View Full Version : forum suggestion

01-14-2002, 02:26 PM
suggestion for mods, with all the post whoring going on, i think there is another solution then the message Rob just stickyed up in main... I think if the post counter was removed there would be not reason for people to worry about how many posts they have and it would not become such a contest....

just an idea

01-14-2002, 02:29 PM
i post cuz its fun..

01-14-2002, 02:35 PM
u may post because its fun, i post because i get the information i want and i like to help others with their problems... but here im talking about the post counter... the question is i guess does it really matter who has the most posts??? :confused:

01-14-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
i post cuz its fun..

I would like to note that this is exactly the reason that this "rule" was put into place. This does not add a single thing to this post. This would be appropriate if nutz had asked "Why do you post?" I personally could care less wether the post count was turned off or not. If it stops these type of posts that happen for no real reason at all then I am all for it. Unfortunately I do not think that this is the case. I think that these types of "posts for the sake of posting" will not go away and will only increase as more members sign up for this board. I hate it, but it may be something we have to get used to. Either that or start keeping track and issuing warnings and/or punishments.

01-14-2002, 02:36 PM
i would like to say i dont post like this in the main forum...only here where i see it appropriate. I usually dont post in main unless i can help someone