View Full Version : need design help and information

12-09-2007, 04:22 PM
Yeah, i'm trying to design a gun, and i have the design all drawn out and it should work in theory (it'll be a while before i can find a lathe and mill precise enough to do this, the ones at my school are horrid) however i am using a few cocker parts (i.e. the trigger frame and the three-way) and i was wondering if someone with a cocker could post pictures of just the front end of the gun from as many angles as you think are necessary (so i can see how it's attached, etc.), and if you are up to it giving me some measurements so i can get this all down to scale at least on paper (i am planning on using the swing trigger, but i'm pretty sure the frame is the same size as a mag frame, not sure).

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this, i know how cockers work, i've just never examined one up close really so i don't know how they're held together completely and this would really help me out with my design. Thanks again.