View Full Version : Gun+88/4500 pic?

12-13-2007, 09:55 PM
I am trying to find pics of a automag with a 88ci setup. I trying searching the forum and the web with no luck. I am planning on running a remote setup, but would like to see what it would look like off the marker as well. Any pics would be appreciated.

Small Block
12-13-2007, 10:04 PM
Here's my tac one with an 88 4500 don't know if that helps you or not.


12-13-2007, 10:37 PM
Save yourself and go with the remote line!!!!!!!!

12-13-2007, 10:46 PM
Here's an older longer 88...


12-13-2007, 10:59 PM
You could fit an entire mag inside one of those things!

12-13-2007, 11:17 PM
You could fit an entire mag inside one of those things!

you could run an LX mag for a full day off of one of those things ;)

12-13-2007, 11:27 PM
you could run an LX mag for a full day off of one of those things ;)
You could make a mag 5 times bigger proportionally to use in a cannon and still run it all day off one of those things.

12-14-2007, 02:12 AM
heres mine!


12-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Thanks everybody! Just what I wanted to see. As far as "running it all day off one of those things," thats what I have in mind :D . Here is another question for the ones that use a 88ci. How do you like it without remote? I am use to playing with a Tippmann A5 with 20oz tank off the back so I don't think I will have a problem if I chose no remote. What do you think?

Small Block....what kind of drop forward is that? Thanks

Small Block
12-14-2007, 10:28 AM
I'm happy I went from running remote to air on gun. Make sit much easier to switch hands and I don't feel tied to anything now.

The drop and asa are New Designz.

12-14-2007, 01:31 PM
This is my setup:

Tac-one with a 88/45 Crossfire with a NDZ short drop and a NDZ rail mount ASA:


Sorry the picture is dark.

I used to run with a remote, but I switched to running tank-on and I like it better. I don't feel like I'm tied to my gun in the same way I did with the remote, it feels closer and tighter to my body and it's easier to put down in between games (little things make a big difference for everybody.) I run tank-on as well because I have the Warp Feed, which hangs down below the gun and with the tank down there the gun feels a little more balanced to me.

If you do decide to run tank-on (and this is advice if you want to run your air through the gas-thru foregrip) look for a short drop. You really do not need that much to make the gun feel closer and tighter and the distance between the bottom of the trigger and the foregrip is pretty small.

- FT

12-14-2007, 02:11 PM
to add to what faulty tower had said.

when the tank is down there, it acts just like a stock would. you can shoulder it and get it nice and snug anywhere around or on your shoulder.

as for drops... it depends what kind of 88ci tank you get. there is the long version or the stubby version. the long oldtyle version is small and thin like a small 45/45 but very long. on the other hand the stubby version is shorter but fatter. about the length of your average 68/45 tank but alot fatter. get the stubby if you can ;)

before you go and buy a drop, just know that there are LOTS of different sizes and shapes and companies out there. i would highly recommend that you fiddle with your gun a little bit, get some help from a friend. and pretend to shoulder the gun with the tank. will be a little difficult, but it could very well save you money on which drop you buy since you will have a better idea about how much forward you want to bring the tank with the drop.

12-14-2007, 06:26 PM
with the trigger frame i have and my brothers mag

my brothers mag: the tank is out more. then he got a long drop forward and it balanced the marker out pretty well.

my karta: feels like i have reg 68/45 on it acting as a stock.

12-14-2007, 06:49 PM

The Action Figure
12-15-2007, 01:37 AM
dude youll be fine no remote i used to run a 114/4500 on a bushmaster



12-15-2007, 01:47 AM
dude youll be fine no remote i used to run a 114/4500 on a bushmaster


When your tank weighs more than your gun, you might be a...

Honestly i don't think i could run that, it would bug me to no end.

12-15-2007, 01:33 PM
He is a pic of my X-MAG with a warp and 88/4500 on it. "Outlaw5"

12-15-2007, 03:15 PM
88/45? Bahhhh I have a 114/45 I run off my emags, and for a backplayer, they DON'T last all day, 3 games, maybe 4, but those are speedball games, in a woods game I can see gettin a lot more play.

114 x 15= 1710 shots off a tank, aprox 12 pods,

I tried carrying 11 pods and a full hopper once with my emag, and 114/ 45 tank, I didn't have to pod up or air up for atleast 4 or 5 games, plus I didn't have xmod so I played semi all day, with xmod I ramp off and on, depends on the day and the players

12-15-2007, 04:04 PM
Man I couldnt imagine taking more than 4 pods into a game, I just feel so weighted down with so much paint. Taking a case seems to me unbeleivable. Ive heard of taking 3000 rounds on the field but my god what the hell for? Accuracy by volume is 1 thing.. but a case?

Plus im poh', i gotta make every shot count :)

12-15-2007, 04:18 PM
Man I couldnt imagine taking more than 4 pods into a game, I just feel so weighted down with so much paint. Taking a case seems to me unbeleivable. Ive heard of taking 3000 rounds on the field but my god what the hell for? Accuracy by volume is 1 thing.. but a case?

Plus im poh', i gotta make every shot count :)

12-15-2007, 05:15 PM
Those 11 pods were heavy as hell, my pack kept frigging falling down....usually I carry 4 pods, or if I'm an idiot and forget my pack, I have 1 in each back pocket, or if I'm feeling lucky ill rock a pocket hopper and a pump

12-15-2007, 07:20 PM
I couldn't imagine taking more than a hopper, or in the case of after this christmas (hopefully) more than one q-pod. I mean even in speedball i've never needed more than a hopper, there have been a few instances i was glad i decided to take a pod at the last second, but still...

12-15-2007, 09:50 PM
For big games I rock an 88/4500 on my X-Mag. I usually fill with 1000psi after a halo and 5 pods. With the right drop, I'd stay away from the remote. I hate the limitations that the line has when it snags on stuff or when you're shooting off hand. I had a 4 foot braided steel line at one point and didn't even like that...

It's all personal preference, but I would never go back to the remote.

12-16-2007, 09:12 AM
JNbradl, I forgot to tell you the effeciency I get with my tank. I wear a tactical tailor assault vest i used in Afghanistan to play with now and I will hold 960 rounds of paint in both 140 round and 100 round pods. The X-MAG will hold another 200 rounds with warp feed. I can shoot every round on that rig with 4500 psi in my tank and probably still have enough to shoot another pod. Although it has a bit of weight to it, I find that I would rather have the air than walk out because of none....

A pict of my and my rig. My $.02 "Outlaw5"


12-16-2007, 11:17 AM
Thanks again for all the pics! I believe that all of you have just persuaded me to run it off the marker instead of remote. P.S. I like seeing all of the different setups.