View Full Version : compressed air/nitro ?s

barrel squeegy
12-16-2007, 03:59 PM
ive played paintball for a few years and am thinking of switching over to compressed air/nitrgen and am wondering what the difference is between 3000psi 4500psi and what type i should use on my guns i have that ive been using co2 on. also i dont live near any places where i could get compressed air/nitrogen tanks filled so advice on what i need for filling my own tanks would be appreciated. thank you much =)

12-16-2007, 04:20 PM
On any tank, there are two numbers to consider: the cubic inches, and the maximum pressure. A 68/4500 tank, for instance, has 68 cubic inches, and it can hold 4500psi of pressure.

Now, most mags (I'm assuming you're running a mag) will stop shooting once your tank psi reaches about 900 or so. Therefore, a 68/3000 tank will run out of pressure about 200 shots before a 68/4500 tank will. For some people, this really doesn't matter because refilling is easy. If I played only at my local field, I would own a 45/3000 tank because they're small and (relatively) cheaper. However, I play mostly woodsball (where I can't refill), so I use a 68/4500 and get about 800 shots out of it.... which almost almost lasts me the entire day.

As for filling your own tanks..... that's tough. You have two options:

1. You can buy a huge scuba tank and a fill station. Whenever this huge tank runs out, you make a road trip to get it refilled.

2. You buy an air compressor that can push out 3000-4500 psi. (And no... they aren't cheap.)

Before you do that, though, flip through your yellow pages and start calling up any businesses that might possibly use compressed air. You'd be surprised what you can find. When I lived at Penn State, there was a local fire department that refilled CO2 and compressed air (why? I don't know, but it was cheap), and they advertised in the phone book.

12-16-2007, 05:01 PM
When I lived at Penn State, there was a local fire department that refilled CO2 and compressed air (why? I don't know, but it was cheap), and they advertised in the phone book.

Some Class B and C extinguishers are full of CO2 and they could fill ones that are used back up. And when firefighters go into a building that has a lot of smoke they use scuba tanks so they can breathe. Thats why firestations are good places to look for air fills.

barrel squeegy
12-16-2007, 09:52 PM
well i dont have a mag yet but right now i have an mr1 and an a5 can these use 45's or 3000's and the local scuba store around here only sells 3000 psi tanks can i use that to fill a 4500 and just not get a complete fill

12-16-2007, 10:19 PM
well i dont have a mag yet but right now i have an mr1 and an a5 can these use 45's or 3000's and the local scuba store around here only sells 3000 psi tanks can i use that to fill a 4500 and just not get a complete fill

mos scuba anks are only 3000psi and yes u can fill a 45 to only 3k. i do it all the time.

barrel squeegy
12-17-2007, 12:34 AM
what would you guys recommend for a first tank to get, brand and other info would be good. i was also wondering what you needed on a tank to change its output pressure or if they come standard or what (probably a stupid question) thanks

mr doo doo
12-17-2007, 12:39 AM
the usual beginners nitro tank is either the 48ci/3000 or 72ci/3000 tank by Pure Energy. It's made by aluminum, so it isnt as heavy as steel, and for some reason, i like my 48 a lot :D (im a cheap poop). standard 850 psi output.

^^ but it isnt adjustable. i dont know much about adjustable tanks except that they adjust the output pressure, so i'm going to leave someone else to answer that part./

12-17-2007, 02:35 AM
the usual beginners nitro tank is either the 48ci/3000 or 72ci/3000 tank by Pure Energy. It's made by aluminum, so it isnt as heavy as steel, and for some reason, i like my 48 a lot :D (im a cheap poop). standard 850 psi output.

^^ but it isnt adjustable. i dont know much about adjustable tanks except that they adjust the output pressure, so i'm going to leave someone else to answer that part./

i run a crossfire carbon fiber 68ci/4500psi. i love it and haven't had any trouble on my mag. 850 psi is perfect for the mag as long as u don't use RT.

12-17-2007, 02:53 PM
what would you guys recommend for a first tank to get, brand and other info would be good.

You might hear a bunch of people say that MacDev and Crossfire tanks are the only way to go... but most of those people are shooting high-end mags that can fire 20+bps. (You do need a high end tank for a high end mag, but that doesn't sound like what you need.) If you're just playing with a classic mag, then pretty much any air tank will work fine because you're not pushing the limits of what a paintball gun can do. Fiber-wrapped tanks are lighter than aluminum tanks, but they're also more expensive.... so, you just need to do some research.

I would jump on eBay and just start looking around. Start in the N2 tank section (http://sporting-goods.listings.ebay.com/Air-Systems-Accessories_N2-Tanks-Accessories_W0QQdfspZ2QQfromZR4QQsacatZ36287QQsocm dZListingItemList). Personally, I would advise staying away from PMI and Pure Energy tanks (I've never owned one, but I've heard lots of bad stories). Look for Crossfire, Worr Gas, Nitro-Duck,etc.

i was also wondering what you needed on a tank to change its output pressure or if they come standard or what (probably a stupid question) thanks

For a mag, you need a high pressure tank. Most HPA tanks have a preset output... either high pressure (around 800 psi) or low pressure (around 400? I'm not sure). Then, there are the fancy adjustable tanks. If it doesn't say, then you're getting a preset tank. Adjustable tanks always advertise.

barrel squeegy
12-17-2007, 05:24 PM
should i use high pressure or low pressure air on a couple of spyders an mr1 and an a5 that i have i know with mags you should use high pressure but does it matter with these guns? thanks

12-17-2007, 05:33 PM
should i use high pressure or low pressure air on a couple of spyders an mr1 and an a5 that i have i know with mags you should use high pressure but does it matter with these guns? thanks

I'm pretty sure those are also high pressure guns.

I think someone already said this, but you can always use a high pressure tank with a low-pressure gun (because the LP gun will come equipped with a regulator to lower the psi). You can't do it the other way around, though. So HP is always the way to go unless you only own a LP gun.

barrel squeegy
12-17-2007, 05:51 PM
oh ok thanks