbow, but i wouldn't use it.

EDIT: REading up on it again, i just realized i do have a problem with it, they're full of crap, they said that the barrel isn't a huge part of the accuracy, but that's one of the most important factors that comes into accuracy. And as for the sighting thing, you can sight to the left or right of the vert feed tube and hit things just as effectively. The only thing it offers is a lower profile, but the q-loader is much better for that, and i find that using the tank as a stock is a much better stance to shoot from. But hey, it's your money, do what you want.

For woodsball, I prefer to lay prone and shoot from a covered position, much like a sniper. I would not use the longbow set up as an assult marker. For that I'd strip the longbow components off and keep it short and agile. :shooting:

12-10-2007, 12:49 AM
For woodsball, I prefer to lay prone and shoot from a covered position, much like a sniper. I would not use the longbow set up as an assult marker. For that I'd strip the longbow components off and keep it short and agile. :shooting:
The thing i'm saying is that you can do all that without that stuff, all you need is a q-loader, use your tank as a stock as it's a much better one, and a longer barrel will not help you get any distance or any more accurate than an equivalent short barrel. The only think you really need from that site is the stock, but i dont' think you could sight behind the marker as well.

12-10-2007, 05:10 AM
Criag , so welcome to AO , it is not allways like this , but sometimes when blanket statements are made folks react , the honest answer is do you like your set up ? does it work well for you ? accuracy in paint ball is not a perfect thing , we are after all shooting gelitin balls filled with a liquid
the coolest thing about Mags to me is this , you hardley ever see 2 that are the same , other than the part about the quality, dependability & adaptability

12-10-2007, 12:11 PM
For range there isn't much to do than up your velocity. But i've found that it shoots best around 280 fps. Sure you could up it close to 300, but it affects accuracy. If you cant get in touch with your favorite enemy @ 280 fps, get closer! As for barrels, you allready have a good barrel. Just match your paint to the right insert. As for accuracy, you really need to use the marker to get comfortable with it. Also a red dot sight might be an option, but this is not for everyone. I have a red dot on the left side of my tac, but it won't do me any good when i'm trying to longball. But for intermediate range its ok.. Just estimate the range to target and place your dot on or over the target. (if he is not shooting at you) If alligned right, and with good paint, it should be spot on. For close targets and firefights i tend to bend the marker over to the left so i can look along the right side of it.

Tip for adjusting your sight: Put the marker in a marker stand, and remove the valve. Aim the marker by looking trough the barrel at a target about 40 feet away. Adjust the scope so the dot will be over, not on the target you can see trough the barrel. This can involve some shimming to get the elevation right, atleast with my scope. If you have everything dialed in, fine tune at the field. So far i didnt have to adjust anything.

As for usage, if i'm not detected i'll try the scope first. If i'm detected the scope pretty much becomes useless because you will have a hard time aiming while somebody is shooting at you. I go for the classic look along the barrel technique because this is way faster, but less accurate.

But hey, its your tac. I like a scope on it, but it's not for everyone. If you try it, get a 1x (no magnification) scope. Welcome to AO. :D

12-10-2007, 03:54 PM
For range there isn't much to do than up your velocity. But i've found that it shoots best around 280 fps. Sure you could up it close to 300, but it affects accuracy. If you cant get in touch with your favorite enemy @ 280 fps, get closer! As for barrels, you allready have a good barrel. Just match your paint to the right insert. As for accuracy, you really need to use the marker to get comfortable with it. Also a red dot sight might be an option, but this is not for everyone. I have a red dot on the left side of my tac, but it won't do me any good when i'm trying to longball. But for intermediate range its ok.. Just estimate the range to target and place your dot on or over the target. (if he is not shooting at you) If alligned right, and with good paint, it should be spot on. For close targets and firefights i tend to bend the marker over to the left so i can look along the right side of it.

Tip for adjusting your sight: Put the marker in a marker stand, and remove the valve. Aim the marker by looking trough the barrel at a target about 40 feet away. Adjust the scope so the dot will be over, not on the target you can see trough the barrel. This can involve some shimming to get the elevation right, atleast with my scope. If you have everything dialed in, fine tune at the field. So far i didnt have to adjust anything.

As for usage, if i'm not detected i'll try the scope first. If i'm detected the scope pretty much becomes useless because you will have a hard time aiming while somebody is shooting at you. I go for the classic look along the barrel technique because this is way faster, but less accurate.

But hey, its your tac. I like a scope on it, but it's not for everyone. If you try it, get a 1x (no magnification) scope. Welcome to AO. :D
At first i thought you meant a laser sight, and i was about to say to put it on the right side, but then i read it again and saw it would do you no good.

Anyway, that's another thing you can do, and i've seen them in action and you can get accurate almost immediatly, although i don't like the idea of them. However, if you go this option just pit it on the right side of your gun with a pressure switch and look down the left side when you can't use the laser, although since the tac has the rail on the side i don't know how accurate this is, but my rt, normal mag, and spyder could all be shot with dead on accuracy if i looked down the left side, the vert feed never bothered me on my spyder and the other two have hopper left power feeds, so those are no problem for me.

12-10-2007, 04:41 PM
At first i thought you meant a laser sight, and i was about to say to put it on the right side, but then i read it again and saw it would do you no good.

Anyway, that's another thing you can do, and i've seen them in action and you can get accurate almost immediatly, although i don't like the idea of them. However, if you go this option just pit it on the right side of your gun with a pressure switch and look down the left side when you can't use the laser, although since the tac has the rail on the side i don't know how accurate this is, but my rt, normal mag, and spyder could all be shot with dead on accuracy if i looked down the left side, the vert feed never bothered me on my spyder and the other two have hopper left power feeds, so those are no problem for me.

Uhh... A red dot is basicly a scope that has a bright (red) dot in the scope that does not emit a beam or something like that. Instead of a crosshair, you have a dot to aim with. Maybe you could mount it on the right side, but mine is so big it's nearly impossible because of the air fittings.



See what i mean? :rolleyes: Yeah, its huge compared to other red dots. But it works with ring mounts that enable me to tweak it a little with shims. Smaller red dots are direct mount and this can be hard to adjust if mounted on a awkward angle, like on the tac.

Personally i'm not so fond about lasers.. Most are bright enough to damage your eyes. An other thing is you shoot at a curve, so a laser will do you no good. With a red dot you can set it for a specific range, and everything that is further away, you aim above the target.

12-10-2007, 06:56 PM
Uhh... A red dot is basicly a scope that has a bright (red) dot in the scope that does not emit a beam or something like that. Instead of a crosshair, you have a dot to aim with. Maybe you could mount it on the right side, but mine is so big it's nearly impossible because of the air fittings.



See what i mean? :rolleyes: Yeah, its huge compared to other red dots. But it works with ring mounts that enable me to tweak it a little with shims. Smaller red dots are direct mount and this can be hard to adjust if mounted on a awkward angle, like on the tac.

Personally i'm not so fond about lasers.. Most are bright enough to damage your eyes. An other thing is you shoot at a curve, so a laser will do you no good. With a red dot you can set it for a specific range, and everything that is further away, you aim above the target.
Note that if you read my post i said AT FIRST i thought you meant a laser, then i reread your post :p , the second half was just a possibility that the OP could do.

As for the red dot, i'm with you about the eye damaging thing, that's one thing i would worry about if i had one, and that's one reason why i don't use them, that and i feel it's cheating. As for shooting in a curve, i know this is true but they go fairly straight for a little while so it would work for close to mid range, where you can better direct where the laser goes and you have the pressure switch so that it only emits it then, so i figured if i would tell him he could do it at least tell him how to do it so that it's fairly safe.

EDIT: P.S. i already knew what a red dot scope was.

12-10-2007, 08:49 PM
Ok, in any physics basics course, one of the first things you learn is the equation v=d/t, or rather velocity = distance/time (or distance divided by time, if you will). Now then, chronographs measure the velocity of a paintball by measuring how far it travels in one second, so if you are shooting at 280 fps that means that each and every second that ball is in the air it will go 280 feet. However, we're not in space, and we have gravity acting on us (which if i remember right is about 32 feet/second^2 (^2 means squared)). Since gravity is acting on the ball, and the rate of acceleration due to gravity is the exact same on each and every ball (the differences in weight are negligible) that means that all balls will get pulled down at the same rate, and if fired parallel to the ground and at the same height, each ball will take the same amount of time to hit the ground (we get this from vYf=vYo+2aY, and then we plug this final vertical velocity that we get into vYf=vYo+at, and we can solve for t, which is t=(vYf-vYo)/a, or rather time equals final vertical velocity when the ball hits the ground minus zero since it started with no vertical velocity, all divided by the accelerations, which is gravity, which is 32ft/s, so you can see that if two balls of equal mass are fired from the same height they will take the same time to hit the ground). Since each ball takes the same time to hit the ground, and they both cover the same distance in the same amount of time, we can see that they go the same distance. If you don't believe me, the equation is x=Vxt, or x = the x velocity times the time, and the x velocity is the horizontal velocity, or rather what your gun is chronoed at, so if they have the same velocity they will cover the same distance in the same amount of time.

EDIT: I'm leaving just the part of the posts that are relevant to the thread, and i feel this is good information for other people.

12-10-2007, 09:20 PM
I'm looking for some assistance in maximizing the effectiveness of my Tacone. This is what I have thus far:

Freak barrel Kit
Halo B loader (getting a Qloader also)
X Valve
Longbow Kit (using my tacone as a Q bow once everything comes in).

I mainly want to increase the effectivve range and accuracy. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking for an electronic trigger option, however AGD does not seem to be offering them currently.

Quality of paintballs play a good part in accuracy, seams, dimples, and oblong shapes will break linearity in flight. Other than that, as you can see, its a debate.

The best paint to barrel match will increase efficiency of the marker allowing more shots per tank. Which you can get with your freak kit-- good setup to have.

I'd say stick with the freak barrel kit and experiment with different lengths if you wish. You already have the Q, the Halo and the longbow, try each one out-- see what you like. Then let us know.

If you want more information about the accuracy of a barrel, here is extensive data compiled by a member of this site that shows the variance in accuracy of different barrels and kits.

12-10-2007, 09:24 PM
Quality of paintballs play a good part in accuracy, seams, dimples, and oblong shapes will break linearity in flight. Other than that, as you can see, its a debate.

The best paint to barrel match will increase efficiency of the marker allowing more shots per tank. Which you can get with your freak kit-- good setup to have.

I'd say stick with the freak barrel kit and experiment with different lengths if you wish. You already have the Q, the Halo and the longbow, try each one out-- see what you like. Then let us know.

If you want more information about the accuracy of a barrel, here is extensive data compiled by a member of this site that shows the variance in accuracy of different barrels and kits.
Yeah, that's very true, i had to shoot with dimpled paint and despite having a barrel with one id down the length (still the best setup, but inserts won't change the accuracy much, both are accurate) and some of the paintballs would go about 10 to 20 feet then veer off, but it's the only paint the field had, and i got to play, so i didn't complain

12-10-2007, 09:39 PM
Is a one piece barrel more accurate than a multiple piece barrel?No. Many 2 piece barrels use a front that has a larger diameter than the back or insert. This means that when the ball transfers from the back/insert to the front there is no external forces that are being placed on the ball, and the front will not cause the ball to change from its original flight path.

Did you even read any of that information, Mr. high school physicist.
I was trying to actually help someone by providing them with data so they can form their own opinions, rather than trying to persuade them with speculations.

I'm not about to get into a peeing contest with you cause I already know I can peefurther. :p

12-10-2007, 10:13 PM
Did you even read any of that information, Mr. high school physicist.
I was trying to actually help someone by providing them with data so they can form their own opinions, rather than trying to persuade them with speculations.

I'm not about to get into a pissing contest with you cause I already know I can piss further. :p
Heh, funny, i wasn't trying to get into any kind of contest, let alone something so juvenile.

Anyway, what does what level of physics i'm experienced in have to do with anything? If you must know i'm taking a college level course right now, and passing it extremely well, but that has nothing to do with the thing i said about the barrel, what i said about physics had nothing to do with accuracy, so maybe you should read what i write before posting.

As for two piece barrels, i've heard from quite a few places that the reason why my barrel is accurate while being so short is because it has one id down the length of the barrel, and that two steps tend to make the ball jump around in the second half, but then again this is just what i have read/been told by quite a few people. I really couldn't care less what the answer is, both seem to be equally accurate so it's a moot point, i'll just continue using what works.

As for the range thing, the thing that my post did have to do with physics, if you want to try to dispute that then fine, but any junior kid at my school who is taking entry level physics will laugh at you.

EDIT: and even if that quote you posted was true (which more likely than not thinking back to things that i have experienced that were similar) then that means that, much like ported barrels, insert barrels wouldn't be very efficient, and i'm used to that with my barrel, so maybe that is what i should get, but the accuracy wasn't what i was disputing, it was that he was trying to say a longer barrel equals more range. As for me saying it was the best setup, it really is for efficiency, as my barrel has one id for longer than a two step i'm pretty sure, but it was mainly based off of what i was told, but thinking about it logically what i was told doesn't seem to make sense, unless the situation i'm thinking of is completely different.

12-10-2007, 10:58 PM
Anyway, to end this little argument and thread jack, craig, just keep the barrel that you have like was said earlier, use hpa, use good paint, and you will be good to go. Don't listen to this guy because no matter what length barrel you have for the most part, as long as you fire at 280 fps your ball will go as far as everyone else who shoots at that velocity.

12-11-2007, 04:20 AM
I Hate to edit or remove posts.
I Hate to remove or lock threads.
I Hate to BAN folks.

Just cause I hate it dont mean I wont do it.

I had to remove and edit here. I hate that.

This isnt ANY other Forum, its AO. If you cant post with some class and style and with out name calling Please go somewhere else or you will get a Ban. Go fix your post with the name calling in it. I know you didnt mean it. I should Ban somebody but I HATE that.

I'm looking for some assistance in maximizing the effectiveness of my Tacone. I mainly want to increase the effectivve range and accuracy. Does anyone have any suggestions?

The only thing that will increase effective range is more velocity. The only thing that will increase accuracy is consistency.

12-11-2007, 07:00 PM
Hey everyone, i'd like to apologize to everyone that read this thread during that whole argument and i would like to apologize to everyone for how juvenile my actions were, i shouldn't have handled that situation like that and looking back on my actions i feel like a real jerk.

12-11-2007, 07:43 PM
the easiest way is to remove your posts like me and leave the thread be that is the best way to make the error of both of our ways GO AWAY ;)

12-11-2007, 09:26 PM
I will appologize as well. :headbang:

12-13-2007, 11:15 AM
I Hate to edit or remove posts.
I Hate to remove or lock threads.
I Hate to BAN folks.

Just cause I hate it dont mean I wont do it.

I had to remove and edit here. I hate that.

This isnt ANY other Forum, its AO. If you cant post with some class and style and with out name calling Please go somewhere else or you will get a Ban. Go fix your post with the name calling in it. I know you didnt mean it. I should Ban somebody but I HATE that.

The only thing that will increase effective range is more velocity. The only thing that will increase accuracy is consistency.

well have you tried an apexbarrel? that gives you range without fiddling and raising fps. its not that accurate at long ranges depends alot on the paint and if its windy.
But with good paint i like blaze i have got hopper hits at about 50meters and hit peoples at almost 80meters.

12-13-2007, 04:21 PM
well have you tried an apexbarrel? that gives you range without fiddling and raising fps. its not that accurate at long ranges depends alot on the paint and if its windy.
But with good paint i like blaze i have got hopper hits at about 50meters and hit peoples at almost 80meters.
He was talking about equal conditions, yes, the Apex can increase range, but that's by putting another force on the ball, he was talking just taking two like barrels of different lengths with the same velocity, and the only difference will be the few inches difference in the length of the barrel, or other things like this. Basically you can't increase your range with this kind of setup short of increasing velocity.

12-14-2007, 03:01 AM
yep thats true :cheers: