View Full Version : I was looking through some old paintball pictures

12-14-2007, 04:31 PM
like the title says, I was looking through some old paintball pictures. and came across one of me taken by skirmish from world cup 2001. Emag in hand, and I thought back to that setup.
68/4500 armagedon
12 volt pre brass eagle non transparent blue revy
and I thought to myself, that was the best marker I have ever owned, and what is it doing now?
it is apart in my part box,

how did I let it come to this?
well, in 2003 I started working heavily with AKA when I was with DC and my vike became my primary marker. then my daughter was born. I left DC and paintball took a back seat.
later I was offered to run a paintball store and took the offer

one day some one came in looking for parts to put their mag back together, we didn't have what he needed so like a fool I parted the best gun I have ever shot.

my plan, put it back to its former glory, just like I had her for the 2001 nppl season
and shoot her at practice next week.
I owe her more respect then to be forgotten in my basement.

12-14-2007, 09:26 PM
Dang, I'm impressed. You parted your own marker for a customer? That's crazy.

Good luck getting her back together!

12-14-2007, 09:46 PM
Like a true Mag shooter! Loyal and helpful to fellow mag shooter!

My hat off to you magmonkey! :hail: I sincerely hope that the player you helped continues to shoots his mag.

And I hope you give that gun back its former glory and get it back on field! :shooting:

12-14-2007, 10:12 PM
I say you scan and post some of those old pics.

12-14-2007, 10:52 PM
post em up, and i cnat wait to see them